After hearing Xiao Bai's words, Fairweis didn't show any disappointment on her face. She just looked at Xiao Bai with eyes full of joy:"It doesn't matter, as long as I can recover. It doesn't matter even if it's just for one day. Even if I am now It doesn't matter if you die"

"That's not okay, I don't want you to die like this."

Gently groping Fairweis's cheek with his fingers, Xiao Bai said to Fairweis.

After hearing Xiao Bai's words, Fairweis's face showed an excited look, and then she looked at Xiao Bai with eyes like It was like melting Xiao Bai:"Now I can give myself to you."

After Phil Weiss finished speaking, she took the initiative to put her arms around Xiao Bai's neck and kissed him. Xiao Bai naturally would not refuse. He hugged Phil Weiss and started to chew on her. Phil Weiss was extremely proactive, It was as if he wanted to dedicate everything he had to Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai was very satisfied with this. This proactive goblin was quite good. Xiao Bai enjoyed it under Phil Weiss' active and warm hospitality. It was an imperial experience.

How should I put it, Xiao Bai had a great time, and Phil Weiss completely vented the pressure in her heart. Both of them got what they needed.

Waiting for the second day, Phil Weiss got the gift from Xiao Bai. Leaving the room, she happened to bump into Alfia. Alfia looked at Fairways with the same sneer.

"The screams were really loud last night!"

Alfia looked at Philweis and taunted her, but Philweis was expressionless and didn't care about Alfia's taunts.

To Philweis, a few taunts in this area meant nothing. , I can endure the appearance of myself before, let alone now that I have recovered.

Phil Weis will never regret giving her most beautiful self to Xiao Bai, it was Xiao Bai who allowed her to recover Now that she is in her current state, it was Xiao Bai who made herself beautiful again

"whispering sound!"

Seeing that Phil Weiss didn't care about her ridicule at all, Alfea felt a senseless anger in his heart, which was really unpleasant.

And that bastard Xiao Bai, compared to Phil Weiss Is this a goblin bad?

Why should I choose Fairways instead of myself? What a dog man! This dog man is blind. He is definitely blind to choose Fairways instead of himself.

Take a deep breath. With a breath, Alfia suppressed the anger rising in her heart, and Alfia glanced coldly at Philweis in front of her.

Philweis ignored Alfia and left with a smile on her face, but when she saw Feiweisi The smile on Erweisi's face made Alfia more uncomfortable than killing Alfia.

"Damn Xiao Bai!

Alfia cursed fiercely and then turned and left.

On the other side,

Liuliang, the hostess of Fengfu, looked distracted. She had made several mistakes. As the store manager, Mia looked at Liuliang and said,"It happened." whats the matter?"

What on earth happened to make Liuliang so distraught? Liuliang had never made such a mistake before.

"Sorry, some little things happened!"

"If this was a small matter, you wouldn't be so distracted. Tell us what it is and we can help you solve it together."

Xier walked to Liuliang's side, took Liuliang's hand and said, looking at Xier, Liuliang shook his head but did not say anything. Then Liuliang said to the store manager Mia:"I am the store manager. Can I take some time off?"

"Okay, I allow it, but don’t delay it too long. If you are wronged outside, come back directly."

Liu Liang was silent and then nodded:"I understand, thank you."

After saying that, Liu Li'ang left the hostess Feng Rao, while Xi'er on the other side just looked at Liu Li Ang leaving and couldn't help but frowned.

Then he quickly walked to the alley of the back door of the hostess Feng Rao. :"Alan!"

As Xi'er called, a cat man appeared in front of Xi'er. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Please order me!"

"Follow Liu Liang to find out what happened"


Soon the cat man Allen left and disappeared. At the same time, Liuliang, who asked for leave on the other side, began to search.

Liuliang wanted to find the person who defeated him that day, but Liuliang was so big as Orario. I don't know where to look, so I can only wander around Orario aimlessly, hoping to be lucky enough to meet each other again.

But it is obvious that Alfia, who lives in seclusion, is impossible to meet Liuli'ang. Alfia.

After searching for a long time but unable to find Alfia, Liuliang changed another method, which was to go to guilds and some underground places to find out whether the other party was also a member of the Dark Familia.

After all, the other party looked like he was belittling himself and The Astralia Familia, what I think about is the hatred towards myself and the Astralia Familia. After thinking about it, only the Dark Familia has hatred against the Astralia Familia.

So if there is no accident, that one The cloaked people should be the remnants of the Dark Familia. After understanding this, Liuliang immediately began to look for the remnants of the Darkness Familia. Then Liuliang unexpectedly found out about the man-made maze and the existence of the artificial maze by coincidence. Things about the remnants of the Dark Familia clan

"Are people in a maze? I will definitely dig out all the Dark Familia like you."(The fire of revenge in Li Dezhao

's heart burned again. Liu Li'ang hated those dark families deeply, and he had already made up his mind to kill all those dark families.

Not to mention that the previous Dark Familia also slandered her fellow Familia and the glory of the Familia.

"I will definitely find you and make you regret saying those words."

Alfiya, who didn't know that she had been targeted by Liu Li'ang, was following Xiao Bai to the guild with an impatient look on her face.

"Remember not to reveal your identity, otherwise it will be very troublesome, and it will also affect your sister who resurrected you, Yu, you understand."

Alfia's face was expressionless. All the shrines were covered by cloaks.

But through understanding Alfia, Xiao Bai knew very well that Alfia must be swearing in her heart now.

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