Although Xiao Bai noticed that Alfiya was cursing people in his heart and the scolding was unpleasant, Xiao Bai didn't care.

Even Alfia's insults were nothing more than childish matters to Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai didn't speak when he arrived at the guild headquarters, while Fels looked at Alfia:"This time the man-made maze and the Dark Familia matters will trouble you."

Alfia did not answer, Firth Si didn't care about this either.

Next to him, Finn and Shakti Farma looked at the cloaked man with great curiosity.

Who is this person? How could Fels treat him like this? He knew that there were Loki Familia and Ganesha Familia, but the other party was still polite to this cloaked man.

It seemed that the cloaked man was more powerful than the Loki Familia and Ganesha Familia, which made the Loki Familia and Ganesha Familia not curious.

Finn frowned as he looked at the cloaked man in front of him. He felt that he seemed a little familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him before.

Shakti Farma looked at Alfia in front of him and said:"As for cooperation and the like, I think we should discuss a plan first and then implement it according to the plan."

"There is no need to go to all the trouble and just rush in at 190 degrees to wipe out all those Dark Familia. As long as you guard the exit of Orario Dungeon, the rest is just a matter of course!"

"Isn't this a bit too risky?"

The plan obviously has some troubles with this proposal. After all, this proposal is equivalent to directly asking them to go up with submachine guns and act as a death squad in a burst. As far as possible, Finn does not want to appear. any victim

"Then you are free to do whatever you want. As for me, just be a firefighter and move wherever you need."

Finn and Shakti Farma then discussed the plan.

However, they finally came to the conclusion that they could only attack by force because they didn't know when the Dark Familia would enter the dungeon or leave through what exit. Orario, so he could only attack forcefully.

As a result, a group of people looked at Xiao Bai, did the other party have foresight and knew that this would be the case in advance?

"Then you guys work hard and I (adde) will go back first."

Xiao Bai did not intend to waste time on these individuals and chose to turn around and leave directly.

They conquered their man-made maze and conquered their own girls by themselves.

The girls from the Loki Familia obviously had no choice but Xiao Bai could Looking for Liuliang.

But what Xiao Bai didn't expect was that when he came to the hostess of Fengrao and wanted to find Liuliang, Liuliang was not at the hostess of Fengrao at all.

"You asked for leave, or did you say?"

Recalling the way Liuliang was hit by Alfia before, Xiao Bai couldn't help but feel a trace of sympathy in his heart. This unlucky child, but don't run away. If he runs away, where will he go? Looking for?

Xiao Bai then asked the store clerk in Fengfeo's hostess shop and got the result that Liu Li'ang had something to do and asked for leave.

After getting this result, Xiao Bai breathed a sigh of relief. It's okay to ask for leave. If he asks for leave, he will definitely continue. Come back to work.

As long as Liuliang comes back, Xiao Bai won't worry about Liuliang running away.

If Liuliang resigns, where will Xiao Bai go to find Liuliang after leaving Orario?

"Speaking of guests, do you have anything to do with Lyu?"

"No, I just heard that there is such a beautiful fairy maid. If the other party leaves, it will not be a pity in the future. What I like most are these cute and beautiful girls."

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he immediately found that each of these clerks looked at him with disgusting expressions. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"You must be determined to do this, there is absolutely no way Lyu will fall in love with a man like you."

Xiao Bai looked at the girls in front of him and knew that he had been misunderstood again, but whatever the misunderstanding was, it didn't matter. Xiao Bai didn't care.

Finally, Xiao Bai looked at the clerks among the rich hostesses in front of him. None of the shop assistants are simple things. They are all other LV4 adventurers. Wouldn’t it be great if I could poach them?

But Xiao Bai also knows how difficult this is.

But It doesn't seem impossible. Xiao Bai remembers that one of them, Lunova Fast, is named in the Demeter Family. It seems possible that he can get the other party to join his family by oppressing the Demeter Family.

What are you saying is too despicable?

I'm sorry, Xiao Bai is not an aboveboard person. As long as it can be useful and effective, Xiao Bai doesn't mind doing more despicable things.

"Please don't cause any trouble to our Lyu. I think the trouble he has encountered recently is not caused by you, right?"

Xier looked at Xiao Bai and asked. Xiao Bai just spread his hands and looked like I didn't know anything. However,

However, Xi'er has seen through Xiao Bai a long time ago. She has a strong premonition that what Liuli Ang is encountering now is definitely related to Xiao Bai. As the trumpet of the goddess Freya, Xi'er has a very strong premonition. , this premonition has something to do with Xiao Bai. The reason why Liuliang became what he is today is because of this strange god in front of him.

However, this strange god made Xi'er feel dangerous, so Xi'er did not act rashly.

"What a troublesome god."

He sighed in his heart, but did not take any action.

If you know yourself and the other party, you can win every battle. Xiao Bai noticed that Xi'er had been staring at him and smiled back at him, but there was something in this smile. Some provocation.

Xi'er secretly doubted whether Xiao Bai had seen through her true identity.

Although she was doubtful in her heart, her face was indeed calm.

In any case, she would not take the initiative to expose herself before it was exposed. Even if you are exposed, you have to find a way to cover it up...

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