Lunova joined Xiao Bai's family, but then encountered another problem, that is, the rich hostess Mia did not intend to let her go.

"Lunova still owes the store a sum of money. Unless you can move Lunova to pay back the money, otherwise you can't even think of taking Lunova away!"

Mia looked at Xiao Bai in front of her and said plainly.

Her eyes were full of doubt.

Xiao Bai smiled casually and then looked at Mia, the store manager in front of her:"You are determined to be with me. I can't make it, can I?"

"Pay back the money or keep the person!"

"Do you think Freya can protect you, so you dare to say this?"

Mia's store manager ignored Xiao Bai. Even though he was a little surprised that Xiao Bai actually knew that he was a member of Freya's family, he was more determined.

"Or is this Freya's decision?"

Xiao Bai looked at Xi'er aside. Xi'er, who noticed Xiao Bai's gaze, immediately understood that Xiao Bai might have seen through his identity. Although he didn't know how Xiao Bai saw through his identity, but none of this matters

"In that case, let’s play the war game. I think the Freya Familia won’t be afraid!"

"So that's it."

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, Lunova turned around and walked away. She was really shocked that Xiao Bai dared to start a war with the Freya family. The largest group of Xiao Bai's family members was a group of LV2. With this look, where did Xiao Bai come from? Courage actually wants to start a war with Freya Familia?

"Are you really planning to start a war with the Freya Familia?"

Lunova looked at Xiao Bai and asked on the way back.

Xiao Bai nodded affirmatively:"It is true that he plans to start a war with Freya's family. I have seen that Freya is unhappy, so I have to take this opportunity to punish her. Teach Freya a lesson."

Lunova's eyelids twitched slightly when she heard Xiao Bai's words.

Is Xiao Bai really not worried at all?

With the strength of Xiao Bai's family, how dare he confront Freya's family?

"How should I put it? Freya Familia is not something you can touch. I advise you to give up~"

"Are you kidding me? How could I go to war with the Freya Familia if I wasn't sure? Besides, it's not a big deal for the Freya Familia."

Lunova felt bad when she heard what Xiao Bai said. Where did Xiao Bai get the courage to say such a thing?

"Let's go, it's time for us to go back and prepare for the war against the Freya Familia!"

"Are you kidding me?"

"If you don't believe it, just wait and see. Freya's family is just a mountain without tigers. The monkey is the king. When the real tiger comes back, this monkey can only be a monkey."

Obviously Lunova couldn't understand a trace of Xiao Bai's words, but she did understand the general meaning, which was that Xiao Bai didn't take Freya's family into consideration at all.

"I asked you, are you a little overconfident in your appearance?"

Although Lunova said this, she also understood that at this time, it would be better for her to shut up.

Xiao Bai, who returned to the family, told them about his battle with the Freya family. However, After listening, Tu Shan Rongrong directly expressed Xiao Bai’s thoughts to Xiao Bai.

"Are you planning to resurrect those members of the Hera Familia and Zeus Familia?"

"That's right, I plan to resurrect Chardor at LV7. If I can resurrect him, then everything will be no problem. It's just a Freya Familia."

"Not to mention that I still have an Alfia. When the time comes, I will have an Alfia on my left and a Chaldo on my right. The Freya Familia will be killed as often as they want."

After hearing what Xiao Bai said, Tushan Rongrong raised the most critical question:"Is the power of faith enough?"

"If you only resurrect for a day or two, there is no problem with the power of faith, but it does not mean that you have to be resurrected all the time."

After hearing this sentence, everyone fell silent.

"You really should be hung under the street lamp. This sentence is really not wrong at all!"

Xiao Bai's behavior really makes people speechless.

Is this something a person can say after being resurrected for one day?

Emotionally, you resurrect the other person just to let the other person come out to fight a battle. After the fight, let the other person Continue to die?

Even if you die, you won’t be able to live in peace?

"Listening to what you said, I gave him a chance to see the world again and they should thank me..!"

"Please be a human being!"

Looking at the speechless expressions of Xiao Bai and the group of people in front of them,

"`~But after all, I am not a capitalist and I will definitely not be like this, so I plan to let the other party live a few more days."

Xiao Bai snapped his fingers, and the next moment a light appeared and the other party gradually formed a person.

"Welcome back to this world! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Looking at Xiao Bai in front of him, Chardo was a little puzzled:"What is going on? I remember that I should be dead!""

"In short, I resurrected you, and you need to fight again with the pigman Otta from Freya's family."

"What's the reason?"

"There is no reason. If you insist on saying that I resurrected you, this is the reason. Of course, you can choose to refuse.

Chardo looked at Xiao Bai and said,"How long can my resurrection last?""

"Until the war ends or I take the initiative to lift the"

"Got it, I agreed!"

Perhaps he (Li Hao) still had his own wish that was not fulfilled, so Chardo chose to agree.

"Wise choice."

On the other side, the guild also received a war application from Xiao Bai and the Freya Familia.

Uranos immediately became a little headache after knowing this.

Who will win the war between Xiao Bai and the Freya Familia? It’s not certain who takes the blame, but what is certain is that it will definitely not be a good thing for Orario in the end.

But Ouranos also understands that he cannot mediate.

After sighing, he didn’t say anything more. North agreed to the war between Xiao Bai and Freya's family. Uranos understood a little bit how Xiao Bai wanted to fight Freya.

Especially when Ouranos knew that Xiao Bai could resurrect dead adventurers. , Ouranos had already guessed that Xiao Bai might have resurrected other dead adventurers.

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