"Let me tell you, Ouranos, if you have nothing to do and want to talk to someone, look for someone else, not me."

Xiao Bai who looked at Uranus couldn't help but complained. However, Uranus did not joke with Xiao Bai and stared directly at Xiao Bai:"I want to know who you have resurrected?"

"Chardo, it’s okay now. If there’s nothing else, I’m leaving!"

"Now that Alfia and Chardo have been resurrected, is it possible that you want to resurrect all the Zeus Familia and everyone in the Hera Familia?"

"Obviously I can't do this, at least I can't do it now. It takes a lot of faith to resurrect a dead adventurer. The stronger the strength, the more faith is needed, and even Chardo's resurrection is only temporary, and he will return to death after the war game is over."


At this moment, Ouranos felt that Xiao Bai really should be hung from a street lamp.

"Well, I'll go back if there's nothing else to do. Don't just call me over whenever you have something to do. I'm 673 very busy, okay?"

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he turned and left. Looking at Xiao Bai leaving, Ouranos couldn't help but want to complain:"You are so busy, don't think I don't know that you are wandering around every day with nothing to do."

Uranos knows what Xiao Bai is doing better than anyone else. He wanders around to harm the goddess every day without any problems. Ouranos has already received more than one complaint.

But this is also accepted by Uranus. Within the scope, Xiao Bai just harassed those goddesses, which was not a big problem.

But instead of harassing that beauty god, it was strange that he wanted to play a war game with that beauty god.

Speaking of the previous Ishtar is said to be the same.

Is this guy allergic to Meishen?

If Xiao Bai knew about Ouranos's guess, then Xiao Bai would definitely tell Uranus that he was allergic to Meishin, especially those on buses. Che Meishen was even more disgusted.

Returning to the family members, Xiao Bai received the news from Tushan Rongrong. The guild had accepted the war game with the Freya family members. The war game would be a war of annihilation. Completely destroy one of the parties. If it is annihilated, then it will be a victory.

And it is said that this is Freya's request.

Xiao Bai burst out laughing after hearing this sentence. Xiao Bai will naturally not refuse Freya's request. Freya How could Xiao Bai refuse to seek death on his own? Originally, Xiao Bai was still worried about how to solve this matter, but now it seems that he no longer needs to think about it.

Freya has already thought about it, so Let Freya Familia be called the history of Orario, such as the former Zeus Familia and the Hera Familia.

Speaking of which, Freya and Loki also drove out the Hera Familia and Zeus Familia out of Orario. Lali, then the way of heaven is reincarnated now, and Freya's family will bear the consequences.

Loki's family is here.

"That woman Freya, I told her not to have a conflict with Xiao Bai, but she didn’t believe it."

"The strength of Xiaobai Familia is only a group of LV2 people. How dare they launch a family game against Freya Familia?"

Finn couldn't understand that the Xiaobai Familia was just a group of LV2 adventurers and didn't even have a single LV3. Where did they get the courage to start a war game with the Freya Familia?"

"Xiao Bai is not that kind of brainless idiot, so it is certain that Xiao Bai must have some confidence."

Loki has considerable confidence in Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai will never do such a thing if he is not sure.

Freya (afeb) is probably going to be unlucky this time. Thinking of Freya's unlucky Dan Luoji couldn't help but want to complain.

Why did he provoke Xiao Bai when he had nothing to do?

"We have to be prepared for the worst. I'm afraid there's going to be a problem on Freya's side."

"Fortunately, the Dark Familia in the man-made maze has been solved. It doesn't matter that there are no Dark Familia now, even if there is no Freya Familia."

After solving the Dark Familia in the man-made maze, Finn can be said to feel relaxed now.

After all, those Dark Familia are the culprits that affect Orario's stability. Without these culprits, everything will be easier..

Even if something goes wrong with Freya Familia, although it will have an impact on today's Orario, it won't be a big problem to a certain extent.

And to be honest, Fang En thinks There should be no problem. After all, Otta's strength is there. As Orario's current LV7 Otta, it is impossible that he can't even defeat a group of LV2.

But something suddenly popped up in Finn's mind. A cloaked man, the strength of that cloaked man does not look like LV2.

And for that cloaked man, Finn has an inexplicable sense of familiarity, but he just doesn’t know where this inexplicable sense of familiarity comes from.

"Loki suddenly said,"Be prepared for the end of Freya's family. I have a hunch that Freya may really hit the wall this time.""

Finn was shocked as soon as Loki spoke. Loki actually thought that Freya would overturn this time. How could this be possible?

"Are you making too much of a fuss? How could Freya's family be overturned?"

"All in all, just do what I say. This matter is too deep and we, the Loki Familia, are not involved, and don’t you think Riveria seems to have something to hide lately? Always trying to remind us of something."

After being reminded by Loki, Finn finally remembered that Riveria seemed to be reminding them of something lately, intentionally or unintentionally.

"I got it Loki!"

Looking at Loki Finn in front of him, he finally chose to believe in Loki.

Although Loki is often unreliable, once Loki becomes reliable, he is still quite reliable.

And now Loki's look makes it clear that Get serious. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Then I'll go see Freya again. It would be great if Freya could just admit defeat like this."

I can't help but get a headache when I think of Freya's unlucky guy Loki. At least he can help his allies if he can.

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