Loki saw Freya again, but before Loki could say anything, Freya had already said:"If it's for the war game, then there's no need to talk about Loki."

Loki looked helplessly at Freya in front of him. He said:"Didn't I tell you not to go against Xiao Bai if you have nothing to do? Why can't you listen? I have a feeling that this time you will be in trouble."

Freya did not respond to what Loki said. Didn't take it to heart

"Loki, are you trying to make me back off? He has already poached me. This time, it was not me who took the initiative to provoke me, but he who took the initiative to provoke me."

Loki felt a headache when he heard what Freya said. It seems that the grudge between Xiao Bai and Freya cannot be resolved. As for saying that he helped, it was even more of a joke.

Loki had no plans. Drag his own Loki family into the abyss.

As for being a peacemaker, Loki also doesn't feel that he has such a face. To put it bluntly, if Loki hadn't given in quickly, I guess now There is no Loki family anymore, and that lunatic Xiao Bai can do anything.

But Loki knows one thing very well. Although Xiao Bai is a lunatic, he is also a rational lunatic, so there is no guarantee that Xiao Bai will not do anything. Things.

If Freya doesn't listen to advice, there is a high probability that she will really die this time.

"Since you don't listen, then forget it. All in all, I've said everything I can say. But if you don't listen, then there's nothing I can do about it."

"Loki, you won't do anything wrong, so tell me why you think I will lose!"

"In recent times, Vilia always seems to want to remind me of something intentionally or unintentionally, but there is no way to explain it directly, and there is a cloaked man in the Xiaobai family. This cloaked man is stronger than Finn. powerful"

"Could it be that the adventurer who is stronger than En is LV7? But it's impossible. There aren't many Orario who can become LV7."

"All in all, you should be more careful. If the situation is not right, just admit defeat. Although Xiao Bai is a psychopath, he is still easy to talk to. If you give in, the other party will probably let you go."

"Loki, it seems like you already think that I will definitely lose?"

"I'm just saying that maybe if you encounter this kind of situation, you can just choose to admit defeat."

"You really love to worry!"

Looking at Loki's appearance, Freya couldn't help but shake her head. It was obvious that even now Freya didn't think she would lose, but Freya still accepted Loki's kindness.

Look. Looking at Freya Loki in front of him, he didn’t say anything more.

"Since you don't believe it, forget it. I'm leaving. I wish you good luck. Loki has done everything he should do. The rest depends on Freya's own luck. If Freya is good, it's still the same one. If it looks like that, then it can only be said that Freya herself really deserves to die.

I think Freya should have had her own reminder to calm down.

If she couldn't calm down, it could only mean that Freya was really hopeless.

Watching Loki leave, there was a flash of light in Freya's eyes. Freya was not that kind of idiot. Loki had already reminded her like this. If Freya didn't make any preparations, then she would... He is really mentally ill.

It seems that we can only force them to improve their strength as soon as possible.

On the other side, Xiao Bai, one of the Xiao Bai family members, was looking at Chun Ji, the big fox, and placed a magic book in front of the fox.

"Learn from me. If you are not able to master the magic of Nine Layers, would you believe it or not? I will ask you to make the male members of the entire clan happy and comfort them."

After hearing Xiao Bai's words, Chun Ji almost fainted.

"I understand and I will work hard!"

Hearing what Xiao Bai said, this fox was almost scared to tears. The other people looked at Xiao Bai with the corners of their eyes twitching. Xiao Bai is really not worried at all. He deceives this person with this look. A fox, wouldn’t it hurt your conscience to bully this fox?

If Xiao Bai heard such a question, he would pat his chest and say it was a joke. It would be strange if he had a conscience.

Xiao Bai said that he simply No conscience.

After picking up the magic book, the Haruhime in front of me began to study hard.

Seeing Haruhime who had already fallen asleep, Xiao Bai pinched her chin:"You have to work hard, if you can't satisfy me. I will really do what I say."

The fox's body trembled suddenly in his sleep, and the other people beside him couldn't help but twitch the corners of their eyes.

Sakayanagi Yusu couldn't help but cover his forehead, and looked at him with pity while still sleeping. fox

"This fox is so miserable"

"What a tragedy, if it weren't for me, he would still be waiting to receive guests in the Ishtar Familia, so I saved this fox. Naturally, I saved her and she had to pay the price."

"It's okay if you lie to others, but is it a bit too much for you to lie to us? Or do you think we are so easily deceived by you?"

Sakayanagi Yusu rolled his eyes at Xiao Bai. With Xiao Bai's look, he really thought that other people couldn't see it or something?

Soon after Haruhime woke up, she unexpectedly awakened the magic of the Nine Layers.

Now that she knew After Chun Ji awakened this magic, everyone else took a breath, and then they looked at Xiao Bai

"With this magic, I am afraid that the Freya Familia will be miserable this time. Basically, we can already predict what kind of situation will happen next, what kind of one-sided massacre it will be."

"However, the maximum effect of this magic is 9, so you probably want to continue to resurrect other people to make up 9 people, am I right?"

"Astralia Familia, I am going to resurrect all the members of the Astralia Familia. Didn’t Liuliang appear in the man-made maze to fight Alfia? In this case, let the Silia Familia Others, please don't come out and show off."

"You really have a bad taste, you bastard."

After hearing Xiao Bai's thoughts, a group of people couldn't help but cover their foreheads.

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