Soon the war game between Xiao Bai and Freya's family began. Other Orario family members were also very interested in the war game between Xiao Bai and Freya's family.

After all, Xiao Bai is the man who controls the entire Orario's wealth, and the Freya family is the woman who stands at the pinnacle of Orario's strength. What kind of sparks will be produced by such a collision between a man and a woman? This is enough to make others The gods are curious.

However, looking at the cloaked figures in the Xiao Bai Family, the faces of those gods couldn't help but reveal question marks. Who are these individuals?

These cloaked figures were naturally the ones resurrected by Xiao Bai. Apart from Hera, Alfia and Charles who were resurrected by the Zeus Familia, the others were naturally members of the Astralia Familia.

The three giants of the Astralia Familia: the Red Shoka"Nine Seven Seven" Alisee, the Yamato Gendan Gojo No Kaguya, and the cunning mouse Laila, and then all the other high-level adventurers, Minato There were exactly 9 people together.

As for other members of the family, Xiao Bai only brought a big fox and did not bring anything else with him.

Seeing Xiao Bai come on stage with only nine cloaked men and a big fox, the expressions on the faces of those gods can be said to be very exciting.

I completely don’t understand how Xiao Bai thinks he can defeat the Freya Familia with just 10 people. This is simply impossible!

But as the war game began, they had to admit one thing, that is, these 9 cloaked men could really compete with the Freya Familia, especially the big fox who used magic to defeat everyone. After moving up a level, the Freya Familia was almost completely hung up and beaten.

All the gods wiped their eyes in disbelief. Impossible, how could this be possible? The Freya family was the king of Orario, and yet they were beaten by Xiao Bai.

Freya's originally plain face suddenly turned ugly!

How can this be!

Freya didn't believe that her family could be defeated so easily. How could Freya not know what the situation of her family was like?

But under such circumstances, Freya actually lost. Freya's family now had a faint feeling that the situation was out of control.

At first I thought I had a chance to win, but now it turns out


The thought came to Freya's mind that her strength had actually overturned. This was simply sick.

But what's even more surprising is what these cloaked men look like underneath.

The people of Freya's family managed to reveal the true colors of these people.

"How can it be!"

Orario exclaimed. They couldn't understand why the dead could still be alive.Resurrection!

Looking at the person under the cloak, Orario's people and gods all had ugly expressions.

"Those were the talented monsters Alfia and Gluttony Chardo, and those were the Red Shoka and Yamato Ryuden of the Astralia Familia. There were other people who were also dead adventurers. Why are these people now? The adventurers all came to life again."

Not to mention those human adventurers, even the gods could not understand that the dead adventurers were resurrected, and they even saw the former LV9 Empress

"Xiao Bai, is this what you did right? This is your confidence to challenge Freya. It is precisely because of these adventurers that you dare to declare war on Freya!"

Loki immediately understood why Xiao Bai dared to declare war on Freya. If he had such adventurers, he would not be the number one in Orario.

Xiao Bai smiled and did not answer Loki's question. This one thing:"Guess it, I'll tell you if you guess it."

I'm here and I need you to tell me?"

Loki roared in his heart, but looking at those people, Loki couldn't help but fall into silence.

"How on earth did you do this? Not even gods can resurrect the dead!"

"You can't be resurrected just because you are too weak, that's all."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After a group of gods heard Xiao Bai's words, I couldn't help but cursed in my heart.

These people were cursing madly in their hearts. Xiao Bai is simply insane. He trampled all their dignity under his feet0.....

Freya's face was equally ugly. Freya had realized that this time she was really going to fall over, but Freya didn't want to believe it.

"I can do it, I still have hope of making a comeback, Otta won’t let myself down!"

Freya thought of her loyal family members and looked at Otta, who had already focused all her hopes on Otta.

However, even though Otta is strong, he can fight against LV7 at LV8, but Otta can fight against LV10. Empress?

After being upgraded by the big fox's magic, the empress, who was already LV10, directly pressed Otta to the ground and beat her severely.

"It seems that you have not made any progress at all, Ota. Is this the only strength you have? It really disappoints me so much. You disappoint me so much!"

The LV10 empress looked at Otta in front of her with eyes full of disappointment.

"I was resurrected just to see your strength, but you really disappointed me."

Otta didn't reply and just silently wanted to defeat the opponent, but unfortunately in the face of the absolute strength gap, Otta had no room for resistance.

He lost completely.

The entire Freya family was completely hung up. Beating, or even not killing, only 4.2 is the kind of hanging these Freya family members up and beating them beyond recognition. The other gods looked at Xiao Bai and Freya without speaking, and there was indeed a meaningful expression in their eyes. expression.

The obvious reason why Freya was not killedThese adventurers of the tribe must have been specially told by Xiao Bai. This person is really terrifying.

"I don’t know how Freya offended him."

"Forget it, it doesn't matter to us anyway."

The other gods decisively discarded the thoughts in their hearts that had nothing to do with them. They were seeking death unnecessarily.

After all, Xiao Bai was not targeting them. As for Freya, it was none of their business. Freya's brain was sick, theirs. I'm not sick...

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