There is no doubt that Freya Familia lost this time and lost miserably.

Nowadays, Freya's family members are being hung up one by one, beaten to death, and Freya also understands at this moment that Xiao Bai is waiting for her to beg for mercy.

If he hadn't spoken, the adventurers from the Freya Familia would have been beaten to death.

Freya took a deep breath and then stood up and walked towards Xiao Bai:"I lost this time, what conditions do you need to let them go?""

"How about you bark like a dog? If you bark like a dog, I will let them go?"

Xiao Bai held his hands and looked at Freya in front of him. The other gods looked at Xiao Bai in disbelief. Good guy, are you still a man?

Faced with the conditions proposed by the God of Beauty, you actually let her bark like a dog? Fu Leya. Leya was also stunned for a moment. Obviously Freya did not expect that Xiao Bai would put forward such a condition. Freya's face instantly became a little ugly.

"If you don't hurry up, the first person in your family will die."

Freya glanced at Xiao Bai, and then imitated 05 and barked like a dog.

"This is enough."

Freya, who was so angry that she was about to explode on the spot, just wanted to leave as soon as possible.

"It's okay, so I'm barely satisfied."

Xiao Bai snapped his fingers. A group of adventurers who were beating Freya's family members stopped.

"Okay, so this time I won the war. According to the conditions we proposed before, I will now exercise this right to you."

"what do you want."

Freya looked at Xiao Bai expressionlessly and asked Xiao Bai and Freya. The condition of the war game is that Xiao Bai can make any request to Freya. As long as the request is not excessive, Freya cannot refuse it.

"Anya in the Mistress of Abundance, give her to me."

Freya looked ugly, snorted coldly, and then said:"I understand, I will let Aniya go to your place from now on."

"No need, I will take the initiative to find you. Goodbye."

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Looking at Xiao Bai leaving, Freya snorted coldly and left. This time, Freya lost all her face.

Freya was already After making a lot of arrangements and even forcibly improving the strength of his own family, it was a pity that he encountered such a cheater like Xiao Bai.

Loki looked at Freya leaving with sympathy in his eyes.

Loki knew that Freya was like this The car was about to overturn once, but Loki didn't expect that Freya would overturn so fast this time.

And it was terrible.

However, at this moment, Liu Li'ang was rushing towards where Alishe and the others were, and the resurrected Companions, after seeing these companions resurrected, Liuliang was desperate. Now Liuliang just wants to go to his companions. Liuliang just wants his companions to tell what happened these years.

"Alisee, Kaguya, Laila."

The panting Liuliang looked at the companion in front of him, his eyes gradually filled with tears.

Seeing Liuliang's appearance, Alishe showed a big smile on her face and then said:"I'm sorry, please be nice. Take good care of yourself."

After saying this, everyone except Alfia gradually became illusory and disappeared. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Looking at the disappearance of his companion Liuliang, he shouted, but Alfia on the side looked at Liuliang with contempt and then prepared to leave.

However, Liuliang stopped in front of Alfia:"Alyshe What about them? Where did you hide them?"

"Get away you useless elf, wasn't the beating you received last time enough? Do you want to continue to be beaten?"

Alfia's words made Liuliang fall into silence. Liuliang obviously also knew the reason why he was beaten last time.

After seeing Alfia, Liuliang knew why Alfia was so resentful.

All of them Everything was entrusted to them, the Astralia Familia, and as a result, the Astralia Familia was finished, which no one could accept.

"Please, please tell me where Alishe and the others went."

"They had died long ago, and this time they were only temporarily resurrected."

Liu Li'ang's eyes instantly became empty, but soon Liu Li'ang looked at Alfia in front of him.

"so you?"

"none of your business!"

"Since you can be resurrected temporarily, you can be resurrected permanently, right?"

Liu Liang suddenly figured it out. Alfia really ignored Liuliang and left with the big fox.

At this moment, Liuliang only had the matter of resurrecting his companions in his heart. As for saying There is no need to think about how to resurrect your companions. Xiao Bai, go find Xiao Bai. Only Xiao Bai can revive your companions.

Liu Liang knows very well that at this time, only Xiao Bai can resurrect his companions.

The other party can If you can resurrect your companions briefly, you will definitely be able to 773 resurrect your companions permanently.

There was a light of hope in Liuliang's eyes, and he went to find Xiao Bai and let Xiao Bai resurrect his lost companions forever. The same thing was not only It was Liuliang and the other adventurers who also had lost relatives. They also thought that Xiao Bai could resurrect people forever, so they wanted to ask Xiao Bai to resurrect their relatives or lovers. However, on the other side,

Xiao Bai The corners of his mouth gradually widened.

Sure enough, just as he thought, with this wave of resurrections exposing the power of his faith, it was rising slowly, and as time went by, Xiao Bai was able to The power of faith gained is getting more and more.

This time, Xiao Bai resurrected the power of faith that he had consumed personally, and all of it was directly earned back, not to mention at least 100 times more.

Alfia took The big fox came back and directly grabbed Xiao Bai by the collar and dragged him into the room.

"You told me that you can resurrect my sister after this clan war is over. Now, resurrect my sister immediately."

Xiao Bai looked at Alfia who was grabbing his collar, with a perfect expression on his face.

"I don't like your tone very much, so kneel down and serve me properly, and I will resurrect your sister!".

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