Riveria's figure is definitely underestimated. Riveria dresses too conservatively, which leads to other people not knowing what Riveria's true figure is.

However, Xiao Bai saw through Riveria's figure at a glance.

Riveria took a deep breath. Xiao Bai in front of her was so beastly that Riveria almost didn't react just now. Fortunately, Riveria reacted now and quickly calmed down. With her chest rising and falling rapidly, Riveria really didn't expect that a person would make her feel sick to such an extent.

The Xiao Bai in front of her would make Riveria feel sick even if she just stood like that.

"It’s really scary. Riveria, your eyes look like you’re looking at garbage, which really makes me want to stop!"

Listening to the ridicule coming from Xiao Bai's mouth, Riveria suddenly felt as if there were countless ants crawling all over her body.

"Okay, Riveria 07, you can leave now. After you go back, you can slowly consider that I am not in a hurry. You can still control Ace's side anyway, right? Riveria looked at Xiao Bai in front of her with a trace of anger in her eyes, but in the end she took a deep breath and turned around to leave.

Looking at Riveria leaving, Xiao Bai pinched her fingers Her jaw was lost in thought.

Even if Riveria could stop Ais now, she wouldn't be able to stop it for long. I'm afraid Ais would fall into Xiao Bai's hands soon.

Even if she could control it now Live with Aisi, but Xiao Bai doesn't believe how long Riveria can control it. Xiao Bai also understands Aisi's character. Once she is sure about something, Aisi will really do it without hesitation..So after Aisi knew that Xiao Bai could resurrect the dead, Aisi already knew what kind of conditions Xiao Bai would put forward.

But Aisi didn't care, as long as she could resurrect her parents, what would Aisi have to pay? Riveria is willing to pay any price.

It is precisely because of this obsession that Riveria is worried about Aisi.

Xiao Bai is definitely not a good person, so Riveria is absolutely not willing for Aisi to follow Xiao Bai.

But Riveria Ya came to Xiao Bai, but she didn't expect that Xiao Bai would actually put forward such a condition. He was not enough and he wanted Lefia to come with him. How could Vilia agree to such an animal condition?

Back to Loki Familia, Vilia Looking at Ais's expectant eyes, she couldn't help but have a headache. Riveria used the words to talk to Xiao Bai first to let Ais stay in the family. Now Riveria When Yayao faced Ais's expectant eyes, he felt a real sense of guilt in his heart, the guilt of deceiving Ais.

Facing Ais's expectant eyes at this time, Riveria really had no choice. Reply to Ace

"Xiao Bai did not agree, but don't worry, I will find a way to continue negotiating with Xiao Bai in the future, and I will let Xiao Bai resurrect your parents."

Rivieria is Ace," she said firmly.

"Please, Riveria!"

Aisi, who still didn't know what Riveria was talking about with Xiao Bai, thought Riveria was going to talk to Xiao Bai about how to resurrect her parents.

"Damn, really hateful!"

Looking at Aisi's appearance, Velia really couldn't bear to tell Aisi the truth about the matter, damn Xiao Bai.

For Xiao Bai, you can already be said to have broken through the sky. If Xiao Bai was just If it were an ordinary person, then Riveria would definitely blow the opponent's head off.

But think about it, if the other person was an ordinary person, you could make Riveria so angry.

Although Ace didn't see it There was anger hidden in the words, but Loki, as a bystander, immediately saw the anger hidden in Riveria's words. I'm afraid this time the negotiation between Riveria and Xiao Bai was not It was so smooth, otherwise Riveria wouldn't be so resentful.

Then Loki made a gesture towards Riveria, and soon Riveria and Loki came to the office. Among them.

Loki looked at Riveria and said:"What conditions did Xiao Bai put forward?" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I still have Lefia in exchange for him not taking action against Ais."

Loki's face turned gloomy all of a sudden. Loki looked at Riveria and then said:"It is absolutely impossible to agree to Xiao Bai."

"I didn't agree. I couldn't be sure whether what Xiao Bai said was true or false, so I would rather not believe it."

"That's right, you must never believe the nonsense Xiao Bai said. I know better than you what kind of situation Xiao Bai is in. This guy is a lunatic. The other party is definitely not a good thing, whether it is Riveria or Ai. It is absolutely impossible for me to agree to let the other party succeed, and Riveria, you should not go to see Xiao Bai in the future."

Although Loki said he was confident in Riveria, Xiao Bai's bastard was completely unpredictable.

So just in case Loki thought it was better not to let Riveria and Xiao Bai have more conflicts. Contact is better.

970 Riveria frowned slightly when she saw Loki's appearance. Loki clearly showed distrust in herself:"Do you think I will be succeeded by Xiao Bai?"

"Riveria, trust the divine intuition, Xiao Bai is not as simple as you think."

Out of trust in Loki, Riveria finally nodded and chose to believe Loki:"I understand, I will choose to keep a distance from Xiao Bai, but what will Ais do?"

"I'll go talk to Xiao Bai personally. If that doesn't work, I have other last resorts."

A trace of determination flashed in Loki's eyes!

Looking at Loki's appearance, Velia finally sighed:"I understand, I will stay here and will not leave. Xiao Bai's side is left to you. Went to negotiate"

"Don't worry, leave it to me Riveria, I won't let you down!"

Loki patted his plain chest and made a promise to Liviria.

"This looks the best!"[]

Riveria had an angry look on her face, and she clearly hated the condition that Xiao Bai had put forward before.

"Xiao Bai, although this guy is crazy, he also has weaknesses that I don’t know if they are weaknesses."

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