Xiao Bai was not surprised at all that Loki came to look for him. Xiao Bai actually had a calm expression when Loki appeared in front of him.

"I’m not going to give you either Ace or Riveria!"

The indifferent expression on Xiao Bai's face when he took out his ears is up to you. When

Loki saw Xiao Bai's look, he knew that Xiao Bai was determined. He thought that there was nothing he could do.

"Don't forget that you are not barefoot now. I can also imitate you and lift the table."

"But have you forgotten that I can raise the dead and you can raise the dead?"

Loki's expression was consistent. Then Loki looked at Xiao Bai:"Do you dare to bet?"

"Who will know if you don’t try it, so don’t push me!"

Xiao Bai showed a noncommittal smile when he heard this sentence.

Loki couldn't help but grit his teeth when he saw Xiao Bai's appearance:"Kill you!"

"If you have the ability, just take action and don’t force me. Please kill me!"

Xiao Bai rolled his eyes and didn't care about what Loki said at all.

If Loki really had the courage, he wouldn't come looking for him.

"Okay, Loki, if you came here just to threaten me, then you can leave now. The last thing I accept is threats. If you have the ability, come and fuck me."

Veins loomed on Loki's forehead. Xiao Bai, a bastard, really doesn't behave like a human being at all.

In this case, Loki naturally doesn't need to be polite to Xiao Bai.

"Keqing, Sakayanagi Arisu, Tushan Rongrong, you and all those dependents are from other worlds, right?"

Xiao Bai is not surprised that the other party will know this.

This kind of thing is like paper that cannot contain fire. Sooner or later, gods will guess it.

"So what if it is? Are you planning to use this to threaten me?"

Xiao Bai looked at Loki in front of him with a strange expression.

If Loki wanted to use this to threaten Xiao Bai, then Xiao Bai would only find it funny.

"Of course not. I know very well that people like you cannot be threatened. On the contrary, they threaten you and make you nervous."

Xiao Bai looked at the other party with some surprise:"Since you know, what do you want to do here?"

Since Loki knows that threatening him is useless, why is Loki still here? Xiao Bai is a little doubtful.

"Let me make a deal with you. You probably want fame, right?"

"I can use the Loki Familia as a stepping stone for you. Xiao

Bai was a little surprised when he heard Loki's words:"This really makes me curious. Are you actually willing to use Loki's family as a stepping stone to make me let Ais go?""

"Not only Ais but also Riveria and other children in my family. If they really like you, then I have nothing to say, but you cannot use any means to seduce or deceive them."

"Loki, this is not like what you did at all. You are an evil god."

"But now I am still a parent, and I cannot watch my child fall into a pit of fire."

After hearing what Loki said, Xiao Bai couldn't help but want to ridicule him, but then he felt bored and chose to give up.

"Okay, okay, although I feel very sorry, I agree to your condition and discuss it with Keqing and the others in detail. It’s really a pity. I like beautiful girls very much."

"There are so many beautiful girls. Just don’t stare at my Loki family members."

"But the only girls who are beautiful, famous, and pure, come to think of it, are those from the landed family members."

"go to hell."

Loki rolled his eyes and then turned around and left to look for Keqing. He quickly settled this matter.

Suddenly Loki stopped and almost forgot.

"What price do you have to pay to resurrect Ais' parents?"

Loki doesn't expect that the previous condition will allow Xiao Bai to resurrect Aisi's parents.

"Ais or Riveria, and they are not resurrected permanently but only for a period of time"

"You should be hung from a street lamp!"

"Do you think it’s easy to resurrect a person from thousands of years ago?"

The look in Loki's eyes was as if he was looking at a mentally retarded person.

Loki couldn't help but be speechless, and it seemed that he really looked like this. (To read Baoshuan novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"The longer I want to resurrect characters who have been dead, the more energy I need to spend. And if those dead characters are reincarnated, they have to go to the river of time to fish out their original souls."

"`Do you think this kind of thing is easy to do?"

Loki didn't speak as he listened. Although he said he couldn't understand what Xiao Bai meant, he generally understood. To put it simply, it is possible to resurrect a dead person, but the longer it takes to resurrect a lost person. The more Xiao Bai needs to consume."

Then Loki looked at Xiao Bai with doubts in his eyes:"Damn it, isn't your power sealed?"

"How could it be possible that if my power had not been sealed, how could I have appeared here? Uranus would have driven me back long ago."

"So why are you still able to resurrect the dead? Shouldn't you give me an explanation for this?"

Xiao Bai looked at Loki as if he was looking at a fool.

"Who are you to ask me to explain to you?"

You fucked up!

Loki left with a dark face without saying a word.

If Bai continued to talk to Xiao (Hello, King Zhao), Loki felt that he would most likely be pissed to death alive.

As for resurrecting Aisi's parents , Now Loki is planning to find someone else. He is not willing to give Xiao Bai an advantage when he asks Freya to help him land.

He asks Freya to help erase Ais' memory.

Although this look is not good for Ais. Si is a bit excessive, but all this is to prevent Xiao Bai's conspiracy from succeeding, so he can only use this method.

After all, Xiao Bai, a bastard, will definitely deceive Aisi and the others into changing his hands once he has a chance.

So even if Loki Even if he goes to Freya for help, Xiao Bai will never succeed.

"Walk slowly without sending."

Loki turned around and left to find Ke Qing to implement this matter as soon as possible. After that, Xiao Bai could not continue to take action against Riveria and Aisi.

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