Freya looked at Loki strangely when Loki came to her to delete the memory of Sword Princess Ais.

"Your behavior makes me think you are mentally ill."

Facing Freya's ridicule, Loki said helplessly:"Do you think I want to act like this? Do you know how excited Aisi was after Xiao Bai showed the method of resurrection? She was even willing to do anything to resurrect her parents."

"It's hard for me to say anything with your appearance, but I can't agree to your request, Loki."

Looking at Freya, Loki's face turned gloomy all of a sudden. Freya actually refused even such a small request of hers. This clearly shows that she doesn't want to give Loki face, nor does she want to give Loki face. Can Loki have a good face?

"I know you are angry now, but Loki, if this is Xiao Bai's plan, then if I do it to you, it will be equivalent to hitting Xiao Bai hard in the face. Will Xiao Bai let me go then?"

"Anyway, Xiao Bai is not interested in you, why are you worried? Xiao Bai's current interests are all in the girls in my family."

Freya's face twitched slightly. As the goddess of beauty, Freya couldn't make a male god fall in love with her. This was obviously a humiliation for Freya.

But what could Freya do? Unless Freya takes the initiative to charm Xiao Bai, she may not have any charming effect on Xiao Bai. As far as Freya knows, if the scene of Freya charming Xiao Bai really happened, it would be successful. Well, it's easy to say, but if it fails, Freya can't bear Xiao Bai's wrath.

At least Freya can't bear it now.

Loki was silent after hearing Freya's explanation and had to admit what Freya said. That's right.

If Freya really conflicts with Xiao Bai because of this matter, then Freya's side will definitely lose completely.

Loki has a headache. If Freya is not willing to help, then Aisi's side will definitely lose. How to solve the problem on one side?

"Regarding this matter, the best thing I suggest you is not to meddle in other people's business. Even if you think this is better for Ais, how can you be sure that doing so is really good for Ais."

Glancing at Loki in front of her, Freya said casually.

"Freya, what nonsense are you talking about? Do you think it’s okay to let Ais get succeeded by that Xiao Bai? Now I want to kill that bastard Xiao Bai. There are so many women outside but they want to stare at my girls."

Freya couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth at this. As the God of Beauty, she was more beautiful than those girls, but what the hell happened now?

Xiao Bai, who was indifferent to this god, fell in love with her. Those ordinary girls from Loki's family, who are you looking down on?

Freya felt that as the God of Beauty, she had been insulted, and her heart was full of resentment.

Loki looked at Freya's sudden He said,"How about you go? Freya looked at Loki:"You want me to die. You have to know what the consequences will be if I do this!""

"If you succeed, then Xiao Bai will become your subordinate. At that time, everything Xiao Bai owns will become yours."

Facing Loki's temptation, Freya just looked at it flatly and then withdrew her gaze. You, Loki, are smart, and Freya is not a fool. You only believe what Loki said.

Loki. It’s nothing more than hoping that Freya will help solve Xiao Bai’s problem and prevent Xiao Bai from staring at his children all the time.

Seeing Freya not taking the bait, Loki’s helpless look on his face, really, why are all of them looking at each other? They are all so difficult to handle!

"Speaking of Loki, why don't you give it a try yourself? If the other party is interested in you, why don't you go and replace Ais yourself?"

Loki's cheek twitched obviously. Then Loki looked at Freya and said,"I have no idea of ​​causing trouble for myself yet."

Loki is very clear about his own charm. As a goddess, his appearance is indeed good, but the problem is that his figure is really bad!

If you want to say that Loki is a male god, then there is nothing wrong with it, but Loki... She is a goddess, and the figure of a goddess is exactly the same as that of a male god. What do you make other people think, what do you make other people say?

So Freya's words like asking Loki to seduce Xiao Bai were obviously just... joke

"You should figure this out on your own, I can't help you."(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Loki glanced at Freya and said,"Have you never thought of seducing him into bed? Anyway, your reputation is not much better!"

Freya's face instantly turned cold. She looked at Loki in front of her and said,"Are you trying to find trouble, Loki?"

"of course not!"

Loki just laughed and then immediately changed the subject. Loki didn't really want to offend Freya.

"You can figure this out on your own. If there's nothing else to do, I'll go back first."

After saying that, he turned around and left. Freya was obviously angry about what Loki had just said. Looking at Freya leaving, Loki rubbed his head helplessly. This was really... It's because I have a headache and it makes Freya angry.

"Ace, what should I do to you?"

Loki really didn't want Aisi to fall into Xiao Bai's clutches, but there was nothing Loki could do to stop it.

"It's really a headache. What should I do with you, Ace?"

Thinking of the child he watched grow up, Loki felt a little unbearable in his heart.

How should he let this child grow up peacefully and happily instead of meeting a scumbag like Xiao Bai.

Helplessly After returning to the Familia, Loki did not tell anyone about this incident.

However, Riveria took the initiative to find Loki.

"I'll go talk to Xiao Bai again."

After knowing the result of Loki and Freya's discussion, Riveria said to Loki.[]

"Riveria, you know this is impossible. That guy Xiao Bai will not let you go. If you go, you will be a sheep in a tiger's mouth and seek your own death."

"This is my own choice and I am willing to pay the price for my choice"

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