Ke Qing has to bear considerable responsibility for what happened this time. If it weren't for Ke Qing, Xiao Bai would still be in a state of drunkenness and dreams.

"This matter has nothing to do with you, and you don't need to bear any burden. Even if Xiao Bai wants to do something without you, no one can stop it."

Facing the self-blaming Ke Qing, the other people comforted themselves. Ke Qing really can't be blamed for this incident. That guy Xiao Bai came up with it as soon as he thought about it. No one could predict Xiao Bai. What kind of decision will this guy make?

"I think everyone should be excited now. The most exciting thing is probably the Loki Familia. After all, the things they have been worried about have now been solved, but if I am not wrong, Xiao Bai will soon let the Loki Familia Can't laugh."

Tushan Rongrong sighed softly.

As expected, it didn't take long for Xiao Bai to announce the rules of this chicken game. There were a hundred people participating, and only one person survived.The game is over, which means that if you want to win this chicken game and realize your wish for resurrection, you can only kill all other opponents.

This also makes it impossible for the Loki Familia to rely on the strength of the Familia to win.

Among the Loki Familia

"Xiao Bai's restriction directly made us lose the possibility of gathering the strength of the family members to win."

"I will enter the competition myself."

Aisi said firmly. No matter what, Aisi must win the chicken eating competition and resurrect her dead parents.

"Maybe we can ask the Freya Familia to let Ota of the Freya Familia participate in the competition, and then wait for Ota to win and make a wish to resurrect Ais' parents.

Loki's eyes lit up and he said,"No problem, I'll go find Freya to discuss it!""

"Wait a minute, Loki. What I'm worried about is that Xiao Bai will definitely think of the problems we think of, so I'm worried that Xiao Bai will come up with some new rules to restrict us!"

"Xiao Bai will never let us win so easily."

The whole Orario was excited because of Xiao Bai's resurrection match. A hundred people signed up to participate in the resurrection match soon.

And this time, the place to participate in the resurrection match was on the 18th floor of the dungeon. No matter what method you use, as long as you survive and become the last and only survivor on the 18th floor, you will win.

"I can understand the aspect of surviving, but what I can't understand is what does it mean to survive by killing your opponent by any means?"

"The simple meaning of this sentence is that other people can use any method to kill you, whether it is sneak attack, poisoning or other methods. As long as the other party can kill you, you become the stepping stone for the other party. As long as you survive to the last one, you will be the winner of this game."

After hearing this sentence, all the contestants took a breath. Xiao Bai clearly reminded them that they can win by any means necessary.

"This bastard really dares to do it!"

Loki in the teahouse complained to Freya, but Freya frowned. Freya knew very well that this time the contestants must have another Liuli besides the Swordswoman of Loki's family. hold head high

"In order to resurrect Astralia's other dead companions, Liuliang will definitely participate in this competition, and will even risk his life at all costs."

But once the other party enters the competition, then

"Xiao Bai is really"

"I didn't expect that Ouranos would also accompany him in his mischief."

Ouranos will accompany Xiao Bai to do mischief. This is something that neither Loki nor Freya thought of.

"Maybe they reached some kind of deal again!"

"I really don’t understand why that bastard Uranus is so partial to Xiao Bai."

"Perhaps it was because Xiao Bai was able to help Ouranos get rid of the one-eyed black dragon."

Freya casually told the truth. Freya and the others knew the purpose of Ouranos very well, which was to get rid of the black dragon. They could endure everything for this.

Just like Loki and Freya at the beginning. Uranus, who expelled Zeus and Hera's family members, was very angry about this, but for the sake of stability, he did not interfere with them in any way.

So if Xiao Bai promised to Uranus that he would deal with the black dragon by himself, then Uranus North's tolerance for Xiao Bai will become very high. As long as Xiao Bai doesn't do anything that damages Ouranos's bottom line, Ouranos won't care.

So even if Xiao Bai is acting like this now Ouranos also had no intention of stopping him at all.

"..Are gods from other worlds really that powerful? I just can't figure it out!"

For Xiao Bai, a god from another world, Loki couldn't figure out whether he was really that powerful?

"Who knows, but I think one thing is for sure, it seems like no one on our side can stop that guy!"

If Xiao Bai could stop him, they wouldn't need to care about Xiao Bai now.

"I don’t know how powerful Xiao Bai would be if his divine power hadn’t been sealed."

"I think it should be at least not inferior to Ouranos!"

Loki's face showed a trace of astonishment when he heard this. It was obvious that Loki didn't believe it.

Isn't this a bit exaggerating Xiao Bai's strength? No matter how strong (Zhao Dezhao) is, he can't believe it. It can't be that strong.

Ouranos is the oldest and most powerful god in their world.

"It is said that Xiao Bai seems to be less than twenty years old?"

Freya's words immediately made Loki's eyes widen. Are you kidding? That guy Xiao Bai is not even twenty years old. How is this possible?

"I’ve also heard that I don’t know whether it’s true or not, but I guess it’s not much different. For gods like us who are hundreds of millions of years old, is there any difference between tens, hundreds or even thousands of years?"(To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Loki:"If this is really the case, then I might as well just die and live like a dog for a long time."

Loki complained to himself.

"To be honest, I am very curious about the world outside Orario."

Freya's words made Loki's expression change.

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