After Loki heard Freya's words, he was immediately frightened by Freya.

"I said don’t seek death. If you die, I will have a headache. I heard that Xiao Bai can really kill gods. There are rumors that Dionysus was killed by Xiao Bai himself. of."

Freya glanced at Loki and shook her head. Freya was not an idiot, so Freya would naturally not go to trouble Xiao Bai, but she made a deal with Xiao Bai and asked Xiao Bai to take her to other worlds. It's still possible

"Who do you think will be the final winner in this chicken-eating contest?"

The look on Loki's face became worried. Originally, Loki didn't want Ais to participate in this chicken-eating contest, but Ais couldn't listen at all.

Now it's mandatory for Ais. Run to participate in the chicken eating contest

"This time your family members did not participate, so the most likely reason is Ais. After all, Ais has already reached the LV6 level. Among the participants, except for Ais, there is no other LV6"

"So do you think your Sword Girl will win?"

Loki shook his head:"To be honest, I'm not too sure. I always feel that this 553 Chicken Eating Contest is not that simple."

Just when Loki finished speaking, Orario started to broadcast, and a picture of the 18th floor of the sub-dungeon appeared in the mirror.

"How is it possible? Why is Alfia among the contestants!"

Seeing that there was Alfia among the contestants, Loki screamed. With Alfia, a monster, there is no chance of winning among the other contestants, so it's a fool's errand.

Freya Seeing this appearance, there was no surprise in her heart. It could even be said that Freya had already guessed that something unexpected would happen.

"Alfia seems to have a younger sister!"

With these words, Loki and Freya still didn't understand Alfia's purpose of participating in this chicken-eating contest.

However, things were not like this. Alfia's sister had actually been resurrected, but Alfia The disease on Alphea's sister has not been removed. This time, Alphea's real purpose in participating in the chicken-eating competition is to use this opportunity to let Xiao Bai treat her sister.

Although her skills (bbdj) are somewhat Despicable, but willing to do anything for his sister Alfia.

The 18th floor of the dungeon.

Liuliang's face was a little ugly at this time, because Liuliang had already discovered Alfia, and Alfia was participating. Is it possible for him to win this chicken-eating competition?

After thinking about it, Liuliang could not imagine the possibility of winning.

However, Liuliang did not give up. If he could not win this chicken-eating competition, If you win, you will die in this competition and be buried with your companions, but you still have to make a last effort.

Liu Liang thought about the other contestants if they united with the rest of the contestants. So is there a chance to defeat Alfia?

With this thought, Liuliang saw Alfia from a distance and quickly fled.

Alfia was naturally aware of Liuliang, and even knew that Liuliang Alfia's plan, but Alfia didn't intend to stop her. It was too slow to go look for them one by one. She might as well wait here and let Liuliang gather everyone.

Liuliang soon fled. After arriving at the place where Alfia was, the area on the 18th floor was quite vast. After spending some time, Liuliang finally found the first living person, Ais from the Loki Familia. When he saw Ais, he wanted to pull out Jian, Liuliang said quickly:"Wait a minute, I have something to say. Now is not the time for us to fight. If you want to win, the best thing is to listen to what I have to say."

After hesitating for a while, Aisi finally chose not to take action.

"Among the contestants this time is Alfia. You should know who the opponent is. If we want to win, we must at least eliminate Alfia first."

The expression on Aisi's face changed instantly.

"Damn it."

If Alfia really participates in this competition, then she has no chance of winning at all. After thinking of this, the expression on Ais's face instantly turned ugly. (Read the cool novel, go to Flying Lu Novel Network!)

"We must now unite with other contestants to eliminate Alfia first. Only in this way can we have a chance to win."

Liu Liang saw Aisi's face and understood that Aisi knew the seriousness of this matter. If Alfia is not solved, no one can win.

"We now split up to find other contestants. We need to gather all the contestants."

Understanding that Aisi also knew the seriousness of this matter, Liuliang and Aisi began to look for other contestants. Everyone watching the competition in Orario couldn't help but twitching at the corners of their eyes.

"As a result, the original fight among each other turned into everyone working together to defeat Alfia, the big demon king?"

But it seems that this is very normal. After all, Alfia's strength is there. Even Ota, who now holds the title of Orario's ultimate weapon, may not be Alfia's opponent. So these other entries In order to win, the contestants must first eliminate Alfia.

Alfia stood still and did not move. About half a day passed, and about half a day passed. Liuliang and Ais arrived with other contestants.

Looking at these When the contestants arrived, Alfiya said calmly:"Thanks for your hard work, you came here, then the next one will die! After finishing speaking ,

Alfia took action directly:"The bane of blessing, the hatred of birth, the original sin that swallowed up half of me.""

As Alfia chanted the spell, the other people's expressions suddenly changed:"You can't let the other party use magic!"

Liu Liang shouted loudly

"There is no way to remove the filth, no way to purify, no way to redeem, the sound that resounds in the sky is my sin."

"The trumpet of the gods, the harp of the elves, the melody of light, are the mark of sin, my destiny to be loved by man-made heaven and earth - shatter into ashes"

"I hate you so much. The price is here. I will destroy everything with evidence of your crime."

"Weep, Holy Bell Tower"

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