Alfia was like the ultimate devil. All the contestants were knocked down by Alfia. If Alfia had not shown mercy, all of them would have been dead by now.

However, even if Alfia showed mercy to these people, they still couldn't even stand up.

"Orario's current adventurers are too weak."

A trace of disgust flashed in Alfia's eyes as she looked at these Orario adventurers in front of her. The strength of these adventurers was so poor that they couldn't even stand a single spell of their own. The only one who could do that was Alfia. There are only Sword Princess Ace Wallenstein and Liuliang.

But they can only make Alfia look at her. Alfia looked at Liuliang:"Have you upgraded to LV6? But even this is useless, the weak are the weak!

Alfia looked at the people present and said,"Then the nonsense ends here!""


Fels's voice came.

Alfia looked at Fels:"You~ want to interfere with me?"

Fels looked at Alfia and said:"This time the game is not fair, so a rematch is needed. Hearing this sentence ,

Alfiya's face instantly showed an ugly expression:"What nonsense are you talking about? You said a rematch will be a rematch?""

Looking coldly at Fels in front of her, Alfia's eyes contained a trace of disgust. This was the only chance to treat her sister. How could she just give up like this?

However, facing Alfia Looking at Philiana, Fels said helplessly:"This matter is Uranus's decision. If you have any questions, you can ask Uranus.""

"I just want to know whether Xiao Bai recognizes this competition as my victory, and whether it can eliminate the disease in my sister?"

Fels was silent. It was obvious that Fels had not obtained Xiao Bai's consent, and Xiao Bai did not approve of what happened this time.

Seeing Fels's appearance, Alfia was speechless.

"If that's the case, there's nothing more to say."

"Stop Alfia!"

The people from the Loki Familia rushed over. Looking at these individuals in front of them, Alfia's eyes were full of ridicule.

"Do you think you can stop me if we go all the way?"

Alfia doesn't take these individuals seriously at all.

"So what if we are added to the mix?"

The people from the Freya Familia also arrived, and Alfiya's face sank slightly.

If it was just a simple Loki Familia, then Alfia would still be confident, but if Freya Familia is added, even if Alfia didn't have any confidence that she could win.

After all, Otta from Freya's family was also a LV7 adventurer.

In addition, Alfia might overturn when the other LV6 and LV5 team up.

Alfia Seeing this situation, I felt a little unwilling to accept the result that I could clearly win. Now everyone came to stop me, as if my sister should not be saved. The anger in my heart was boiling, Alfia's Murderous intent began to surge in their hearts, and at the same time they were ready to fight these individuals.

Feeling the aura on Alfia's body, everyone's expressions changed.

They came here just to save people. Thinking that Alfia was so determined that she would fight them with her life for this.

"Alfia, stop it."

Fels looked at Alfia and tried to persuade her again.

If Alfia fights with other people, no matter which side is killed or injured, it will be equivalent to Orario's loss.

So if possible, it is natural to do so. Try to prevent the battle from happening as much as possible.

However, Alfia doesn't pay attention to these individuals' intentions and wants to win no matter what. If these individuals dare to stop me, then all of them will die.

For the sake of her sister Alfia is completely They don’t mind risking their lives.

Everyone’s expressions changed after they realized what Alfia was thinking.

Alfia was determined to fight and would fight to the death.

Looking at the other Alfia in front of them The people looked at each other. They knew that this battle was inevitable unless they left now.

Please give me flowers 0.

But if they left now, their purpose of coming here would be gone.

Loki Familia for Ais, Freya For the orders of the goddess, both sides will not retreat. In other words, this battle


At this time, the only one who can stop these things is Xiao Bai. But to be honest, no one on Xiao Bai's side thought they could stop Xiao Bai.

"Is this conflict really inevitable?"

What is Xiao Bai doing at this moment? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Of course Xiao Bai is watching a show.

Since the Loki Family and Freya Family have bile, then Xiao Bai will watch it Let's see what kind of confidence they have.

Do the Loki Familia and Freya Familia think that they can stop Alfia?

No way, no way!

If this is really the case, then Xiao Xiao Those who will laugh to death will really be laughed to death.

Shouldn’t it be said that Xiao Bai is almost laughing to death now. Who on earth, Loki or Freya, gives them the confidence that Xiao Bai will stop?

Looking at Xiao Bai Bai Na was smiling with joy, and Ke Qing had a black line on one end. This bastard really didn't take it too seriously to watch the excitement.

"If you don't stop it, something will really happen."

Ke Qing said to Xiao Bai, but Xiao Bai spread his hands:"What does this have to do with me?"

"If something really goes wrong, do you think Ouranos can remain indifferent?"

"It's none of my business. Even if Ouranos wants to ask me, I don't care. It's not my fault."

"So do you really plan to watch the Loki Familia and Freya Familia fight against Alfia?"

"It's okay. Alfia died and resurrected, but I just can't get used to the Loki Familia and Freya Familia."

Xiao Bai said it very clearly. He wanted to see Freya and the Loki family finish.[]

Freya and Loki hurriedly came to Xiao Bai to stop the fight between Xiao Bai and Alfia.

"I won't stop Alfia's scarf"

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