Xiao Bai was called to the underground altar of Ouranos again. Looking at Ouranos, Xiao Bai said with some dissatisfaction:"Ouranos this time is obviously Loki and Freya's problem."

Ouranos He said helplessly:"I know, but if you kill all the Loki Familia and Freya Familia, the consequences will be serious, and Orario will be destroyed, so I can only ask you to stop."

Xiao Bai was a little dissatisfied with this behavior of Uranus. Time and time again, Uranus was simply kicking his nose in the face.

"I have given Uranus face to you time and time again, but you don’t seem to take my thoughts into consideration."

Looking at Xiao Bai's appearance in front of him, Uranus's heart skipped a beat, feeling that he was about to suffer. In fact, the result was indeed"847", just like Uranus's feeling.

"I don’t plan to continue to give you face this time, Uranus."

Sure enough, when he heard this sentence from Xiao Bai's mouth, Uranus had an ominous premonition experience in his heart.

Xiao Bai looked at Ouranos and said,"I will leave Orario after this time. I won't play anymore!" The corners of Ouranos' eyes suddenly twitched, obviously not expecting Xiao Bai to choose to leave directly. No more playing.

Ouranos looked at Xiao Bai with a headache:"Wait a minute, let's discuss it again, I can pay you a satisfactory price"

"Ouranos, do you think I lack these things from you? The reason why I agreed to you before was to give you face. Now if I don’t give you face, do you care what you give me?"

Looking at Ouranos, Xiao Bai said coldly. Xiao Bai doesn't lack these things. Before, he was to give Uranus face. Now he is not giving Uranus face. Xiao Bai has no intention of discussing with Ouranos. means.

When Ouranos heard the words"school sign", he felt that his head was getting bigger

"But this time I will let go of the Loki Familia and the Freya Familia."

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he left. Ouranos looked at Xiao Bai who left and opened his mouth to say something, but the words could not come out.

On the other hand, Xiao Bai returned to the family and asked someone to notify him. Alfia, as for the matter of Xiao Bai being killed by Alfia before arriving!

Keqing volunteered and kept moving towards the 18th floor of the dungeon.

Finally, more than half an hour later, Keqing arrived at the dungeon. Level 18: At this time, the Loki Familia and Freya Familia had already suffered heavy losses, and Alfia also suffered serious injuries.

"Alfia, stop it, Xiao Bai recognizes that this time you as the winner of the competition will help you solve your sister's disease problem."

Alfia, whose consciousness was occupied by the murderous intention in her heart, stopped immediately after hearing this sentence. Keqing immediately ran to Alfia's side. She took out the panacea and prepared to give it to Alfia. Use, however

Allen from Freya's family suddenly launched an attack. The spear penetrated Keqing's body, and the panacea in Keqing's hand fell to the ground.

Alfia's expression changed instantly after seeing this scene, and the next moment the entire dungeon began to shake violently.

Outside the dungeon, the space around Xiao Bai continued to fragment.

The raging murderous intent made everyone in Orario feel that they might be sent to the guillotine at any time.

Loki and Freya instantly felt bad, especially Freya who felt death approaching.

Ouranos was also yelling in his heart what the Freya family was doing!

However, before Ouranos could stop it, a huge divine power instantly destroyed the Tower of Babel above the dungeon. Then Xiao Bai's figure appeared in the 18th floor of the dungeon, and the 18th floor of the dungeon All floors above the ground floor were destroyed.

You can see the blue sky from the 18th floor of the dungeon.

Xiao Bai walked up to Ke Qing expressionlessly and pulled out the spear. Then he pressed a hand on Ke Qing's wound, but Ke Qing's hand blocked Xiao Bai's hand.

"This matter has nothing to do with Loki Familia."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Looking at Ke Qing's appearance, Xiao Bai nodded. Then Ke Qing took away his hand and Ke Qing's wounds were being repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye..Looking at the comatose Ke Qing, Xiao Bai looked at the members of the Freya family coldly:"Die!"

Stretching out his hand and squeezing the air, the members of the Freya Familia instantly turned into blood mist one by one.

The people of the Loki Familia felt a chill from the bottom of their hearts. They were almost with these people just now. The members of the Freya Familia were the same.

Xiao Bai looked at the Loki Familia with his cold eyes. The people of the Loki Familia were all frightened by Xiao Bai's gaze. However, in the end, Xiao Bai still withdrew his gaze and stood still. The trembling underground city snorted coldly, and then his kick suddenly landed on the underground city.


The loud noises resounded in everyone's ears, and the entire underground city began to collapse. At this time, another wave of divine power suddenly rose up, which was Ouranos.

However, the next moment, Xiao Bai said lightly:"roll!"

In an instant, the divine power that just appeared disappeared without a trace. Uranus's face in the underground altar showed a look of horror. Uranus knew that Xiao Bai's power was very powerful, but he did not think of Xiao's caliber. Being so powerful, he actually had no room to resist in front of Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai ignored these and picked up Ke Qing and then flicked 5.6 with his fingers, and a little light fell on Alfiya.

Those on Alfiya Mountain The wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After opening any door, Xiao said to Alfia:"Let's go!"

At this time, Alfia didn't dare to express any treason with Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai was obviously in anger now. Alfia had no interest in letting others bear Xiao Bai's anger. Return to the Familia. Xiao Bai gave Alfia half an hour to say goodbye to her sister, and then she would leave this world.

Although Alfia was a little regretful and reluctant to leave, she had no intention of leaving with her sister. After all, Her nephew, whom she has yet to meet, is still in this world. Alfia cannot be so selfish.[]

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