Ningguang listed the candidates who were most likely to win and handed them to Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai fell into silence looking at the list.

Each of these individuals selected after the initial audition can be said to be a kind of world-class singer or dancer. Even after reading the information of these people, they feel that they have arranged it themselves. It is really difficult for people to win, and it can even be said that the chances are slim.

Among them, Ningguang believes that Funina is the most likely to win, with about a 20% chance of winning. As for the others, Nilu has a 10% chance, Barbara has a 50% chance, and as for Yun Ningguang's arrangement, she has a 10% chance of winning. Sumire's probability of the same is only 10%, and the probability of everyone else after that combined is less than 50%.

You must know that there are thousands of contestants in"Zero Three Seven" this time. It is really difficult to stand out among thousands of people, not to mention that each of these people is the top performer.

Xiao Bai looked at the statistical list in his hand:"The probability of Funina is still too high. We need to find a way."

Ningguang heard Xiao Bai's words and couldn't help but speak for Funina:"This is Funina. Na's strength is reflected. Are you going too far in targeting her like this?"

"I know better than you what Fukalos wants to do. If this wish is too easy for Fukalos to get, then I will suffer a loss."

"What kind of wish does Fukalos want to make?"

Ningguang suddenly became curious when he saw Xiao Bai's look. What kind of wish did Carlos want to make? Why did Xiao Bai look so targeted?

"You will know when the time comes. If Fukalos can win, then you will know what kind of wish Fukalos wants to make."

For Xiao Bai's behavior as a Riddler, Ningguang expressed his dissatisfaction. Riddler, get out of Teyvat." At this time, Ying came in from the outside and saw the list in Xiao Bai's hand. Immediately after that, his eyes rolled around and he immediately came forward to take a peek. Xiao Bai didn't care at all and just generously handed the paper in his hand to Ying.

"Is it okay to just show it to me like this?"

"It's just a rough estimate. It's not certain who will win or lose in the final result, so it doesn't matter at all."

"Even this look is already good, but I know that every country in Teyvat now has a handicap, as long as you hit it, you will have no worries about eating and drinking for the rest of your life."

Looking at Ying's unsatisfactory look, Xiao Bai was speechless.

"Are you that short of money?"

"Who would think that there is too much money? In this world, whoever has money and power is the master. I just have to rely on me, so what’s the problem with wanting money? There’s no problem at all, okay!"

Xiao Bai also shook his head and had nothing to say about Ying's fallacy.

On the contrary, Ning Guang on one side said to Xiao Bai:"Although what Ying said is not entirely correct, it is true that money can be spent when there is a lot of money. of great use"

"It's okay for you, a capitalist, to say something like this, butnever mind.

Xiao Bai shook his head and said nothing more.

Ningguang asked Xiao Bai,"Do you have any objections to me?"

"Then how could you, how could I have a problem with you?"

Xiao Bai spread his hands and said that he definitely had no objection, but Ying on the other side chuckled and said:"I'm going to put all my savings into it. Whether I can get rich depends on this."

"Aren’t you worried that you’ll lose even your underwear when the time comes?"

"Absolutely impossible, this kind of thing can never happen"

"Things are unpredictable. What if something like this happens? What will you do then?"

"At worst, I will go to the wild to pick sunflower fruits and eat them."

Ying glared at Xiao Bai fiercely:"If you dare to engage in secret operations, I will kill you."

"It's really scary, but don't worry, I'm not that bad. Even this kind of thing needs to be done behind the scenes."

"So you've done a lot of things behind closed doors, right?"

When I heard Xiao Bai's words, I was immediately furious. This guy Xiao Bai has done secret operations, so...0

"I think my credibility is pretty good and I will complete what I promised, so you really don’t have to worry about this at all."

Ying glanced at Xiao Bai with a hehe expression on his face. I believe you.

Ning Guang on the other side said to Ying:"You don't have to worry about this. Xiao Bai's credit is still good. I agree. Things will definitely be done, and of course sometimes he will achieve another goal he wants without breaking his promise."

"Therefore, children will not engage in any black-box operations on such trivial matters. If Xiao Bai really engages in any black-box operations, how much money did you lose? I will still compensate you. You don’t have to worry, right?"

"No problem, I immediately felt relieved with your words."

Xiao Bai looked at Ying with long eyes but said nothing.

"What do you want to do."

The traveler who was all hairy after being looked at by Xiao Bai suddenly became vigilant.

Xiao Bai just laughed and said nothing. However, the more Xiao Bai looked like this, the more nervous his nerves became. Looking at Xiao Bai in front of him, his eyes were extremely wary.

Xiao Bai must be thinking of some bad idea in his heart when he looks like this, so now he is a little worried about what Xiao Bai might come up with. 5.8 If you deal with yourself, then you will be like a Barbie.

"You bastard, I tell you, if you dare to target me, I will never let you go."

"Haha, you think too much, how could I target you."

Lu Ying didn't believe a word of what Xiao Bai said. According to Ying's understanding of Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai must have been thinking of some way to target himself.

This guy is full of bad ideas.

"If you don't believe it, there's nothing you can do, but I have to remind you, be careful and lose all your wealth. If you don't gamble, you won't lose. You can't bet on dogs!"

The smiling expression on Xiao Bai's face immediately made Ying break her guard. Good guy, I immediately understood what you, a bastard, wanted to do...

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