The performance competition held by Xiao Bai attracted countless people.

However, there are only a few who are truly qualified to compete for the championship.

On Orario's side, she was just a companion. Xiao Bai didn't think that a place like Orario, which was backward and had a low level of education, could produce any eye-catching performances. At the beginning, Xiao Bai just hugged He had such an idea, but the result really surprised Xiao Bai.

Riveria and Liuliang fully demonstrated to Xiao Bai what the voice of the goblin is. The clear and sweet voices singing the goblin songs made even Xiao Bai feel bright.

However, after the initial novelty, Xiao Bai became immune to the fairy voices of Riveria and Liuliang.

Xiao Bai communicated the votes of several worlds in a fair manner, including the world of Teyvat, the world of DXD, the world of Orario Dungeon 23, as well as the comic book world that Xiao Bai originally lived in.

Everyone can vote and ultimately the person with the most votes wins.

Soon it was eight to four, and the candidates for the top eight did not exceed Xiao Bai's expectations.

Most of them come from the world of the original god Teyvat, Sister Barbara of the West Wind, Princess Egret Kamisato Ayaka, Lotus Light Dancing Niruru, Hongshu Chan Juan Yun Jin, endless solo dancing Funina and the Water Demon God Fu. Carlos, plus the fairy twins Riveria and Ruriang from the world of Orario.

The reason why people from Teyvat accounted for three-quarters of the total was because no one, such as those real stars, came to participate.

Xiao Bai did not invite these people, so in terms of professionalism, it was obviously not as good as these performers from the world of Teyvat.

This was something Xiao Bai didn't expect, but it didn't matter.

To be honest, Xiao Bai felt that he had already gotten back his ticket price this time. He originally just wanted to have fun, but as a result, he actually made a lot of money.

So as long as the people on Orario's side don't win next time, Xiao Bai doesn't plan to care about the others.

It was obviously impossible for Xiao Bai to let the people on Orario's side win this game. If the people on Orario's side won, it would be a naked slap in Xiao Bai's face.

Fortunately, Riveria and Liuliang, although the fairy ballad is refreshing, obviously not everyone buys it, so the probability of the two of them winning is very small. Of course, this does not prevent Xiao Bai Zaizhong did some more tricks.

Condensing light above Qunyu Pavilion held a glass of wine, drank it into his mouth, and then fed it to Xiao Bai

"I asked you two, could you please pay attention to other people? What do you want to do if you act like there is no one else around you?"

Ying looked at Xiao Bai and Ningguang with expressions of envy and hatred on her face. I really wanted to be fed by Ningguang like this.

Xiao Bai glanced at Ying, then rolled his eyes and said,"You You should go back to where you came from. Don’t be embarrassed here. I told you that gambling dogs will die a good death and you still insist on not believing it. It’s fine now. I’ve lost everything."

"That's because you did something secretly."

Ying firmly refused to admit that she was unlucky enough to lose all her small treasury. This must have been done by Xiao Bai, the bastard.

Yes, that's it. Ask Xiao Bai to compensate!

Paimeng nodded repeatedly:"That's right, the reason why you lost all your money is because you were doing something secretly."

If you have no money, you will have to go hungry, so you have to rely on Xiao Bai to make money if you don't have the money to go hungry."

"Don't even think about relying on me. I'm telling you, believe it or not, I'll slap you away."

Seeing that Paimon and Ying wanted to borrow money from him, Xiao Bai immediately threatened him.

"I don't care, you have to give me an explanation for this matter, why Barbara couldn't even make it to the semi-finals."

In the eight-to-four competition, there was no doubt that Kamisato Ayaka, Barbara, Ruri Ang, and Riverias were directly eliminated, and it just so happened that Ying suppressed all the small treasury. On Barbara

"So let's talk about Nilu, Yun Jin, Funina and Fukalos, which one is stronger than Barbara. Is there anything wrong with them winning?"

Ying was speechless for a moment. This sentence is really true. The remaining top four are obviously more powerful than Barbara, but if he admits it like this, doesn't it mean that he wants money? Not coming back? (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Now, tell me in front of the four of them which one is not as strong as Barbara."

Xiao Bai directly opened a video and looked at Ying.

Ying: I really want to kill your grandson. You look like this in front of these people. How can I have the nerve to say that their strength is not as good as Baba? How can I default on your debt?

Ying was roaring in her heart, but she had an embarrassed smile on her face.

"It seems that you have no objection to the semi-finals, right?"

Ying looked at Xiao Bai. If he could kill someone, Xiao Bai, who is now 080, would definitely have been cut into pieces by a thousand cuts. Did the bullshit trick me? Remember this thing? We are not done yet.

Xiao Bai has no idea about this. I care about it and even have the urge to laugh.

What can you do to me, just a girl?

"Speaking of which, I'm going to watch the semi-finals on the day of the finals. There seems to be some leftover front row tickets, and I don't know if anyone wants them."

The cannibalistic expression on Ying's face suddenly turned into a flattering smile:"I want it, I want it, I also want to experience your kind of fun. Xiao

Bai looked at Ying with a meaningful expression:"Oh, do you think I should agree or refuse?" What a headache."

Ying looked at Xiao Bai with his fists clenched tightly, but there was still a charming smile on his face.

"What kind of relationship do we have, right? I am part of you and you are part of me. If you can still refuse me, are you still a human being? You have to satisfy me"

"It's not impossible, but you have to play with me tonight.

Ying looked confused and then said fiercely:"Deal!""[]

A smile appeared on Xiao Bai's face and he looked at Ying in front of him. Now that you have agreed, if you want to run away, I won't agree to it, Ying..

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