"Son of a bitch!

Ying cursed angrily at Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai played a little bit and almost broke Ying's whole body. This bastard was simply inhuman, so he tormented Ying hard.

"Don't act like you're not enjoying it."

Xiao Bai stretched out his hand and poked Ying's face. As expected, he didn't dare to look at Yu Xinzhe's face. Even though it's not necessarily prettier than Kamisato Ayaka and the others, there is no doubt that Ying is the most attractive. The one that gets cuter the more I look at it, so cute that I miss you

"Take your dog's paws away and be careful, I'll chop them up for you."

Ying put her hands on her hips and looked arrogant. Xiao Bai was immediately excited when she saw this scene.

After noticing that something was wrong with Xiao Bai, Ying's body tensed up instantly. Unfortunately, before Ying could make any response, Xiao Bai He has already carried the firefly

"Go, let go."

The light above Qunyu Pavilion is entertaining Yun Jin

"Is Mr. Yun sure of winning?"

Yun Jin, who heard Ningguang's inquiry, hesitated for a moment and then shook her head:"I'm not very sure."

After hearing Yun Jin's answer, Go Ningguang said:"Just do your best, even if you lose, it doesn't matter!"

"I will try my best, but I think the ones most likely to win this time are probably the Demon God Fukalos and Ms. Funina. Ms. Funina’s 500 years of experience and Fukalos"

Looking at Yun Jin's look, Lingguan actually smiled and said,"Just try your best. As for who the winner is, it doesn't matter anymore.""

"Xiao Bai now only has the purest desire to watch, so it doesn't matter whether he succeeds or not."

After glancing at Ningguang, a hint of understanding appeared in his eyes. What kind of cooperation have you reached with Demon God Fukalos and the others?

Ningguang smiled and did not answer. Yun Jin no longer cared about this, but seemed relieved. Like taking a breath

"I feel reassured by this look. If the wish of Demon God Fukalos can be realized, it will be good for everyone in Teyvat, so I don't care too much about whether I can win or not.."

"What kind of wish did Fukalos make that he made you say like this to Ningguang?"

"You will know after the other party wins and makes a wish. This time, I originally wanted to ventilate it with you in advance to avoid any accidents."

"Even so, I will do my best. Now that I am on stage, I will never give up."

"It's natural and a good thing if you win."

Zubair Theatre.

What will Nilu perform next? Although the Dance of the Flower Goddess is beautiful, Nilu wants to perform something else.

"Since you don’t want to perform the Dance of the Flower Goddess, then perform what you want to perform, or give everything you have to the one you love and turn everything into a dance for the other person."

The gentle voice of the Great Merciful Tree King reached Nilu's ears. In an instant, Nilu seemed to be enlightened.

"I understand, Daci Shuwang, thank you for the reminder!"

Funina and Fukalos are also making final preparations.

Although they have the greatest confidence in winning, if they take it lightly, they will overturn. Therefore, Fukalos and Funina are also working hard. Try your best to bring out your strongest strength.

Each of the top four players is working hard to bring out all their strength.

Finally, on this day, the four-to-two semi-finals have begun. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Yun Jin moved countless people with her song of chopping mountains to save her mother, but in the end she unfortunately lost to Funina's daughter of water.

Nilu's dance that incorporated all her emotions finally lost to Fukalos.

Unsurprisingly, Fukalos and Funina entered the finals.

"Damn it, Nilu actually lost."

Ying obviously doesn't accept the fact that Nilu lost.

But looking at Funina and Fukalos, she can't say that they don't deserve to win. Fukalos and Funina The strength left Ying speechless

"Then the next step is the final victory between Fukalos and Funina. I don’t know who will win in the end."

Thinking of Fukalos and Funina, Ying was also entangled in her heart. It was obvious that Ying really cared about who among these two would win.

"I think it will be Funina."

Xiao Bai's words made Ying obviously quite shocked. Xiao Bai actually named the winner directly. Could it be that he wanted to mislead himself?

Looking at Ying's suspicious eyes, Xiao Bai did not explain Ai Xin. She didn't believe it.

Ying glanced at Xiao Bai and didn't say anything. Although she was a little skeptical, she felt in her heart that Fu Nina would probably win.

But along with this thought came the hesitation in her heart. He was confused about whether he should take advantage of this opportunity to make a big fortune. There was a devil in Ying's heart that was ready to move. He had suffered a complete loss before and now he really wanted to make money back through this time. As long as he could make it back, then Maybe he can make a lot of money.

Xiao Bai said that Funina will win, so Funina is definitely the winner. Don’t think about it.[]

Ying didn't notice that Xiao Bai next to him was looking at him with a playful expression. The little ones in Ying's heart, Xiao Bai, could know what was going on in Ying's heart without even thinking about it.

A week later Funina (Zhao's) defeated Fukalos and won the championship.

However, there was not a trace of smile on Ying's face. Instead, her whole body turned gray. Xiao Bai looked at Ying's face with a playful smile.

"I remember I told you that Funina would win, but why do you seem unhappy? What's wrong is that you bet money again and lose, right? You won't die a good death if you bet on dogs."

"But it shouldn't be possible. After all, I've even told you who the champion is. You won't end up like an Adou who can't be supported. You can lose even if the mud can't support the wall."

Ying gritted her teeth and looked at Xiao Bai but did not refute. She had previously wondered whether Xiao Bai had deliberately released false news. The more she thought about it, the more likely it was that she would suppress Fukalos later. As a result,

This wave of Ying immediately felt numb. He knew the answer, but the result was

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