Xiao Bai looked at Funina in front of him and said to Funina:"Now you can make a wish for me, so tell me your wish now."

Looking at Xiao Bai and Funina in front of him, he took a deep breath. There is some tension.

Fukalos on the side looked at Funina with eyes full of encouragement.

Others also looked at Funina curiously, wanting to know what kind of wish Funina would make.

"my wish"

Looking at Xiao Bai in front of her, Funina hesitated and confirmed again:"Is it true that any wish is allowed?"

"That’s right, you can have any wish!"

After receiving Xiao Bai's answer, Funina finally mustered up the courage to look at Xiao Fan and said,"Then my wish is to make everyone happy!"

Everyone was shocked by Fulina's wish. No one thought that Fulina would make such a wish to Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai looked at Fulina in front of him and remained silent. Everyone looked at Xiao Bai in front of them

"Only in Teyvat!"

In the end, Xiao Bai breathed out a breath and replied to Funina 687. The faces of people in other worlds suddenly showed a look of disappointment.

But then everyone looked at Funina with a grateful look. After all, What Fu Nina proposed was to convince everyone of this wish.

This was enough for them to express their gratitude to Fu Nina.

Xiao Baisheng raised his hand and then snapped his fingers. In an instant, everyone in Teyvat fell into a coma. In the following dream, everyone got the happiness they wanted.

This time, the drowsiness only lasted less than a minute before everyone woke up.

Funina looked at Xiao Bai who was puffed up in front of her. Said:"You are cheating!"

"So what do you think the so-called happiness is?"

Looking at Fu Nina in front of her, Xiao Bai asked plainly, and facing Xiao Bai's question, Fu Nina fell into silence. Fu Nina couldn't give a definition of what happiness is.

But Fu Nina couldn't give a definition. But Ning Na knew that she had just given everyone a dream, and in that dream everyone got the happiness they wanted.

"It seems that you (cdfc) have nothing to say."

Xiao Bai was relieved when he saw Fu Nina had nothing to say. Fu Nina's wish was too extensive.

Therefore, Xiao Bai could only use this method to fulfill Fu Nina's wish.

Xiao Bai doesn't know what happiness is in other people's hearts, but Xiao Bai gives them the most direct way to realize what they want.

Let them get the happiness they want.

But this happiness is not It is not eternal. This is equivalent to Xiao Bai cheating.

"They all got the happiness they wanted, even if this happiness is not permanent, they should be grateful to you for this, right?"

"And more importantly, the wish you made is a bit too much."

"If you make a wish to make one person happy, then there is no problem, but the wish you make is for everyone."

Funina glared at Xiao Bai fiercely, and then said indeed:"You are really despicable."

Xiao Bai just shrugged and didn't take what Funina said to heart.

"Okay, then Ms. Funina, you should accept your cheers and their gratitude to you."

Xiao Bai patted Funina's head and then turned around and left.

Not long after Xiao Bai left, countless people expressed their gratitude to Funina. Even if the happiness was only short-lived, Funina was really It really made them realize what happiness is.

Above the Jade Pavilion, you watched Xiao Bai with a hint of ridicule in his eyes:"It turns out that Fu Nina and the others want to make such a wish. No wonder you don't want Fu Ningna to make such a wish." Nina and the others won"

"This matter can only be said to be helpless. If Funina or Fukalos want to make some ordinary wishes, then I will grant them, but it is a pity that they chose this way."

"This is the so-called great love. If it were me, I would never be able to make such a wish like them."

Ningguang knows himself very well and he will never be able to make such a wish like Funina and Fukalos.

"Yes, there are no such idiots like them!"

Ningguang also laughed when he heard Xiao Bai's words, because Ningguang could hear the helplessness from Xiao Bai's words.

"So this time you are forced to choose to fulfill your promise in this way?"

Funina's request requires the power of faith that even selling me is not enough, so how can we save on natural things?"

"Ha ha ha ha."

After hearing this sentence, Ning Guang suddenly laughed.

"But I do have to thank you. Although my life as a child was difficult, it was the happiest period of my life."

Recalling what happened when he was a child, Ning Guang's face showed a trace of melancholy. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xiao Bai patted Ning Guang's shoulder. If necessary, I can resurrect you from the dead. Relatives.

Ningguang shook his head


It's really no need. Ning Guang knows very well that even if he is resurrected now, he will never be able to regain the same feeling as before. Moreover, after a person is dead, disturbing the sleep of the dead is a kind of blasphemy against the dead.

See Xiao Bai said nothing more when Ningguang looked like this. He just said to Ningguang:"If you want to resurrect them one day, then tell me and I will help you resurrect them.""

"I don't think that will happen one day."

Ningguang looked at Xiao Bai and shook his head. Xiao Bai didn't say much. It's enough if his consciousness is expressed. Xiao Bai doesn't need to say too much else.

"This time the competition can be said to have cost me even my capital and caused a huge loss."

Although Xiao Bai played a little trick this time, Xiao Bai still consumed a lot of power of faith.

Therefore, this time Xiao Bai did not directly reject Funina's wish, which was the limit..

After all, Xiao Bai’s power of faith is not enough for Funina to consume.

Funina’s wish is too huge. It is so huge that Xiao Bai does not have enough power of faith to complete it.

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