Ais, who left Orario with her mother, was a little confused about where he should go now, but just when he was confused, a figure appeared in front of Ais.

Looking at the person in front of her, Ais had a horrified expression on her face.

"Who are you?"

The other party looks exactly like me, but the aura on his body is more gloomy than mine, as if he has completely fallen into darkness!

"who I am? I am you, but I am you in the future!"

Hearing the words of the person in front of her, there was still a look of horror on her face. Ace did not expect that the other person would be her future self.

Even Alicia next to her looked at Ace and the future Ace in disbelief. Her face was full of disbelief.

Looking at Alicia"360" next to her, a trace of complexity flashed in the future Ais's eyes. The future Ais was also trying to resurrect her own body just like the current Ais. Her mother kept killing people to keep her mother alive, but one day in the future, Alicia ended her life when Ais went out to kill people. At that time, Ais had completely fallen into the darkness. In the middle of the film, Aisi, whose only source of sustenance was dead, was in confusion. At this moment, she was summoned to this era by Xiao Bai. Aisi noticed something was wrong with the person in front of her and looked at her in front of her with vigilance. This future Ais!

Without any words, the future Ais drew her sword and attacked the present Ais.

Helplessly forced to pull out the sword and fight back, Ais could only fight with her future self. One piece.

Alicia next to her obviously wanted to stop her two daughters from fighting, but both of them are her own daughters.

Ais looked at her future self with confused and puzzled eyes:"Why do you do this? ?"

I can't understand why my future self wants to fight with myself. The future Ais didn't say anything, but the sword in her hand attacked Ais more and more fiercely. She looked like she was going to kill the Ais in front of her.

No. After paying attention to Ais' question, Ais in the future seemed to have only one purpose, which was to kill Ais. She couldn't understand why her future self was like this, but Ais could only try her best to fight back.

"Weak, why are you so weak, why are you so incompetent!"

Future Aisi questioned the present Aisi.

The current Aisi could not refute that she was weak.

The current self is too weak and even weak. In front of the future self, she can barely protect herself, or even just... She couldn't even fight back.

Looking at the future of her past self in front of her, Ais had a look of madness on her face.

Why couldn't she protect her mother well? Why did she let her die this time?

Why did she let herself become a person

"why why!!!"

Future Ais frantically attacks her past self. Now Ais can only defend constantly, but the scars on her body are gradually increasing.

Alicia next to her looked worried, but she didn't stop it at all. No more two daughters now.

Xiao Bai watched the two people in front of him with relish. The fight between Aisi and Aisi, women fighting and so on was the most interesting.

Ke Qing looked at Xiao Bai and gritted her teeth, even though she knew that Xiao Bai was now Just a spectator, everything was designed for Aisi, but Keqing was still full of dissatisfaction and disgust towards this damn fun person.

"You damn bastard!"

Ke Qing's curse made Xiao Bai couldn't help but look at Ke Qing:"I think you're almost fine!""

After hearing Xiao Bai's words, Ke Qing snorted and did not speak again, but it was obvious that she was still dissatisfied and angry with Xiao Bai Ke Qing.

Xiao Bai did not continue to pay attention to Ke Qing but looked at the person in front of him. Fight.

Xiao Bai likes this scene very much!

Xiao Pai also understands what Aisi wants to do in the future.

But Xiao Bai has no intention of stopping it. Xiao Bai is also curious about whether Aisi in the future can make Aisi in the present Ace makes a change

"Just watch, something interesting is about to happen!"

After hearing this, Ke Qing immediately looked at Aisi, and then Ke Qing looked at the scene in front of her in disbelief............

Now the sword in Ais's hand directly pierced the chest of Future Ais.

Ke Qing couldn't understand why Ais would lose now even though the current Ais was no match for the future Ais!

"The reason is simple, because from the time Ais returns to this era in the future, all she wants to do is how to end her life."

"Of course, it is very possible that there are other little thoughts, but they are not important. What is important is that she wants to die. Keqing

's body trembled slightly and she looked at Xiao Bai in front of her and asked,"Did you know from the beginning that the other party just wanted to die?""

There was a hint of trembling in Keqing's words. Looking at Xiao Bai in front of her, Keqing asked Xiao Bai:"You knew from the beginning that Aisi in the future returned to this era just to seek death. Is it right?"

Hearing Ke Qing's question, Xiao Bai nodded affirmatively.

"Yes, I knew from the beginning that the other party's real purpose was to seek death."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Keqing's body trembled slightly:"How can you be so cruel!"

"I said, did you make something wrong? Keqing, do you have some small misunderstanding?"

"I didn't force them to do anything, nor did I force them to make any choices. All of this 2.7 is of their own free will, you understand?"

"In other words, dying in her own hands is what Ais truly desires in the future!"

"I just helped him realize his wish!"

"You fulfill her wish by letting him die!"

"So do you think she is alive now?"

Pointing to the future Ais, Xiaobai asked Ke Qing.

Ke Qing was unable to refute immediately. The future Ais didn't look like a living person at all. There was a gloomy darkness all over her body, as if she could feel like she was dying at any time. Everyone may choose to destroy themselves

"I'm sure her future has something to do with you. It was you who made her become what she is now. Ke Qing stared at Xiao Bai fiercely."

"Who knows."

Xiao Bai spread his hands...

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