Xiao Bai really didn't know why Aisi would become like this in the future. It could even be said that Xiao Bai did not expect that Aisi would become like this in the future.

Even when the future Ais proposed such a condition, Xiao Bai felt that he was completely confused and it was a bit too unexpected.

But then Xiao Bai agreed. After all, this matter was too interesting, how could he not agree.

The future self wants to torture the past self, and Xiao Bai is not a murderer, so naturally Xiao Bai doesn't mind being a spectator.

So when Aisi came to see Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai just agreed.

"What's the difference between you looking like this and killing Ais with your own hands, you beast?"

Ke Qing angrily scolded Xiao Bai.

After seeing Aisi asking for death in the future, Ke Qing really couldn't bear Xiao Bai for a moment. 29

This guy is simply a scumbag.

"The most I did was push behind the scenes, but I didn’t do anything else."

"If you push him, he is considered an accomplice. How can you bear to watch the other person die!"

Ke Qing asked Xiao Bai!

"I'm not as sympathetic as you, so naturally I won't have any tolerance!"

Ke Qing looked at Xiao Bai with a look full of disappointment, but in the end Ke Qing didn't say anything more. Although

Xiao Bai said what he did this time was very bad, strictly speaking Xiao Bai didn't do anything.!

It was the future Ais who gave the idea, and the present Ais who made the decision. The final future Ais died in the hands of the present Ais. This was also the future Ais's own decision.

And Xiao Bai was always just a spectator. Strictly speaking, making a convenience when necessary didn't mean anything, but just like this, Ke Qing always had a sense of dissatisfaction in her heart!

"This world itself is a world full of tragedy. Tragedy is the essence of this world. What you should do is not blame me but praise the tragedy of this world."

Ke Qing couldn't help anymore and directly took out the weapon and scratched Xiao Bai!

Xiao Bai rolled his eyes and disappeared directly in front of Ke Qing!

After Xiao Bai disappeared, Ke Qing became very angry. Vent!

At this moment, Orario saw her sword piercing her future self's body, and Ais was completely dumbfounded.


Obviously she is not the opponent of her future self, but the other party did die in her hands. She is completely incomprehensible and cannot understand it.

In the future, Aisi looked at her past self with a trace of complexity in her eyes.

"I hope you won't repeat my path again!"

Leaving such a sentence, Aisi's body in the future gradually turned into dots of light, but these dots of light were all integrated into Aisi's current body, and Aisi's strength continued to gain. Improvement.

Finally, now Aisi has obtained all the past memories of future Aisi, and also understands why future Aisi actively seeks death.

Now Aisi has a sad look on her face. Unfortunately, everything is useless now.

But now that Aisi has also received messages from future Aisi, she understands what she should do now. She must protect her mother, and she will never let her mother be like her future self and actively seek death.

Realizing As for what her future mother has done, Aisi also knows that the most important thing for her now is to take good care of her mother and not let her do anything like seeking death. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

At this time, a sound of applause rang out. Aisi and Alicia, mother and daughter, instantly looked at the source of the applause.

It was Xiao Bai. After seeing Xiao Bai, Aisi fell into silence, but in her heart she felt... Xiao Bai felt a trace of resentment!

"Everything is your own choice, so don't blame me and think I did something excessive."

After hearing Xiao Bai's words, Aisi was silent and unable to argue. What Xiao Bai said was not wrong. Everything is her own choice, but the resentment in her heart seemed like countless ants constantly gnawing at her. Eating his own soul.

Xiao Bai looked at Aisi with a playful smile on his lips.

"Do you know why you in the future will die in your hands?"

Ai Si's face suddenly showed a look of hesitation. She had no idea why her future self would die in her own hands.

"Because the future you wants to send you a message, but unfortunately, both the present you and the past you are so stupid, and they have no idea what message they want to send!"

Aisi's pupils shrank. What message did her future self want to convey?

"Give you a minute to think about what message your future self wants to convey to you."

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he ignored Ais and turned to look at Alicia.

Alicia met Xiao Bai and looked at 433, and then the pupils in her eyes flickered.

"You should have guessed that the future Ais wants to send the same message as the current Ais even if she sacrifices herself, but you don't seem to care, or you don't seem to value the future Ais's risk on herself. I also want to send you a message with my life"

"It's really pitiful. I've obviously risked everything, even my own life, to deliver certain news to you, but for you, the message that Aisi risked her life to deliver in the future is still there. is not taken seriously by you, then the question is, do you not care about Aisi in the future at all, or do you not care about your daughter at all, all you care about is yourself! He frowned slightly and looked at Xiao Bai in front of him:"I don't know what your purpose is, but there is no doubt that I love Aisi!""

"Yeah? Then I am very curious about why Aisi will become like this in the future. She is willing to die in her own hands but the message she wants to convey is not taken seriously by you. It is really pitiful!"

A burst of anger arose in Alicia's heart.

"You devil!"

"Even if I am a devil, I am also the devil who fulfills your wishes!".

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