After tying up her mother, Ais found Riveria, hoping that Riveria could help her take care of her mother.

After all, Ais knew very well that she might not be able to come back after leaving this time, so Ais wanted someone to take care of her mother, and Riveria was undoubtedly the most suitable candidate.

Riveria was also surprised when Ais found her. She did not expect that Ais would come to find her. However, Riveria still asked Ais the purpose of her visit and wanted to know what Ais was here for.

"I have to leave for a while, so Riveria, I want to ask you to help me take care of my mother."

Riveria's mood was a little complicated for a moment, and she didn't know what she should say.

But in the end, Riveria agreed to Ace's request.

"I understand. Leave this matter to me. I will take good care of Alicia. But Ais, how long will you be away this time?"

Ais was silent for a moment when she heard Riveria's inquiry and then said:"I will come back as soon as possible. 07"

After hearing Aisi's answer, Riveria instinctively had a bad premonition in her heart, but looking at Aisi's appearance in front of her, Riveria knew she couldn't stop it.


Stopping Ais who was about to leave, Riveria said to Ais:"Don't do dangerous things, promise me, okay? Must come back!"

The steps paused slightly, and then Ais strode forward again.

Looking at Ais leaving, Riveria stretched out her hand to retain Ais, but before Riveria could After opening her mouth, Aisi disappeared in front of Riveria.

Then Riveria realized that something was wrong and immediately went to find Alicia.

When Riveria saw the tied up Alicia Sia immediately became sure that Ais was really going to do something stupid.

Riveria immediately untied the rope for Alicia, and the ensuing questioning period was about what was going on.

However, when Riveria When Ya knew that Ace was going to die, Riveria instantly became angry.

"How could Aisi act like this?"

A wave of anger filled Riveria's heart.

"How dare Ace do this! A bitter smile appeared on Alicia's face:"

Because of me, Ais did such a thing because of me.""

Of course Alicia knows that all these things are because of herself. If it weren't for herself, there wouldn't be so much trouble. But now she is completely powerless and can't do anything.

A wave of anger Emotions suddenly came to my heart!

"I'm going to find Xiao Bai. Only Xiao Bai can end this at this time!"

After Alicia finished speaking, she staggered out and was about to go out, but Riveria did hold Alicia back.

"There's no use looking for Xiao Bai now, we have to find someone else."

Riveria knew very well that it was useless to look for Xiao Bai at this time. She had to find someone else.

"Maybe I can help you."

Suddenly a person appeared. When they saw this person, Alicia and Riveria's hair stood on end. The other person was just an ordinary girl, but Alicia and Riveria Leah instinctively felt the danger of the other party

"I can help you realize your wishes. I will definitely stop what Xiao Bai wants to do, and I will definitely make it happen if Xiao Bai wants to stop it."

The person who came here is Xiao Meiyan. After knowing what Xiao Bai did, Xiao Meiyan is determined that it is impossible to let this kind of thing continue to happen.

Now Xiao Meiyan has only one purpose, and that is what Xiao Bai wants to do. It's Xiao Meiyan's only purpose to stop Xiao Bai from doing anything.

"who are you!"

Obviously Alicia and Riveria don't believe Xiaomei Yan.

After all, Xiaomei Yan gives them an evil feeling, so Alicia and Riveria don't want to believe Xiaomei in front of them. flame

"You can think that I am Xiao Bai’s enemy. As long as Xiao Bai wants to do something, I will definitely stop it."

Alicia and Riveria looked at each other. If it looks like this, it's not that they can't believe it. People like Xiao Bai must have enemies.

But the question is how can they believe the person in front of them? Xiao Meiyan, if this Xiao Meiyan was arranged by Xiao Bai, wouldn't he have fallen into a trap?

"You don’t have a choice now anyway, right? In this case, why don't you believe me? My target is only Xiao Bai, and I only intend to target Xiao Bai. I have no interest in you guys at all."

Xiao Meiyan looked at the two women in front of her with a disdainful smile. These individuals were not worthy of her attention at all. All she wanted was Mantou Card.

Xiao Meiyan said that she was very specific and was only interested in Mantou Card. , the only thing he wanted to do besides Mantou Ka was to kill Xiao Bai.

Any bug who dared to tarnish Mantou Ka would die.

Xiao Meiyan was instantly moved when she thought that Man Tou Ka's first kiss was taken away by Xiao Bai. I felt like I was no longer 230.

Looking at Xiao Meiyan's appearance, Veria and Alicia couldn't help but sigh. They really had no choice, so they could only agree.

"How can you help us?" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"It's very simple, as long as you do what I say, I guarantee there will be absolutely no problems."

Although they were very skeptical, Riveria and Alicia finally chose to believe it. After all, they no longer have a choice.

"What do you want us to do? Riveria looked at Xiao Meiyan, who smiled and said,"Don't worry.""

Looking at Xiaomi Homura, Vilia and Alicia felt a bad premonition, but now they have no choice. They can't just watch Ais die.

"Then what happens next"

Xiao Bai seemed to have a premonition of something, and he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

"It's a bit interesting, but sometimes I can be self-righteous."

A mysterious smile appeared on Xiao Bai's face. Xiao Meiyan wanted to cause trouble, but she didn't know that what she did was actually completing a part of destiny and promoting destiny..

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