Ais was ready to sacrifice herself, but he never expected that something unbelievable would happen.

The person in front of me who looks exactly like me

"Don't worry, I don't have any ill intentions towards you. Just take a nap for now."

After the other party finished speaking, Ais suddenly felt her head buzzing and then passed out.

When Ais woke up again, she saw her mother and Riveria.

In an instant, Ais was stunned. Shocked

"Don't worry, Ace, don't worry."

Looking at Aisi's appearance, Vilia and Alicia comforted Aisi.

However, Aisi shook her head:"No, all of this was within Xiao Bai's expectation. Xiao Bai had already Found that such a situation was expected."

Afterwards, under Ace's narration, the expressions of Alicia and Riveria also changed.

Then they wanted to find Xiao Meiyan, but at this time, Xiao Meiyan was already Left.

Apparently it was Akatsuki Homura who transformed into another Ais.

But the next moment, Ais and the others found that they could not move at all.

"Xiao Bai."

Immediately Aisi knew that this was Xiao Bai coming, and as expected, Xiao Bai appeared in front of Aisi the next moment.

"Sometimes you want to rebel against fate but don't know that everything you do is promoting fate."

Seeing Xiao Bai, the three people's bodies were stiff and facing Xiao Bai with a hint of fear in their eyes.

As for Xiao Bai, he looked at the three people in front of him, shook his head and sighed,"When fate comes It would be better for you not to think about resistance but to obey God's destiny. Riveria looked at Xiao Bai:"

Does Shuntian agree to let Aisi die?"

Xiao Bai chuckled when he heard this sentence:"This is her life and her own choice.""

"I don't agree. If you want to kill me, just kill me."

Alicia stopped in front of Xiao Bai and Aisi.

Xiao Bai did smile and didn't say anything. He just looked at Alicia in front of him and said,"You can't stop them.

Then Alicia was knocked unconscious again. Riveria was also knocked unconscious.

Xiao Bai looked at Ais and said:"Let's go and do what you should do.""

Glancing at Riveria and Alicia, Xiao Bai then left with Aisi. On the other side, in the past time period, Aisi had already stabbed to death Xiao Meiyan's pretended future Ai. Silk.

However, at this moment, time paused.

The expression on Xiao Meiyan's face stiffened instantly. Xiao Meiyan looked at Xiao Bai with a livid face and said,"How could you find out.

Xiao Bai instead smiled and asked:"What gave you the illusion that it was impossible for me to find out.""

Xiao Meiyan was speechless for a moment.

Then Xiao Bai looked at Xiao Meiyan with a playful expression on her face and said to Aisi beside him:"Go and do what you should do."

Aisi glanced at Xiao Bai with a complicated expression and then walked towards her past self.

As the sword passed through Aisi's chest, Xiao Bai looked at Xiao Meiyan and said:"Why bother, what you did is simply Promoting the development of destiny."

Xiao Meiyan's face was extremely ugly, but Xiao Bai looked at Xiao Meiyan and just shook his head.

Then Xiao Bai looked at Xiao Meiyan and said,"If you hadn't taken action against me, I wouldn't have followed this. A coordinate found the world of magical girls and then abducted Madoka Shikama"

"Such a thing as fate."

Xiao Meiyan looked at Xiao Bai and gritted her teeth. Her expression looked at Xiao Bai as if she wanted to bite him to death.

"Okay, it's time for us to leave and at the same time we should have a good talk."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Bai grabbed Xiao Meiyan's hand with one hand and led Xiao Meiyan away. Then he glanced at Aisi and casually returned her hand. The future Aisi disappeared in an instant.


"What do you want to talk about!"

Xiao Meiyan looked at Xiao Bai with a cold face. Xiao Bai looked at Xiao Meiyan in front of him and said,"You don't want Mantou Ka to be harmed, right?"

As soon as he heard that the matter was related to Madoka Shikama, Xiao Meiyan's face suddenly showed a sharp look. Xiao Bai reached out and lifted Xiao Meiyan's chin.

"So be obedient, otherwise I can't guarantee that I will do something with Mantou Card."

Xiao Meiyan looked at Xiao Bai:"Despicable villain."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xiao Bai whistled and then said to Xiao Meiyan:"The steamed buns are stuck.

Xiao Meiyan said to Xiao Bai with a livid face:"What do you want?""

"..I really want to taste you."

Xiao Bai kissed Xiao Meiyan's lips. Xiao Meiyan pushed Xiao Bai away.

"You don’t want Mantou Card to get hurt either."

Suddenly Xiao Meiyan's body stiffened, and the look in her eyes when she looked at Xiao Bai was almost murderous.


Facing Xiao Meiyan's rebuke, Xiao Bai really didn't care. Now Xiao Bai just wants to teach Xiao Meiyan a lesson and let Xiao Meiyan know the consequences of offending him, and it is even more forbidden to attack him. forgive

"This is the price you pay for taking action against me."

Xiao Meiyan closed her eyes and her eyelids trembled slightly.

In the end, Xiao Meiyan did not resist or Xiao Meiyan did not dare to resist. Xiao Meiyan didn't know if Xiao Bai would really do anything to Shikama Madoka. thing, but if what Xiao Bai said is true, it is still unclear what kind of harm Shikama Madoka will suffer.

So Xiao Meiyan finally succumbed:"The big deal is just to treat it as being (money) The dog took a bite."

Xiao Meiyan stared at Xiao Bai and said fiercely.

Xiao Bai didn't care, looking at Xiao Meiyan in front of him with a smile on his face:"I will leave something in your body, you Just be proud of it, not everyone can be favored by me."

Xiao Meiyan was so angry that her whole body trembled.[]

"Despicable and shameless."

Even in this state, Xiao Meiyan still showed no sign of surrender.

To face Xiao Meiyan, who looked so stubborn, Xiao Bai only used the simplest method, which was to block Xiao Meiyan's mouth. Xiao Meiyan was speechless even though she was there.

"Sooner or later, bastard, I'm going to kill you."

Xiao Meiyan looked at Xiao Bai with murderous intent in her eyes.

Xiao Bai indeed looked at Xiao Meiyan and said,"Can you still be tough? Then it seems like it’s not enough, let’s continue!".

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