"But even though it’s not over yet, it’s almost there."

Xiao Baifeng's convoluted words directly silenced Alice.

The subconscious in Xiao Bai's words was obviously heard by everyone present. Xiao Bai would not let these witches go easily, and Alice in front of her also Will become one of those people.

The smile on Alice's face in front of her is stiff, and her heart is MMP.

But Xiao Bai is sneering, what these witches including Alice in front of him have done this time is completely It is beyond Xiao Bai's acceptance range, which means that these witches are going to be unlucky, and they are going to be very unlucky.

So this time Xiao Bai is here to settle accounts. Don't even think about any of the witches in these witch guilds. Run.

Yukinoshita Yukino didn't even plead for Alice's"750". Yukinoshita Yukino knew very well that Xiao Bai was angry now. If she went to talk to Xiao Bai about these things at this time, it would be too late. They would definitely be implicated.

So Yukinoshita Yukino and the others wisely did not speak.

Xiao Bai looked at Alice in front of him:"Speak, aren't you very good at speaking? Why don't you say anything now?"

"What do you want!"

Alice was immediately upset. No matter what decision she made, she had no way of affecting Xiao Bai. Her destiny was in Xiao Bai's hands. She would resist whatever Xiao Bai wanted to do to her. No, so since it's so lucky, just let it go.

Looking at Alice in front of him, Xiao Bai said with a smile:"Don't think of me as just a devil. Don't you want to have children? Then let you live."

Xiao Bai snapped his fingers and then figures appeared in front of Alice:"The evil fall of the witch sounds very good, doesn't it?"

A trace of malice flashed in Xiao Bai's eyes. No, no, it shouldn't be said to be a trace of malice. Xiao Bai's malice almost drowned the entire Alice.

"As long as you witches each give birth to 100 children, I will let you go."

After hearing Xiao Bai's punishment, all the girls had a trace of fear on their faces.

Xiao Bai's punishment was simply hell for these girls.

Even if Yukinoshita Yukino and the others wanted to speak Begging for mercy, but facing the malice flashing in Xiao Bai's eyes, he couldn't help but give up his idea of ​​begging for mercy.

Each of those figures was very ugly, either physically disabled or mentally retarded..

Xiao Bai will not find some normal ordinary people for them. Xiao Bai just wants to disgust them and let these witches know the consequences of offending him.

"Or if you don't like these, it doesn't matter, I will change a batch for you."

Xiao BaisuiWith a wave of his hand, some strange creatures appeared, like tentacle monsters and the like. Alice's face became extremely pale when she saw these things.

"You choose it yourself, if you don’t choose, then I will help you choose!"

After hearing this, Alice turned pale and looked at Xiao Bai and said,"Kill me."

"Haha, it's not that easy to die. Even if you commit suicide, I can still resurrect you!"

After hearing Xiao Bai's words, Alice was completely desperate.

"If you witches just hide away, I won't bother to care about you, but you do try to interfere with me and influence me, so don't blame me."

Xiao Bai looked at Alice in front of him with a cold light flashing in his eyes. Xiao Bai didn't have any great malice towards these witches. Xiao Bai was too lazy to take care of these witches.

But... Each of these witches is indeed self-righteous, thinking that no one can do anything to defeat them, which has led to these individuals being blindly arrogant. Now they are even targeting Xiao Bai. How can Xiao Bai look like this? It can be tolerated.

In this case, let these witches taste the consequences. Anyway, such things do not often appear in those books.

Feeling the malice coming from Xiao Bai, Alice's face gradually changed. Became panicked

"Xiao Bai...."

Captain Qin looked at Xiao Bai and wanted to say something, but Xiao Bai looked over coldly:"Do you want to replace her?"

Captain Qin's expression changed instantly. It was obvious that Captain Qin didn't want to replace Alice, or He said that no girl would want to endure that kind of thing in Alice's place.

Xiao Bai was still in the circle:"If any of you wants to plead for mercy, who can replace her!"

Everyone's expressions were complicated after hearing Hanyu Genichi's words. They glanced at Alice sympathetically but stopped talking in their hearts..

They sympathize with Alice, but that doesn't mean they have to replace Alice and endure Alice's torture.

Xiao Bai glanced at the people in front of him and then said with a sneer on his face:"It seems that no one of you wants to ask for mercy, right? In that case, does Ms. Alice have anything you like? If not, let's do it." Let me help you choose."

Seeing Xiao Bai's barely concealed malice, Alice's face suddenly turned pale.

Then a trace of determination flashed in Alice's eyes.

Even if he died, he couldn't let Xiao Bai succeed.

But just when he was about to take action, Xiao Bai really looked at Alice:"If you want to take action, you must carefully consider the consequences. There is a crime called Zhulian Jiu Clan!"

Alice's body stiffened in an instant.

Captain Qin stood up unbearably:"Sir, this matter has nothing to do with Keli."

"So don't they have a mother-daughter relationship? Since they are mother and daughter, they naturally have to bear the corresponding price."(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Hearing Xiao Bai say this, even other people couldn't help it.

"We have no problem with you punishing these witches, but what’s wrong with Keli?"

"The only fault is that he is Alice's daughter. This is enough. Of course, if you still think it's not enough, I can also accuse you."

"After all, if I want to, I can make up any number of reasons, or even just make them up."

Malice, that undisguised malice made that Alice regret it...

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