Alice's expression changed instantly. If it was just her, it would be nothing, but Xiao Bai actually didn't let even Keli go.

Alice was desperate. She and the other witches thought they could control everything, but the result was that they were told that it was all just their delusions.

If Xiao Bai wanted to torture them, they would have no room for resistance.

"I accept your punishment, but please don't hurt Keli, everything is my fault."

Alice gave up. If she didn't have any choice and continued to carry on, it would be unbelievable that Keli would be hurt at some point, so it was better for him to bear it alone.

Looking at Alice in front of him, Xiao Bai was facing Alice. Si said:"Then choose for yourself, or you can try different races if you want. Anyway, you witches seem to be pretty good at it, so you might as well try each one.""

"Whatever you want!"13

Alice doesn't care anymore. Anyway, she will commit suicide after it's over, as long as it doesn't involve Kelly anymore.

"If that's the case, let's do it together."

Xiao Bai raised his hand, and Alice closed her eyes in despair.


She casually snapped her fingers, and then Alice disappeared in front of Xiao Bai and the others.

Xiao Bai looked at these people with a smile and said,"Okay, you continue."

After saying that, Xiao Bai also disappeared in front of these people. After Xiao Bai left, Lisa shook her head. The individuals in the Witch Association lost their awe. Even Xiao Bai dared to take advantage of them, and even reached out to them. After knowing the people around Xiao Bai, they also plan to have a child for the people around Xiao Bai. The most important thing is that it is not certain whether it is Xiao Bai’s child.

So how can Xiao Bai continue to tolerate these people? So Lisa is not sure about these people. The punishment received by the witches completely felt that those witches deserved their crimes. Of course, it is also possible that those witches had not been targeted by Xiao Bai and therefore lacked awe for Xiao Bai.

But now Lisa believes that these witches are absolutely incomparable in their hearts. Regret, if these witches had known this outcome, they would never do such a thing

"Forget it, let’s just look like this for today. Later, we will discuss how to solve Teyvat’s troubles. The current situation is already obvious. If you want to save Teyvat, you can only rely on Xiao Bai’s power. However, the problem It is also obvious that it is even more impossible for Xiao Bai to save Teyvat now."

Obviously after what happened to the Witch Association, it is now even more impossible for Xiao Bai to save Tiyvat. Even if Xiao Bai did not destroy Tiyvat with his own hands, he would have been merciful.


In a mysterious space.

At this moment, these members of the Witches' Coven are immersed in real illusions and enduring various tortures.

Although he said that he would give birth to 100 children from all these people, Xiao Bai still didn't do it in the end. After all, if he really did it, Xiao Bai would feel a little uncomfortable.

But it is obvious that Xiao Bai will not let these witches off easily.

So Xiao Bai created a real illusion for them. Xiao Bai himself didn't know what would happen in the illusion, but he thought it would be interesting.

At least Xiao Bai saw the expressions on the faces of several witches, but would Xiao Bai let these people go so easily?

It is obviously impossible. No matter what these individuals experience in the environment, in the final analysis, they will only end in tragedy. This is the punishment given to them by Xiao Bai.

Suddenly one of the witches screamed and broke free from the illusion. However, Xiao Bai snapped his fingers and the witch who had just broken free fell into the illusion again.

It stayed like this endlessly, Xiao Bai wanted to punish these witches by letting them sink into the illusion of despair and pain.

It's just that at the beginning, Xiao Bai was slightly interested in punishing these witches, but after that, Xiao Bai didn't have the slightest interest in these witches because they were too boring.

At first, Xiao Bai was somewhat interested in watching these witches suffer and be punished, but now Xiao Bai found it very boring.

After Xiao Bai gradually became bored, he naturally wanted to find another way to punish these witches. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

For a while, Xiao Bai couldn't think of any good way to punish these witches, but suddenly something popped up in Xiao Bai's mind Got an idea.

Don’t these witches want to have children?

Then let them give birth. Xiao Bai wanted to see if they cared about the children born by these witches. If they did, then he would kill their children in front of them.

A sneer flashed in Xiao Bai's eyes.

Then Xiao Bai began to weave illusions for these witches.

However, as the dream progressed, Xiao Bai did not expect that the witches in these dreams began to be unable to accept this reality one by one and eventually collapsed.

This was completely beyond Xiao Bai's expectation. To be honest, Xiao Bai really didn't expect that these witches would collapse.

Xiao Bai just made these witches forget their past memories in the real illusion, and then let them gradually grow up like ordinary women and get married after meeting the person they like.

Just when the family was living happily after giving birth to the child, the husband suddenly killed his child with his own hands. Unexpectedly, this desperate scene directly caused the witch in the real illusion to collapse.

Time and time again, Xiao Bai himself didn’t know how many times he had experienced this kind of thing!

All I know is that these witch pets in front of me have collapsed again and again and are now completely numb.

Seeing the way those witches became completely numb, Xiao Bai knew that these witches were useless.

However, this is not to mention that Xiao Bai has no intention of letting these witches go like this.

Now these witches have locked the door of their hearts, but Xiao Bai really does not intend to let these witches go just like this.

Xiao Bai wants to reopen the sealed hearts of these witches[]

Then he will break the hearts of these witches again..

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