Ying walked out of the World Tree with a speechless expression.

She didn't expect that she would be tricked by Xiao Bai. When she thought of this incident, Ying's face turned ugly.

King Daci Shu glanced at Ying and said helplessly:"You should have known a long time ago what kind of person that Xiao Bai is."

Ying had a speechless expression on his face:"I also know that I shouldn't trust that bastard Xiao Bai, but Concern leads to chaos."

King Daci Shu looked at Ying helplessly, understanding in his heart.

After all, it concerns one's own relatives, and even a heartless guy like Ying can't help but care.

Then she was stupidly fooled into coming here, but who the f*ck said that bastard Xiao Bai was just talking nonsense.

Damn it, what the hell happened to me when I tricked Xumi? My brother eats and drinks in the Abyss Cult every day and there are so many girls that I have to worry about.

Ying is in great pain in her heart now. She was deceived by Xiao Bai and betrayed by her brother.

"Sure enough, this world is dirty again."

The King of Daci Shu looked at Ying 590 and hit Ying on the head with his hand angrily:"If you don't learn, you have to learn some weird things. Ying , who had been knocked on the head, looked at the Daci Tree King in front of her with aggrieved expression and said helplessly:"It was obviously Xiao Bai who bullied me!""

"You clearly know what kind of character Xiao Bai is, but you still insist on getting to the bottom of it. Can Xiao Bai not play tricks on you?"

So the reason why Xiao Bai was fooled was that he was too useless.

After hearing this sentence, Ying felt bad instantly. He looked at the Daci Tree King pitifully.

Looking at Ying's cute look in front of him Da Chi Su Wan sighed and then stretched out his hand and put it on Ying's head:"Okay, okay, anyway, that guy Xiao Bai might be unlucky at some point, so just leave Xiao Bai alone."

Ying immediately heard that Xiao Bai was going to be in trouble. Looking at the Daci Tree King in front of her, Ying's eyes stared straight at him. The

Daci Tree King helplessly slapped his forehead, and then said with a helpless smile:"Don't Ask so many questions and you will know when it is time for you to know."

Who said you don't have Xiao Bai's diary yet? If you had Xiao Bai's diary, you wouldn't need to say anything. But since you don't have a diary, it can only be a pity. Hiding it for the time being.

To be honest, King Dacishu doesn’t understand why Ying hasn’t obtained the diary yet. Is it possible that Xiao Bai is not interested in Ying?

But it is obviously impossible. After all, some people have obtained the diary even if they are not with Xiao Bai. But why doesn't she have a diary?

You know, Funina and Fukalos have already obtained diaries, but she doesn't.

"King Daci Shu, what are you thinking about?"

Ying saw the daci tree king's wandering look and couldn't help but ask the daci tree king.

After coming back to his senses, the daci tree king smiled:"It's okay, okay Ying, don't you still have to look for it? Is Xiao Bai settling the score?"

After hearing that the Daci Tree King was obviously chasing people away, Ying's eyes suddenly dimmed.

Damn Xiao Bai!

But in the end, Ying still left honestly.

Although I don't know why, but However, Ying understood that King Daci Tree and the others must have some means or plan to deal with Xiao Bai.

After returning to Liyue, Ying directly approached Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai noticed Ying's look and held his chin and thought for a moment:"Yes Something is wrong, something is very wrong."

Originally, Xiao Bai was already prepared to angrily find trouble for him when his wife came back, but he didn't expect that she didn't come to him for trouble.

Xiao Bai soon figured it out. These women were probably thinking of ways to deal with themselves. Xiao Bai wasn't angry, just a little playful.

It's just that

If those women want to deal with themselves, then I can deal with them, right?

It all depends on who has the better move in the end.

However, looking at the diary in his hand, King Daci Shu couldn't help but cover his face. Sure enough, Xiao Bai guessed it.

I shouldn't have revealed what I had done before. It can be said that there is basically no hope for me now.

Ke Qing: My suggestion is to give up. Now Xiao Bai is obviously prepared. If we try again, we will just throw ourselves into a trap.

Ningguang: I didn’t agree with this matter in the first place, so I might as well give up now.

Hutao: Damn it, I really can’t bear to see how this guy Xiao Bai is so smart.

Madoka Shikame: Indeed, Shiro was so smart that he even anticipated this matter in advance.

Xiao Bai's intelligence was obvious. These women had already expected it, but they didn't expect it to turn out like this.

With just a few signs, Xiao Bai immediately guessed that they were going to take action.

King Daci Shu: I'm so sorry. It's all my fault this time. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Nilu: This matter has nothing to do with you, King Daci Shu. Who would have thought that Xiao Bai could directly deduce it just by relying on some of his abnormal actions? our plan.

Raiden Shin (Original God): Indeed, Xiao Bai is so shrewd that there is nothing he can do against Xiao Bai.

Lei Movie (Genshin Impact): My sister is right.

Yae Kamiko (original god): Oh my, my shadow treasure is a yes man.

Yukinoshita Yukino: I think there may be unexpected gains from this look. The reality is false and the false is true. When the time came, Xiao Bai looked like this to guard us, but in the end he found that we didn't do anything. Instead, he looked like this It's interesting, isn't it? Let Xiao Baibai be busy.

Yukinoshita Haruno: Oh my, Yukino-chan is really a scheming person. As expected, she became even more scheming when she was around Xiao Bai.

Megumi Kato: Do ​​you think there is such a possibility that Xiao Bai will become angry and angry, yes, yes, yes, and then none of us will be able to escape.

Rias: No, Xiao Bai will only be embarrassed if he does this, so I don’t think so.

Akeno Himejima: That’s not necessarily true. After all, that’s Xiao Bai.

Shitori Sona: Yes, if it's Xiao Bai, he will definitely do it. He will find a reason and then everything will fall into place..

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