Serafall: Yes, yes, Xiao Bai is such a shameless and despicable man.

Grafia: Serafall, if you say something in the chat group, you can just say it, but if you say it outside, it will cause trouble in the underworld.

Serafall: I know, I know, it’s annoying to death.

Nakiri Alice: What a pity. I originally wanted to see Shiro-kun make a fool of himself, but in the end~

Nakiri Erina: Don’t make a fool of yourself at the end of the day.

Everyone in the chat group burst out laughing. They knew very well about Xiao Bai that once they saw Xiao Bai make a fool of himself, Xiao Bai would definitely take revenge.

Therefore, if Alice Nakiri really sees Xiao Bai making a fool of herself, the final result may be that Alice Nakiri herself will have to bear the punishment of Xiao Bai.

According to Xiao Bai's character, since you see me making a fool of myself, you must take action. This is only fair.

Fonina: But to be honest, I don’t understand why the traveler hasn’t gotten a diary yet.

Fu Nina's words also aroused the curiosity of others. It is impossible to say that among all the people, Traveler and Xiao Bai did not get the diary due to their relationship.

Kasumigaoka Shiha: Indeed, even though I got the diary, it is really curious that the travelers cannot get it.

To be honest, the owners of these diary copies are very curious about why they can obtain diary copies but travelers cannot obtain diary copies.

Even if Kasumigaoka Shiyu was hated by Xiao Bai before and even now she is only in the cold palace, the result is like this. Kasumigaoka Shiyu has it all.

But the thing is that there are no travelers. No matter how you think about it, there is something wrong with it.

Just when these individuals in the chat group were wondering why the traveler didn't have a diary, Xiao Meiyan exploded. This damn world of Teyvat couldn't be repaired at all.

Every time Xiao Meiyan just used the power of time to repair one place, but another place happened again. With such a back and forth, Xiao Meiyan was completely stunned.

Xiao Meiyan breathed out fragrance for a while, and then she finally had to give up.

"Let this garbage world be destroyed quickly."

I originally thought it was just a small matter, but I didn't expect that this matter actually delayed me for so long, and also delayed me to find Xiao Bai.

Xiao Meiyan simply quit and became the shopkeeper. , but the good thing is that before leaving, Xiao Meiyan still sent a message to the others, saying that he would quit and let them find someone else.

Lisa on the Mondstadt side showed a smile on her face after receiving the news from Xiao Meiyan There was a wry smile on her face.

There was absolutely no way to say anything to Akatsuki Homura. After all, Akatsuki Homura had done enough.

Lisa came to Yukinoshita Yukino and the others.

"The other party has already helped us enough. At least with the help of the other party, Teyvat can exist for a little longer."

They are deeply grateful for Xiao Meiyan's help.

But next, they have to find a way to protect the world of Teyvat.

"I don’t know what the situation of those witches is now."

Lisa thought about the complexities in her seniors' eyesight, and could most likely guess that her seniors were miserable now.

But even though she knew her seniors were miserable, Lisa was I felt that my seniors deserved their punishment. If those seniors hadn't wanted to manipulate Xiao Bai, this would not have happened. It would have been much easier for them to ask Xiao Bai to help save the world of Teyvat.

It's a pity.

Thinking of her seniors, Lisa silently complained in her heart, hoping that her seniors would be more miserable.

"Speaking of which, I discovered something."

Yukinoshita Yukino frowned and said. Others looked at Yukinoshita Yukino and wanted to know what Yukinoshita Yukino wanted to say.

"It seems that the destruction of this world should have been destroyed long ago, but it has always been maintained by the maintainers of heavenly principles. So what about the heavenly principles behind the maintainers of heavenly principles? I don’t believe that the heavenly principles are indifferent to this."

"Yes, the maintainer of Heavenly Law was suppressed by Xiao Bai, but as for the Heavenly Law behind the maintainer of Heavenly Law, it cannot be that he is hiding now because of fear. This is obviously unreasonable."

"Is there a possibility that Tianli has already finished Barbie?"

When talking about this speculation, everyone couldn't help but feel a little heavy. If Tianli really has already become Barbie, perhaps it is precisely because of this reason that Tianli has never appeared.

"No matter what, the laws of heaven are unreliable. The only one we can rely on now is ourselves."

No matter whether Tianli is dead or not, the only one they can rely on now is themselves. It is obvious that whether Tianli is alive or dead is not actually important. What is important is the choice they do not have. If they want to save the world, they can only rely on themselves. To be precise, Relying on Xiao Bai, they knew very well that their own abilities could not save Teyvat, but there was no doubt that the one with the ability to save was by their side. There was only one thing they had to do, which was to try their best to let the one who could take action The rescuer came to the rescue.

However, because of the previous witch association, it is basically impossible for Xiao Bai to save Teyvat now. To put it bluntly, it is already very rare that Xiao Bai did not personally destroy Teyvat. , according to Xiao Bai’s character before, it is only reasonable for Xiao Bai to destroy Teyvat.

"Those people from the Witch Club should really be damned!"

Cursing in her heart, those individuals in the Witch Association would like to beat each other to death when they see the current group of people.

If these individuals had not been captured by Xiao Bai, Lisa would definitely find a way to teach them a harsh lesson. Look at those seniors

"No matter what, what we have to do now is to find a way to catch Xiao Bai and let Xiao Bai save the world of Teyvat

"Funina went to find Xiao Bai before and made that wish. If we also go to Xiao Bai, can we also replicate it?"

Even if there is only a slight possibility, we cannot give up...

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