Xiao Bai didn't care about the future of the wizarding world. In his next life, he only cared about whether he could get the fun he wanted at Hogwarts.

If Hogwarts could not provide him with the fun he wanted, then Xiao Bai would not continue to stay here.

If there are really not enough days, then Xiao Bai will not stop him from providing creative fun.

For example, create an eighth-level Voldemort, find all the Horcruxes created by Voldemort, and then resurrect all of Voldemort's Horcruxes.

Xiao Bai really wanted to know what it would be like if all these Voldemorts were resurrected. It would definitely be interesting.

As for what the magic world will become, that has nothing to do with Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai doesn't care about the magic world. As long as he is happy, even if the magic world is destroyed, it has nothing to do with Xiao Bai.

There happened to be one of Voldemort's Horcruxes in Hogwarts. This time I went to Hogwarts and directly took away Voldemort's Horcruxes and resurrected Voldemort's Horcruxes.

At the same time, there is Harry Potter. Harry Potter's soul also contains the soul of Voldemort, so if possible, the fragment of Voldemort's soul in Harry Potter's soul can be resurrected.

One day later, in Diagon Alley.

Standing at the door of the bookstore, Xiao Bai looked at the two little lolita arguing and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"I said, what are you two doing? You are disturbing other people's business."

Originally, Xiao Bai planned to go in just to buy textbooks, but he was blocked at the door and couldn't get in.

Two lolita at the door were staring at each other like two female lions.

After hearing Xiao Bai's words, the two of them jumped up. Turning his head to look at Xiao Bai,

Wang Wei looked at the two people in front of him with Xiao Bai's eyes:"What? has a problem? You are standing here and others cannot get in if they want to buy books. Why is your store open here?"

After hearing Xiao Bai's words, the two of them snorted coldly and then said nothing more.

Although she looked like this, a red cloud appeared on the face of the brown-haired girl. She was obviously a little shy, but The blond girl did glare at Xiao Bai fiercely.

It was obvious that she was holding a grudge, but would Xiao Bai care? It didn't exist at all. If the other party had a grudge, then it would be fine. If the other party wanted revenge, then it would be even worse. Okay. With this look, Xiao Bai can still have fun with the other party. The best one is the one with a lot of lickers. As long as Xiao Bai looks like this, he can have all kinds of intrigues with the other party's lickers.

If you want to have fun Well, first of all, someone has to make trouble for you. If there are no people who are making trouble for you, then there is no way to have fun.

Just like in the past, the two people in the room and Harry Potter and his father were jealous and then All kinds of troubles are caused for each other.

Now Xiao Bai just hopes that this girl can lick the dog and come to him for trouble.

What Xiao Bai is not afraid of the most is these troubles.

Especially when Xiao Bai wants to have fun At that time, I even wished that the other party would come to trouble me every day.

"May I have your name.

The blond-haired girl spoke to Xiao Bai in a arrogant tone. Xiao Bai glanced at the other person and replied:"My surname is Da Mingling.""


The blonde-haired girl and the brown-haired girl looked at Xiao Bai and shouted subconsciously. The faces of the two girls immediately turned red.


"mean."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Apparently the two girls realized that they had been tricked by Xiao Bai, and glared at Xiao Bai, followed by the girl with blond hair. He said to Xiao Bai:"I have recorded this grudge, just wait for me."

After that, he hurriedly left, but looking at the red look on his ears, he was really not worried at all and said with a smile:"You are welcome to come and trouble me at any time."

Then Xiao Bai turned his head and looked at the brown-haired girl:"What about you, do you want to hold grudges like the other person? The brown

-haired girl glanced at Xiao Bai and shook her head:"I'm sorry to disturb you, so goodbye.""

After saying that, the other party left quickly. Xiao Bai shrugged and then walked into Flourishes and Blotts Bookstore and bought all the things he needed to buy.

On the other side, the blond girl returned to the Florin cold drink shop angrily.

The two ladies who were talking inside looked at the blonde girl who came back angrily with an interesting look on her face:"My dear Cassandra, who made you so angry."

A woman who is 60% similar to the blonde girl asked teasingly to her daughter.


Hearing her mother's teasing, the girl named Cassandra suddenly showed a look of shame on her face.

Cassandra then told her mother about Xiao Bai, but she was comforted by imagination. It's not, it's just ridicule

"My dear Cassandra, you are so cute. I really want to meet that little boy. He can actually deceive you and make you call him to beat you. I am really curious about who he is. What kind of person is this? Cassandra, can you satisfy your mother's small request? Go and bring that little boy."

When Cassandra heard her mother's words, she stamped her feet angrily. At the same time, her resentment towards Xiao Bai became even greater.

Another lady next to her just looked at Cassandra and laughed:"This is the first time I heard that Cassandra you were tricked by a peer."

Cassandra's face suddenly turned red.[]

"Aunt Narcissa!!!"

Cassandra shouted dissatisfied

"Okay, okay, I won’t say it anymore, our Cassandra has grown up and knows how to be shy."

Although Narcissa Malfoy said it like this, the meaning of the teasing is indeed self-evident.

However, Narcissa Malfoy's teasing also made Cassandra, who was already angry and angry, even more resentful towards Xiao Bai. If it weren't for Xiao Bai, Bai Bai didn't need to be ridiculed like this, so all this was Xiao Bai's fault.

Looking at her daughter's appearance, the lady looked at her daughter and said:"Then my dear Cassandra, you should buy Have you bought everything? It's you who said you can buy all the mix alone."

Kassandra's face suddenly turned red...

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