Ollivander's Wand Shop, Xiao Bai originally didn't need other wands, but after all, Ollivander was always mentioned in those time-travel novels, and even every protagonist in some time-travel novels bought one The magic wands are all artifacts, so Xiao Bai naturally wants to come here to take a look in case he encounters an artifact, right?

Although it was very nonsense, Xiao Bai still didn't mind giving it a try, what if there might really be an artifact that could be picked up?

With this idea in mind, Xiao Bai came to Ollivander's Wand Shop.

After opening the door and walking in, Xiao Bai walked directly in front of Ollivander.

"I need a magic wand."

Xiao Bai said to Ollivander. Ollivander glanced at Xiao Bai and then began to measure Xiao Bai's body data and then began to choose a wand. He just looked at Ollivander's nagging look and Xiao Bai couldn't bear it. I can't help but get a headache

"Don't talk nonsense. I just want to know if you have a wand suitable for me. If not, don't waste my time. Do you understand?"

"I'm sure I'll be able to find the right wand for you!"

Ollivander felt that he had been underestimated by Xiao Bai, and then he immediately patted his chest and reassured Xiao Bai.

Then he took out a wand and handed it to Xiao Bai:"I believe this wand must be meeting"

However, the moment Xiao Bai took over the wand, it turned into wood powder.

When Ollivander saw this scene, his whole body felt bad.

Xiao Bai wiped off the wood powder on his hand and then said to Ollivander in front of him:"Can you do it? I don't have a wand that can be used. If not, just say don't waste my time."

Hearing Xiao Bai Ollivander immediately became angry after saying this. Who is he looking down on?

"You wait a moment."

After finishing speaking, Ollivander hurriedly ran into the house.

Soon Ollivander walked out of the house. Ollivander took out a wand and handed it to Xiao Bai from Ollivander. Xiao Bai took the wand in De's hand and waved it, and the next moment the wand turned into wood powder again.

Xiao Bai had a disappointed expression on his face, and it seemed that it was still not working.

Ollivander's face was black (caah).

Ollivander couldn't figure out where this guy came from.

However, Ollivander understood that if he didn't come up with something today, he might not be able to get his face back at all. The sign of Livander's wand was smashed into his hand.

Soon Ollivander took out a wand again and looked at this wand. Ollivander's face showed a look of hesitation.

"Okay, no, don't waste my time."

Seeing Ollivander's appearance, Xiao Bai couldn't help but said unhappily.

"Legend has it that this wand was made by the wizard Merlin for King Arthur, and no one has ever been able to use it."

Xiao Bai took the wand directly from Ollivander's hand and threw the ashes up.

Not to mention that this wand did not directly turn into wood powder like the previous wand, but it did not appear. What strange sight came out.

Looking at the wand in his hand, Xiao Bai looked at Ollivander.

Ollivander also looked at Xiao Bai.

"Enter magic and try it."

After thinking for a while, Xiao Bai separated out a little bit of power and input it into this wand.

The next moment, the original tree-like material on the surface of the wand suddenly petrified, and then the petrification fell off, and the entire wand Everything turned into something else.

It was like a wand made of gold.

There were many goblin runes engraved on the wand.

Ollivander built a scene that directly removed the beard on his chin. It's broken

"Ollivander's wand shop actually has good stuff?"

Xiao Bai held the wand in his hand with a hint of surprise.

Then Xiao Bai looked at Ollivander and said,"Okay, how much does this wand cost?"

Ollivander's mouth twitched slightly when he heard Xiao Bai's words. This wand was said to be made by Merlin for Arthur. If the value is considered, it must be priceless.

But the problem is that according to the contract, Ollivander's Wand Shop sold it to Arthur. The little wizard's first wand must be priced at 9 gold galleons.

In other words, if Ollivander sells this wand to Xiao Bai, the same wand can only be sold for 9 gold galleons.

"9 gold galleons."

Ollivander looked at Xiao Bai with great heartache but could not break the contract.

Xiao Bai picked up the wand and then took out 9 gold galleons and handed them to Ollivander. After that, Xiao Bai Just as I was about to leave the Hall of Wands, the door to the Hall of Wands was pushed open again.

"It's you."

After seeing Xiao Bai, Cassandra immediately exclaimed and then looked at Xiao Bai with gritted teeth. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xiao Bai glanced at Cassandra in the same way.

"We are not familiar with this lady, so it would be a bit rude to point at me casually."

When the noble lady next to Cassandra saw the conversation between Cassandra and Xiao Bai, she immediately understood that Xiao Bai in front of her was the boy who had tricked her daughter.

Looking at the noble boy in front of her , A trace of surprise flashed in the woman's eyes

"Mrs. Malfoy and Mrs. Warley, welcome to Ollivander's Wand Shop. Are you here to buy wands for Miss Warley and Master Malfoy?"

"Mr. Ollivander, as you said, please pick a wand that fits our child's hand."

Cassandra looked at the wand in Xiao Bai's hand and pointed directly at the wand held by Xiao Bai:"I want that wand."

At this time, Mrs. Worley and Mrs. Malfoy saw the wand held in Xiao Bai's hand.

Looking at the wand, Mrs. Malfoy and Mrs. Er Lei showed a hint of shock..

Even if they can't see anything special about that wand, they can still understand the various fairy runes on that wand.

This wand is definitely not simple.

Ollivander heard the card After Sandra said this, she still smiled helplessly:"I'm sorry, Miss Cassandra, but I cannot agree that this wand has been sold.

But Ollivander continued:"But it's okay if you can get the owner to sell it to you.""

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