When Xiao Bai took out a magic notebook and wrote that the color-changing spell was Avada chewing a big melon, the expressions on the faces of the batters were weird.

Good guy, who wrote this spell in the diary and also stated that it was a color-changing spell?

But even in this state, these batters had no intention of letting it go, and Xiao Bai didn't care.

Xiao Bai also wanted to know what kind of fun the people from the Ministry of Magic would bring to him. Should he make a big fuss and set fire to the Ministry of Magic before entering Hogwarts?

With this thought, Xiao Bai originally planned to leave with these strikers, but with the cry of the phoenix, Dumbledore appeared from the flames and the phantom migration of the phoenix appeared.

Xiao Bai saw a look of disappointment on Dumbledore's face, because Xiao Bai knew very well that after Dumbledore arrived, he would not be able to cause trouble in the Ministry of Magic.

As expected, Xiao Bai saw Dumbledore step forward to solve the problem this time.

As Dumbledore spoke, the matter was immediately resolved, and Xiao Bai shrugged slightly regretfully.

After settling Xiao Bai's matter, Dumbledore looked at Xiao Bai:"You really gave me a big surprise!"

"You don't have to come at all. I also really want to go to the Ministry of Magic to see if there is anything interesting there."

"Are you sure you won't set the Ministry of Magic on fire?"

Dumbledore's words made the people next to him stunned for a moment.

Xiao Bai shrugged indifferently:"Maybe, maybe not. It all depends on my mood."

Dumbledore instantly rolled his eyes after hearing Xiao Bai's words.

"So I ask you in my personal capacity, please don't act recklessly."

Xiao Bai didn't care about this at all. Who cares about you? You are planning to teach me how to do things. Believe it or not, I will kill you.

Seeing Xiao Bai's look, Dumbledore knew that Xiao Bai didn't listen at all. There was a look on his face. With a bitter expression on his face, Dumbledore left without saying anything more.

After Dumbledore stood up, Cassandra looked at Xiao Bai with curiosity in her eyes:"What is your relationship with Professor Dumbledore?" , why did Professor Dumbledore make this trip specifically for you?"

"What is your relationship with Professor Dumbledore? Why would Professor Dumbledore make this trip specifically for you?"

After hearing Cassandra's question, Xiao Bai had no intention of answering. He looked at Ollivander and said,"Goodbye, Mr. Ollivander. If you want to collect the money for this wand, you are welcome at any time. Come and cause trouble for me."

The expression on Ollivander's face when he heard Xiao Bai's words was wonderful. Ollivander was not a fool and naturally knew that Xiao Bai was not capable of causing trouble by himself. To put it bluntly, Xiao Bai had a high probability. It is very likely that there is some great power, and even Dumbledore can only discuss with Xiao Bai in a pleading tone to discuss the trouble of finding Xiao Bai when he is tired of living. The previous complaints were just a small provocation. I looked at Xiao Bai and Cassandra, but I didn't expect that Xiao Bai would

Ollivander could only say regret in his heart now. If he had known earlier, he would never have done such a thing. With your identity and background, if you had told me earlier, would I have troubled you if you had told me earlier?

Ollivander felt that he had been tricked by Xiao Bai, and there was a twitching pain in his heart.

On the other side, Cassandra looked at Xiao Bai who was leaving, but a trace of complexity flashed through her eyes. From childhood to adulthood, this girl can be said to be a combination of thousands of favors, which also cultivated Cassandra. Dela's proud character.

However, in just such a short period of time today, Cassandra was indeed tricked several times by Xiao Bai.

"So angry, so angry!"

Stomping her feet fiercely, Cassandra secretly swore in her heart that the next time she saw Xiao Bai, she would definitely make Xiao Bai regret what she had done today.

Xiao Bai on the other side had already left Diagon Alley and arrived. Knockturn Alley.

Xiao Bai walked over openly without making any cover-up. The dark wizards in Knockturn Alley looked at Xiao Bai greedily one by one...0

Xiang Bai had a look on his face. Smiling, he expected these dark wizards to take action against him. However, these dark wizards stared at Xiao Bai with no intention of taking action.

Suddenly, the smile on the corner of Sao Bai's mouth twitched. These guys were all messing with each other, and he himself Already pretending to be harmless, these dark wizards haven't taken action yet?

Thinking like this, Xiao Bai's steps became slower and slower. However, Xiao Bai didn't notice that as his steps became slower and slower, those black wizards didn't take action yet. The dark wizard's eyes became more and more alert.

"This bastard must be fishing."

Those dark wizards looked at Xiao Bai in front of them and thought to themselves, after all, Xiao Bai was a little too deliberate with his harmless look, and more importantly, Xiao Bai now deliberately slowed down. It was obvious that he was waiting for them to take action, and then he acted like he was fishing for law enforcement. Everyone is a dark wizard, and no one is smarter than anyone else. Do you really think we are stupid when you act like fishing for law enforcement?

Xiao Bai would never have thought of this in the heart of a dark wizard. He actually acted like this and thought that if Xiao Bai knew about it, he would definitely pretend to be more like it.

To be honest, Xiao Bai really didn't expect that he would be exposed for this reason. What's wrong with my fishing law enforcement? I am fishing and law enforcement. Shouldn't you just take the bait for me honestly? A group of 4.7 guys with no eyesight.

Xiao Bai cursed in his heart and then stopped deliberately slowing down and walked towards Bojinbok.

Those dark wizards After seeing Xiao Bai leave, he cursed in his heart. He pretended to be a child. Who is this obvious trick? We really think we are stupid.

Xiao Bai didn't care about these people and walked into Bojinbok.

"Come out quickly."

Xiao Bai shouted directly

"This guest doesn't know what you want."

Bo Jinbok was obviously a little stunned after seeing Xiao Bai's appearance, but he immediately reacted with a flattering smile on his face.

"Well, I heard you got some good stuff from here, and I happen to be short of a pet."

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