After hearing Xiao Bai's words, Bojin Bock immediately realized what Xiao Bai wanted.

"Dear customer, we just have a baby ptarmigan in our store. If you are interested, maybe we can talk about it."

Looking at Bojin Bock in front of him, after Xiao Bai nodded, the other party immediately walked into the store and took out a small box. As the box was opened, a baby bird appeared in front of Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai looked in front of him The young bird then raised its eyebrows

"This ptarmigan chick is not healthy."

After taking a look at the thunderbird, Xiao Bai said directly to Bojinbok. The baby thunderbird in front of him can be said to be about to die.

"I think you will need it. The baby Thunderbird in my care is not healthy, but it can still be treated if there are sufficient means."

"Think about how valuable this ptarmigan chick will be once it is raised."

"But the premise of everything is to be able to cultivate it, right? If it cannot be cultivated, then this Thunderbird baby is completely useless, but will only be a waste of resources. Bojin

Boke looked at Xiao 24 and said helplessly:"Okay, okay, I will sell this Thunderbird to you at the lowest price, right?""

"sell? Nonono, you should give me this Thunderbird if you don't want me to report you to the Ministry of Magic."


"I have recorded all the scenes. If you don't give me this Thunderbird baby, then this video will be sent to the Ministry of Magic in a short time. I can't guarantee what the situation will be."

Bojinbok stared at Xiao Bai.

Where did this dog come from? Although I may be a bit inappropriate, you are a real dog.

"Of course, Bojinbok, you can also use force to snatch this video back. I personally support your decision 100%."

Bojinbok looked at Xiao Bai in front of him expressionlessly, I believe you.

Then Bojinbok looked at Xiao Bai in front of him and directly pushed the thunderbird cub to Xiao Bai:"Take it, take it. , hurry up and get out."

Anyway, if this Thunderbird baby dies in his own hands, it will be equally worthless, and the person in front of him, Bojin Boke, is not willing to offend.

This is a thoroughly cruel person, and Bojin Boke does not want to do it for Such a thunderbird that could belch at any time offended Xiao Bai in front of him.

He lifted the box and Xiao Bai said to Bojinbock:"It's a pleasure to cooperate, Mr. Bojinbock.""

After saying that, Xiao Bai took the box and walked out directly.

Looking at Xiao Bai leaving, Bo Jinbok spat hard behind him:"I will go to NMD and have a happy cooperation!"

Bojinboke was obviously very angry about the fact that he was blackmailed, but Naihe had to bow his head under the eaves. Even though Bojinboke was unhappy in his heart, he could only admit it with his nose pinched. Xiao Bai, who left with the box, didn't care about Bojinbok's curses on him. There were so many people who cursed him, Bojinbok, this old guy with you, would be the oldest one.

And if it weren't for Bojinbok, this old guy, he would still be there. Youyou had been killed by Xiao Bai a long time ago.

He carried the box and bullied Bo Jinbok. Xiao Bai deliberately walked beside those black wizards. As a result, those black wizards seemed to have encountered some kind of plague god and shrank away from Xiao Bai..

Xiao Bai was speechless for a moment. Is he that scary? He was avoiding him like the god of plague. It was so rude!

He gave those dark wizards a fierce middle finger and then Xiao Bai said in the next moment. Bai apparated and left.

Seeing Xiao Bai welcoming him and leaving the black wizards, he breathed a sigh of relief. Then, these black wizards spat on the ground one by one:"We knew this was an old cunt." If you want to fish for law enforcement, don't let me know who you are."

"What do you plan to do if you know who it is?" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Of course, the further you run, the better. I definitely don’t want to run into this kind of old tough guy."

These dark wizards don't have any backbone. If these dark wizards knew who was fishing for law enforcement like this, they would definitely stay far away from each other and never get closer."



Putting the thunderbird in front of Grindelwald, Xiao Bai said directly to Grindelwald:"Look, how to save this black bird!"

Grindelwald couldn't help but face Xiao Bai with a black line on his head. He said,"What do you think I am? I'm not a veterinarian. If you want to save this ptarmigan, you can just go to the veterinarians. What's the use of me?""


Xiao Bai's words immediately slapped Grindelwald's face. Damn it...

But Grindelwald still glanced at the thunderbird. Finally, Grindelwald shook his head:"This thing can't be saved if I don't. If you read it wrong, this thunderbird should be a genetic defect in premature babies in Muggle terms."

"Aren't those phoenix tears able to heal everything? Find your old mistress and ask him to bring you a drop of Phoenix tears."

"143 Phoenix's tears can only treat trauma and poisoning, but not this kind of thing."

Xiao Bai suddenly looked at Grindelwald with disgust:"Then tell me what else you can be useful for!"

"My tmd"

Grindelwald realized that sooner or later he would be angered to death by the person in front of him.

But even in this state, Grindelwald can only endure it. If the person in front of him is unhappy and directly destroys the entire magical world, then Grindelwald will be the biggest sinner, so even if he is scolded The good-for-nothing Grindelwald could only suppress the anger in his heart, but he was so unhappy. The veins on his forehead were twitching. It took Grindelwald a long time to calm down the fluctuations in his heart. It was simply sinful.[]

"It looks like I still have to take action!"

Grindelwald's face immediately turned green when he heard this:"Don't"

However, before Grindelwald could finish speaking, Xiao Bai had already taken action, and the next moment a ray of light shot directly at your Thunderbird.

The surrounding space began to shatter instantly.

But when the light fell on the Thunderbird, the Thunderbird recovered instantly.

Even this Thunderbird has evolved..

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