The originally sick Thunderbird suddenly became energetic.

After seeing this scene, Grindelwald's mouth twitched slightly. He had no idea about that Thunderbird, but the broken space around it made Grindelwald know that if Xiao Bai came back a few more times, the world would be over.

Xiao Bai took back his power, and the broken space around him was gradually healing. The restorative nature of the world itself began to slowly repair the broken space. As long as Xiao Bai no longer continued to release his power, the broken space would gradually heal itself. repair.

Xiao Bai stretched out his hand, and the thunderbird immediately jumped onto Xiao Bai's hand. At the same time, he kept using his head to flatter Xiao Bai's palm.

"Yes, you are smart!"

Looking at the little guy Xiao Bai in his hand, he nodded with satisfaction. If this little guy is not smart at all, then the other party will definitely be killed by Xiao Bai.

Grindelwald couldn't help seeing this scene. He cursed secretly in his heart. This bastard Xiao Bai really doesn't take this world seriously at all. If he comes here a few more times, this world will be over sooner or later.

Xiao Bai doesn't care what Grindelwald thinks. He gently caressed the thunderbird in his hand with his fingers.

"I hope my trip to Hogwarts can bring me some fun. Otherwise, I can't guarantee what will happen."

After hearing Xiao Bai's words, Grindelwald's eyes changed slightly, but Grindelwald didn't say anything. Grindelwald believed that Xiao Bai would definitely like this world.

Xiao Bai just ignored Grindelwald's confidence in front of him. He smiled coldly, held the thunderbird in his hand, touched the other person's head, and then threw the thunderbird out.

The thunderbird rolled twice in the air, then spread its wings and flew, and then returned. Xiao Bai's side fell on Xiao Bai's shoulder.

He glanced at Thunderbird standing on his shoulder and then Xiao Bai said lightly:"You are quite lucky to be able to stand on my shoulder."."

If it were other people who might have this fate, let alone standing on Xiao Bai's shoulders, if anyone came even closer, he would die.

Lian Niao rubbed his head against Xiao Bai again. Xiao Bai ignored the conversation and looked at Grindelwald and said,"Speaking of which, you seem to be doing a lot of tricks recently."

Grindelwald just smiled indifferently when he heard Xiao Bai's words. Said:"Even if I firmly believe that you will definitely fall in love with this world, I still have to make some preparations, right?"


After taking a look at Grindelwald in front of him, Xiao Bai smiled in confusion.

"I hope it doesn’t end up being self-defeating!"

Looking at Grindelwald in front of him, Xiao Bai's eyes flashed with ridicule.

Xiao Bai simply didn't believe that Grindelwald could see the future. Xiao Bai was more willing to believe that what Grindelwald saw was just his own fantasy..

You are so stupid as Grindelwald, hold on to your fantasy and drown in the cruel reality.

Facing Grindelwald’s stupidity, Xiao Bai just chuckled and left.

Soon it was time to start school. On this day.

King's Station station 9 and 3/4.

Xiao Bai stepped directly onto the Hogwarts Express.

Not long after Xiao Bai sat down, the door of the carriage was opened, and then a person walked in from the outside.

"It's you."

The other party shouted out in surprise after seeing Xiao Bai again. Xiao Bai also noticed the other party at this time, but Xiao Bai was a little confused. How could the other party come in when he had cast a spell on the door?

"Hello, I'm Hermione Granger!"

Xiao Bai naturally recognizes the other party. After all, Xiao Bai went to look for Hermione not long after he came to this world. If it were Hermione, then Xiao Bai would not be so easy to talk to. (Read Baoshuan novels , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If Hermione were a black-skinned person, then Xiao Bai’s first thought would definitely be to destroy this world!

Xiao Bai said that a black-skinned Hermione or something like that is simply a heresy, and he would definitely not It is possible to accept this kind of thing.

If this world was the world of black Hermione at that time, Xiao Bai would have completely destroyed this world at the first time. After all, no matter who played Hermione In this way, at least Xiao Bai likes the role of Hermione played by the other party.

"We met before at the bookstore."

The Hermione in front of me is naturally the girl who argued with Cassandra in the bookstore.

"I'm supposed to have cast a spell outside, how did you get in?"

Hermione looked at Xiao Bai with a proud look on her face and said,"Of course I know this very well, so I broke the spell outside."

Xiao Bai raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the Hermione in front of him and then said lightly:"Are you very proud?"

Seeing Xiao Bai's appearance, Hermione's face suddenly showed a look of worry.

"sorry i just"

It was indeed not good to break the spell on the door without the owner's permission, so Hermione's eyes were full of apology when she looked at Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai glanced at Hermione and said nothing. He just raised his wand and tapped the carriage door in front of him again.

"He actually used a silent spell, so awesome."

Xiao Bai felt that this Hermione was a little weird, and the other side seemed a little different from the one in the original work.

This Hermione could actually see the magic spell used by Xiao Bai? You know, even if Xiao Bai comes here A world does not last long, but the spell used by Xiao Bai cannot be broken by anyone, let alone Hermione who has not yet entered school.[]

Moreover, the Hermione in the original plot only knew a few simple household magics. Now she is actually able to break Xiao Bai's spell outside. Is there something wrong with her?

Xiao Bai was full of doubts, so he asked directly:"How did you know that I used a magic spell on the door?"

However, before you could answer, there was another sound of opening the door, followed by another A familiar figure walked in

"I said who cast the spell on the door and it turned out to be you."

After Cassandra came in, she looked at Hermione with disgust in her eyes.

Xiao Bai:"recognize."

The magic spell I used cannot be easily broken by even these students who have not yet entered. Is there something wrong with this?"

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