Feeling the eyes staring at him, Xiao Bai raised his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes slightly dissatisfied.

Have these individuals never been beaten?

Faced with those malicious looks, Xiao Bai just clasped his hands together and slapped them. Suddenly, those who looked at Xiao Bai and showed malicious looks felt like they were being slapped hard on the face repeatedly..

One by one, they looked at Xiao Bai for a moment.

Xiao Bai didn't care, he just looked at these individuals with a smile. Professor McGonagall was the first to speak:"The next person whose name is called, come forward!"

The first one to go up was undoubtedly the iron hat king Hannah Abbott.

Xiao Bai was also very curious at that time which college he would be assigned to.

Xiao Bai quickly put on his hat, but after a long time, he still wasn't assigned to a college.

"So is this hat broken?"

"You are the one who is bad. I just don’t know which academy to assign you to. To be precise, I think Azkaban is the most suitable place for you!"

"You could try assigning me to Azkaban. I heard that Azkaban is the 5th house to get my son."

"Slandering you. This is slander. How could Azkaban be the fifth house of Hogwarts?"

"It doesn't matter if it's slander or something. Now you should divide your classes as soon as possible. If you can't do it, then tell me quickly and don't waste my time."

"If so then Hufflepuff!"

Xiao Bai didn't expect that he was actually assigned to Hufflepuff, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, Xiao Bai just wants to be a fun person now.

Song Dynasty is causing trouble, so Hufflepuff and so on don't matter at all.

The assignment is over After that, the dinner party began. Hanyu Genichi had no interest in these foods. The taste was just average and not as good as what he or Xiangling made. After a casual taste, Hanyu Genichi stopped eating..

After the banquet, everyone returned to the college lounge. Hanyu Genichi quietly slipped out of the lounge and came to the Room of Requirement. He tried to find Hanyu Gen from before and wanted to do this, but now he would not stop, so he took Picking up the crown of Ravenclaw, one of the four giants of Hogwarts, Hanyu string flicked it with one finger. Suddenly, a puff of black smoke bounced out of the Ravenclaw crown and fell to the ground. Turned into a guy without a nose

"You are my dog ​​from now on!"

Although I don't know what this piece of Voldemort's Horcrux is about, after hearing this sentence, I immediately raised my hand and cast the Avada Kedavra!

My majestic Lord Voldemort, you actually said that you would let yourself be a dog, I see. You are deliberately making things difficult for me. You are deliberately making trouble for me. If that's the case, then go to hell.

However, the Avada Kedavra stopped just 10 centimeters in front of Hanyu Genichi.

"It seems you haven't realized how to be a qualified dog."

He raised his hand and slapped the void directly with the last slap, but there was a crisp snapping sound on Voldemort's face.

Voldemort looked confused, but what followed was that the angry soul split into multiple After that, Voldemort's rationality was obviously reduced, so now Voldemort almost had no brain to think at all, and directly followed his instinct to attack Xiao Bai, and then Xiao Bai raised his hand and slapped him hard. Fell on Voldemort's face

"It looks like you need some lessons."

Xiao Bai's eyes showed a dangerous light, and then Voldemort directly turned into a dog!

"For now, just turn into a dog and follow me."

Voldego instantly grinned at Xiao Baizhi. As a result, he was kicked hard by Xiao Bai. Then with a bark, Voldego lay on the ground and sobbed. The majestic Voldemort turned into Voldego. Who can accept it! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

However, Xiao Bai ignored these and casually took out a collar and put it around the neck of the lying dog.

"A Voldemort, a Voldemort, I don’t think you want to know what it is. Once you put on this collar, you will no longer be a human being. From now on, whatever you do will not satisfy me. Then the collar will continue to shrink, and in the end you won't die but will be extremely painful."

0 Asking for Flowers.

Voldemort barked at Xiao Bai twice, but Xiao Bai ignored it at all.

After speaking, Xiao Bai took the dog leash and dragged Voldemort away.

Hermione and Cassander on the other side One of them was in Gryffindor and the other was in Slytherin, but both of them were not in a good mood now.

Dumbledore and Grindelwald finally chose to tell Hermione and Cassandra the matter. Hermione and Cassandra had mixed feelings after learning about this incident. They never thought that things would turn out like this, let alone that Xiao Bai would be such a being..

And what they didn't expect was that Xiao Bai could destroy the world easily.

After knowing this, Hermione and Cassandra instantly became worse.

What kind of character is Xiao Bai? They are already Now that I know something, I can basically confirm that he is a Draco after work. If Xiao Bai wants to do something, no one can stop him.

Dumbledore and Grindelwald actually pinned their hopes on Cassander. Pull and the two people behind?

What did Hermione and Cassandra say after this little wish was entrusted to them? Their moods became quite complicated. They felt that they simply could not bear such a huge responsibility.

Save The world?

Do they have that much ability? []

Hermione and Cassandra secretly complained in their hearts, but the last two people still said they would try their best. After all, they didn't want the world to be completely Barbie.

This one If the world is really destroyed by Xiao Bai, then everyone will die, so even if it is for yourself and your relatives, you must stop Xiao Bai. At this time, Xiao Bai has returned to his own country with the Voldemort Dog. In the dormitory, the dog who had been taught a lesson by Xiao Bai could only lie on the ground and cower. He didn't dare to look at Xiao Bai at all. He only had a slight desire to look at Xiao Bai's neck. The collar will be tightened and the dog will be in pain and want to give birth.

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