Dumbledore glanced at his old lover and then said expressionlessly:"What kind of prophecy is it!"

"I saw the destruction of the world!"

Dumbledore suddenly stood up and looked at Grindelwald with an expression of disbelief. Grindelwald was naturally not surprised at all when he saw Dumbledore.

Grindelwald was like this at the beginning as well. Thoughts, but Grindelwald later calmed down

"Things are not at their worst yet, we still have a chance to change, you know destiny is not set in stone!"

When Grindelwald saw Dumbledore, he stood up and pressed his hands to Dumbledore. Dumbledore looked a little ugly and stared at Grindelwald in front of him.

"Grindelwald,"867" tell me if the prophecy you told me before was a lie to me!"

After hearing what Dumbledore said, Grindelwald frowned, and then Grindelwald replied to Dumbledore:"Dumbledore, you must know that I also care about this world, and I don't want this world to be destroyed. Do you understand?"

Dumbledore was silent for a moment and did not deny this sentence. Grindelwald did not want this world to be destroyed. Dumbledore believed it, but Dumbledore did not believe that Grindelwald did not have any other conspiracies or calculations. More or less, Who can guarantee what Grindelwald's intentions are in his heart?

But Dumbledore has no choice. Dumbledore has no ability to predict, so he can only rely on Grindelwald, even if he knows that Grindelwald will play tricks. some small tricks

"So what’s next?"

Dumbledore finally made a compromise. Even though he knew that Grindelwald had other ideas in his mind, Dumbledore chose to endure it. When Grindelwald saw Dumbledore, a smug smile appeared on his face. Obviously he was very proud of being able to convince Dumbledore and Grindelwald.

After all, he lost to Dumbledore decades ago, but now he has won back Dumbledore. No matter how smart he is, it doesn't matter in the end. Are you still being fooled by yourself?

But Grindelwald also knows that some things are too much for Dumbledore and he needs to deal with them calmly and rationally, lest Dumbledore jump over the wall in a hurry and it will be terrible.

"Grindelwald, I don't want nonsense. Now I just want to know how to solve this matter."

The fact that Grindelwald saw the destruction of the world was definitely not what Dumbledore wanted to see.

"In fact, whether this world is destroyed or not depends entirely on Xiao Bai's intention. If Xiao Bai wants this world to be destroyed, then this world must be destroyed. If Xiao Bai doesn't want this world to be destroyed, then this world will not be destroyed!"

"So are you talking nonsense to me?"

After hearing what Grindelwald said, Dumbledore said to Grindelwald angrily.

But Grindelwald shook his head:"Of course I won't say such nonsense, Dumbledore, you know this world. What is the most important and precious thing on the Internet?"

Dumbledore frowned. Dumbledore looked at Grindelwald with confusion in his eyes. It was obvious that Dumbledore did not understand the real purpose of Grindelwald's words.

But Greene DeVoe then spoke:"It's feelings!"

Grindelwald's words left Dumbledore a little confused.

"It’s been a long time since we were in love, and it was our fault that we didn’t tell Cassandra and the others about the matter before. What we have to do now is to tell Cassandra and Hermione the truth about this matter."

"Grindelwald, they are just a child!"

"But they have the right to know this, right? And only if they understand the meaning they carry, they will not be willful like this time."

Dumbledore did hold the opposite opinion:"I don't agree with what you said. Once you approach Xiao Bai with a purpose, Xiao Bai will definitely feel that this kind of behavior will promote the opposite to them. I hate it, so I don’t agree with what you said."

Hearing Dumbledore's argument with him, Grindelwald's face showed a smile. 0..

"Dumbledore, I would say you are too conservative."

Grindelwald did not comment on what Dumbledore said. In Grindelwald's opinion, Dumbledore was too conservative. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Everything should go as it should!"

Dumbledore looked at Grindelwald and said

"This is not your style Dumbledore, you always want to have everything under control!"

"I admit that it was like this before, but Grindelwald was just before. Now I know very well what can and cannot be done."

"Facing an existence like Xiao Bai, what we have to do is not to control but to guide. An existence like Xiao Bai is beyond our control, so all we have to do is let the other party understand our goodwill."

Grindelwald couldn't help but fell silent.

"I never thought about controlling Xiao Bai!"

"But that's what you do, isn't it Grindelwald?"

Grindelwald was silent. If there were no ideas in Grindelwald's heart, it would obviously be impossible. If Xiao Bai's power could be used to change the magical world, what would the magical world look like? ?

But Grindelwald also knew that it was impossible to do such a thing. Grindelwald could only hide this idea in his heart and at the same time hold the idea of ​​​​59,000 possible. Grindelwald did some small things guidance

"Do you think I don't understand you? Even after all this time, you still think you can control everything, but you are playing with fire!"

"Okay, okay, I admit my mistake and I promise I will never do it again. This is okay!"

Looking at Dumbledore in front of him, Grindelwald spread his hands helplessly and said!

Dumbledore glanced at Grindelwald coldly and said nothing more.

Seeing Dumbledore's appearance, Grindelwald stepped forward. He said to Dumbledore:"Dumbledore, I think we can find a way. As long as she is willing to help, the magical world will become extremely brilliant.""[]

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