"If there's anything interesting to see here, let's go."

Xiao Bai glanced at Xiao Bai and said, while Kirishima Shoko nodded.

"Okay, then let's move to another place."

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he was about to take Kirishima Shoko away. Kirishima Shoko suddenly pulled Xiao Bai, and then Kirishima Shoko looked at the two people not far away, and Cassandra was looking straight at them. Looking at them.

Xiao Bai curled his lips when he saw this scene and said nothing. After seeing this scene, Kirishima Shoko asked Xiao Bai:"It has something to do with you!""

"Two people who don't know the so-called arranged a honey trap for me. Kirishima

Shoko raised an eyebrow and looked at Cassandra and Hermione with a chuckle and said,"It seems like someone caught their weakness all of a sudden!""533""The most important thing is that even if they wanted to arrange for an older one, they actually arranged for two little girls. Who are they looking down on!" Kirishima

Shoko chuckled and then said to Xiao Bai:"Don't you like it?". Xiao

Bai rolled his eyes:"I still have moral integrity!""

"Okay, okay, you have moral integrity!"

When Kirishima Shoko said this, there was a hint of smile on her face.

Xiao Bai felt that he was insulted, but Xiao Bai had no way to refute and could only silently write down this grudge.

"So don’t look at what’s going on here and let’s go somewhere else.

If Xiao Bai doesn't plan to stay in this place any longer, wouldn't that give Kirishima Shoko a chance to tease him?

So Xiao Bai is directly preparing to take Kirishima Shoko away. As for where to go, isn't it casual?

Anyway, Kirishima Shoko just wants to be with him, and he doesn’t care where he goes!

Xiao Bai planned to take Kirishima Shoko to the other side of the Black Lake to have a look.

It is said that there is a big mullet over there, just in time to see if that big mullet is the Animagus of Gryffindor, one of the four giants.

I don’t know who actually said that the big mullet was the Animagus who had won this giant Gryffindor.

Although Xiao Bai said he didn't really believe it, he was dressed neatly after all, so Xiao Bai was ready to go over and have a look in case it might be true, even if it was fake, it didn't matter.

"This thing is all your fault, right?"

However, when Xiao Bai was about to leave, Hermione stepped forward and spoke to Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai did not intend to pay attention to Hermione, and took Kirishima Xiangzi with him and prepared to leave, but how could he leave so easily? Min stopped in front of Xiao Bai, Kirishima Shoko frowned a little. The little girl in front of her was a little ignorant!

"Regardless of whether I did it or not, you should not stop in front of me. Do you know what the consequences will be if you stop in front of me like this?"

Xiao Bai's indifferent words made Hermione stiff. At this moment, Hermione remembered that the person in front of her was the devil who could destroy the world. If he wanted to destroy the world, the world would be over. On one side Cassandra came over and bowed slightly to Xiao Bai:"Your Excellency, please let this world go!"

Xiao Bai curled his lips when he saw Cassandra's appearance. Kirishima Shoko also pulled Xiao Bai's hand. Xiao Bai was silent for a while and then did not refuse!

"I won't interfere in this matter. It's up to you to what extent you can achieve it, that's it!"

Xiao Bai did not agree to take action to solve this matter, but Xiao Bai also had no intention of continuing to interfere in the battle between the Voldemort dogs in front of him and Voldemort. Xiao Bai was too lazy to take care of it. Anyway, it was his own whim, and he had to take care of so much. What are you doing?

Cassandra glanced at the seven Voldemorts who were fighting. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) Her eyes gradually turned to Kirishima Shoko.

Cassandra was thinking about whether she could let Kirishima Shoko, please help. If Kirishima Shoko is willing to help, then he should be able to convince Xiao Bai.

But the question is how to ask the person in front of him to take action. It feels like there is no way!

Looking at the lustful Kassandra was speechless, how could Kirishima Shoko not know what the other party was thinking, but Kirishima Shoko had no intention of speaking to the other party, so why should she help the other party when she and the other party were not related?....

Seeing Kirishima Shoko's appearance, Cassandra knew that Kirishima Shoko had no intention of intervening, and a bitter smile appeared on her face.

After all

Xiao Bai ignored Hermione and Cassandra, took Kirishima Shoko's hand and said,"It's time for us to leave. It's such a mess here, so don't waste time here!"

Xiao Bai and Wu looked at Xiao Bai leaving. Shima Shoko, and Cassandra looked at each other later and said they had no choice, now we can only join the battlefield ourselves.

Kirishima Shoko was originally ready to leave, but Kirishima Shoko looked at Xiao Bai and suddenly asked:"If you want to save them, I have no objection."

Xiao Bai looked at him with a confused expression. Kirishima Shoko didn't know what the situation was and when did she say she was going to save people?

It is impossible to save people. Xiao Bai has no interest in saving people. No matter whether Voldemort wins or loses in the end, it has nothing to do with it. After watching the fun, it doesn't matter.

Seeing Xiao Bai's appearance, Kirishima Shoko said,"I thought you would be interested in them!"

Xiao Bai didn't want to speak and rolled his eyes at Kirishima Shoko.

"Just watch 3.2 here I wonder how far they can go."

Xiao Bai looked at Kirishima Shoko and didn't say anything. It's not like Xiao Bai couldn't guess what Kirishima Shoko was thinking! [] Kirishima Shoko had a hard mouth and a soft heart. Although it was said that it was because of Xiao Bai that he didn't speak, Xiao Bai could still... Do you know what Kirishima Shoko is thinking?

However, Xiao Bai did not take Kirishima Shoko away and stayed with the two of them to watch the fighting scene.

Dumbledore and a group of professors from Hogwarts plus Hermione and Cassandra then went to deal with 6 Voldemort dogs and a Voldemort controlling Quirrell's body. How can I say it, it felt like it was just like this.

I beat myself up, it looked very interesting The appearance, especially the six clones fighting one body...

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