In the past, Xiao Bai transformed into the witches' closest relatives and loved ones in the illusions of those witches. Later, he killed their children with his own hands to drive these witches crazy.

However, because of the repeated illusions of reincarnation, almost all of these witches have become mentally retarded. However, as Xiao Bai imprisoned these witches here for a period of time, these witches gradually recovered. But there is one problem, and that is these The witch took what happened in the illusion of reincarnation seriously.

They regarded Xiao Bai as their lover.

The corners of Xiao Bai's eyes twitched slightly as he looked at these witches who were looking at him with deep hatred. How should I put it? Xiao Bai's mood was a little complicated now.

What happened between himself and these witches in that illusion was all fake. Xiao Bai didn't even personally participate, but only gave some guidance at some times, but now the result is that he was inexplicably hated and it was true. What's wrong is that Xiao Bai doesn't know what to say.

"Damn bastard, you 05 scumbag, beast, how could you do this, that is your child!"

The scoldings of these witches made Xiao Bai's scalp tingle. I'm afraid these witches are really sick in their brains. No, these witches are really sick in their brains. Xiao Bai couldn't help but look at the witches in front of him. Showing a headache

"Shut up, everyone."

Xiao Bai directly used some methods to shut up these witches, and then snapped his fingers. A memory suddenly appeared in the heads of these witches. This memory was combined with the memories in their illusions. , after that, the number of these witches increased and their faces became ugly when they reacted.

"Just kill me!"

Looking at Xiao Bai and these witches, they just want to die quickly. They don't want to be tortured by Xiao Bai like that again.

Xiao Bai glanced at these witches in front of him, and a trace of ridicule flashed through his life.

"It's not that easy to die. If you have always been mentally retarded, then it's okay to let you continue like this. But now that you have recovered, then"

The expressions of these witches instantly changed, their eyes filled with fear.

They would rather die than fall into that illusion, the despair, the feeling that life is worse than death.

However, Hanyu Genichi clearly had no intention of letting these people go like this.

"Xiao Bai, let us go, even if you want to kill us, we won't have any complaints, but please don't torture us in this way again!"

Looking at Xiao Bai in front of them, the witches begged Xiao Bai for mercy, but Xiao Bai did not intend to let these witches go. Each of these witches was guilty of many crimes. Originally, these had nothing to do with Xiao Bai. But they would not be able to let these people go if they were able to confess their feelings to Xiao Bai.

These individuals looked at Xiao Bai with pleading eyes, but Xiao Bai showed no mercy at all!

"Now that you know how to beg for mercy, why didn't you know that you would end up like this when you first set your sights on me?"

Smiling coldly, Xiao was about to send these witches into the illusion of reincarnation at once when a man from a tough guy appeared and took them all away.

Xiao Bai was stunned for a moment and then his face turned gloomy. come down

"Xiao Meiyan!!!"

Xiao Bai immediately thought of who did the good deeds, and then Xiao Bai laughed. Before

Youla came to Xiao Bai, and before Xiao Bai could react, I'm afraid Xiao Meiyan was already hiding quietly. In his own shadow, when he comes to this space now, Xiao Bai will immediately take these witches away

"It's really yours, Xiao Meiyan, and the rest of you too, but are you ready to bear my wrath?"

A trace of anger flashed in Xiao Bai's eyes.


"I'll leave these people to you, but what happens next is none of my business!"

Xiao Meiyan handed these witches to Yukinoshita Yukino and then prepared to leave. Xiao Meiyan doesn't want to go against Xiao Bai yet.

"None of your business? So why do you need to get involved? Since everything has been done, why is it none of your business?"

A faint voice came over, and then Xiao Meiyan saw someone she didn't really want to see.

"I just take these things personally and have nothing to do with me."

Xiao Bai smiled indifferently and then walked up to Xiao Meiyan:"Do you think this matter really has nothing to do with you? Or do you think I will just let it go?"

Xiao Bai's indifference gave Xiao Meiyan an ominous premonition.

Then Xiao Bai looked at Yukinoshita Yukino again:"You guys, how come you still can't change despite how many times I've told you? Yes, but you just can’t learn well!"

Yukinoshita Yukino looked at Xiao Bai and opened his mouth, but the next moment he realized how weak his sophistry was.

"I understand, but the punishment they received is enough, right?"

"enough? Who said that? Did I say that? Or do you think 947 is enough?"

Xiao Bai's words made Yukinoshita Yukino feel more and more uneasy.

"You may have heard of such things as good intentions leading to bad things."

The uneasiness in her heart has made it difficult for Yukinoshita Yukino to stand still.

"what do you want to do."

Xiao Meiyan looked at Xiao Bai with a hint of caution and vigilance in her eyes, but Xiao Bai just smiled and shook his head:"Don't worry, I won't do anything."

The more Xiao Bai behaves like this, the more people know Xiao Bai, the more they will understand what Xiao Bai is going to do."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Soon the memories of those witches in the illusion of reincarnation gradually overshadowed the original memories of these witches.

Afterwards, these witches were devoured by hatred in their hearts.

"This is a witch!"

Xiao Meiyan, others here saw these witches transformed into witches in Madoka Magica's world and screamed in disbelief.

"It's pretty cool, right? This is my proud work."

After hearing Xiao Bai's words, everyone glared at Xiao Bai.

"What on earth did you do to them!"

"I didn't do anything, I just made them fall into despair, and then gave them a little strength."

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