Xiao Bai chewed melon seeds and watched these people trying various methods for those witches but to no avail. Then he raised his head and glanced at the sky. The next moment, the corners of Xiao Bai's mouth turned up slightly!

I don't know when a crack appeared in the sky, but Xiao Bai didn't remind the others and just looked at it.

As time went by, cracks in the sky began to densely spread throughout the entire space. Only then did other people notice the cracks in the sky.

Shikama Yuan's face changed, and then Xiao Bai said lightly:"The false sky is going to be shattered, and Fanes' eggshell is going to be broken!"

The dense cracks that appeared the moment Xiao Bai's voice fell were directly visible. Broken apart.

Then the sky cracked, and countless black energy began to pour into this world. As those black energy entered this world, the world began to be assimilated directly.

In just an instant, 1/3 of the cut-off space in Mondstadt was turned into nothingness.

"Teyvat, it's over!"

The words that came out of Xiao Bai's mouth really made the other people's bodies tremble violently!

However, at this moment, those witches took the initiative to absorb their resentment and despair.

"Kill us, there is still hope like this, otherwise"

Alice's voice reached Shikama Madoka's ears, and Shikama Madoka's expression changed slightly.

But then Madoka Shikama knew the plans of these witches. As long as these witches were killed, it would be possible to save Teyvat.

But to do this, all these witches must be killed and they cannot be resurrected.

And even in this state, they may not be able to save Teyvat. In the end, it is very likely that they will not be able to save Teyvat after killing them, and the attempt will be in vain.

"Many times, everyone has to face their own choices. Just like now, can you figure out what your situation is? If Mondstadt is destroyed, there is a high probability that other countries will be affected and so many people will die. All of this is your fault. If you hadn't brought these witches out, this wouldn't have happened. matter."

Xiao Bai has not forgotten to kill people and punish the heart at this time. Didn't you bring out these witches?

Then you need to find a way to solve the consequences of these witches.

I have to say that Xiao Bai at this moment It really attracts hatred.

A group of people looked at Xiao Bai like this, their eyes filled with gnashing of teeth!

"Xiao Bai, you really deserve to die!!!"

Although these witches were brought out by them, if it hadn't been for Xiao Bai, there would never have been such a thing.

They even had reason to suspect that all of this was probably planned by Xiao Bai, the bastard. , Xiao Bai had long expected that such a situation would happen, so he deliberately caused such a thing, just waiting for them to bring people out and let things develop to this point.

"Don't accuse me casually, I really didn't do anything!"

Hearing Xiao Bai's words, Yukinoshita Yukino snorted coldly.

Even if this matter was not what Yukinoshita Yukino thought, it was designed by Xiao Bai, but Xiao Bai did it There is no doubt that it is a good thing

"I don’t understand why the world of Teyvat has offended you, so that you are trying every possible means to destroy it!"

Yukinoshita Yukino couldn't figure out how in this world of Teyvat, Xiao Bai could be so disgusted that Xiao Bai targeted him like this.

Xiao Bai glanced at Yukinoshita Yukino:"You still have the nerve to ask me?"

"Don’t you know how much this garbage world affects me?"

Yukinoshita Yukino couldn't help but remain silent. It seems that Xiao Bai's hatred of this world is not incomprehensible. After all, Xiao Bai seems to have never succeeded in what he wants to do in this world. For example, Xiao Bai Several times it seemed like Mondstadt was going to be destroyed, but every time there were various accidents. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

So it’s not impossible to understand Xiao Bai’s behavior?

Thinking of this After a while, Yukinoshita Yukino immediately understood why Xiao Bai hated this world.

"Xiao Bai, please save this world! Yukinoshita

Yukino said with a wry smile, Xiao Bai is the only one who can save the world now, and no one else can.

Xiao Bai smiled and said nothing, but the word"rejection" was written in his eyes. Save Who do people save?

How could Xiao Bai save people? Isn't this obvious bullshit?

Seeing Xiao Bai's completely indifferent look, Shikama Madoka finally lowered his head and did not speak again.

After taking a look, he had already transformed. The witch members who were witches closed their eyes and destroyed the witches transformed by these witch members.

The next moment, the witch members were wiped out instantly, leaving only a seed of lamentation.

Xiaomi Homura's first use time was Backtracking, but unfortunately, when time was about to go back, the black energy that originally poured in from outside the world at this time continued to prevent Xiao Meiyan from going back in time, and the world was not able to return to its original state. This state means it is useless. Even Xiao Meiyan’s time retrieval can’t prevent the destruction of this world.

"How is this going?"

Looking at Xiao Bai in front of her, Xiao Meiyan asked in confusion!

"You can indeed easily go back to a world, but now that the Sea of ​​Imaginary Numbers has entered this world, if you want to go back in time to this world, it is equivalent to restoring all the worlds in the Sea of ​​Imaginary Numbers. Time, no matter how strong you are, you can't do this kind of thing, so naturally you can't go back in time in this world."[]

Xiao Meiyan's expression changed and she said,"Doesn't that mean that this world will definitely be destroyed?"

"That's right, and you did it with your own hands. If it weren't for you, this world would never have been destroyed, so congratulations, Xiaomei Yan, for destroying a world!"

Xiaomeiyan's livid face was full of gloomy expressions. Even if Xiaomeiyan knew that Xiao Bai did this on purpose, Xiaomeiyan still couldn't help but get angry.

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