Xiao Meiyan couldn't bear it anymore. Xiao Bai had been mocking her. Now Xiao Meiyan couldn't stand this kind of ridicule from Xiao Bai. Xiao Meiyan wanted to fight Xiao Bai desperately.

However, Xiao Bai suppressed Xiao Meiyan with one hand until he could not move.

Seeing this scene, Shikama widened his eyes and said in disbelief:"Your strength has been upgraded to the multiverse level!"

Xiao Bai said with a smile:"It's okay, it's okay, it took so long to finally go deep into the world." He has reached the multiverse level."

When Madoka Shikame heard that Xiao Bai had reached the multiverse level, his eyes suddenly lit up when he looked at Xiao Bai.

"Your strength reaches the multiverse level and you are fully capable of saving this world. Even if this world is destroyed, you can still recreate this world, let alone"197" is just a repaired world.

Xiao Bai chuckled:"You still expect me to save the world?""

It is already magnanimous of Xiao Bai for not destroying this world with his own hands. Now there are actually people who want Xiao Bai to take action to save this world. Xiao Bai can only say that he is a good guy. This is too whimsical.

Seeing Xiao Bai's Looking at the god-like eyes, Madoka Shikama naturally knew that Xiao Bai would definitely not want to save this world, but Madoka Shikama didn't need Xiao Bai's consent. He glanced at Xiao Bai with a smile, and then Madoka Shikama directly raised his hand. Come.

The principle of the circle is cause and effect.

Almost instantly, Xiao Bai realized that his power had been borrowed.

A black line looked at Xiao Bai with round eyes. It was obvious that Xiao Bai didn't know what to say. What's better?

The cause and effect between Xiao Bai and Shikama Madoka has now indeed become an opportunity for Shikama Madoka to save the world. It's useless even if Xiao Bai disagrees. This is Xiao Bai's debt to Lu. Eyes are round, Xiao Bai's original achievement of the multiverse level was because Xiao Bai relied on the ring principle of Deer Eyes, so Xiao Bai must repay this cause and effect, and it is not enough. So now Madoka Shikama used Xiao Bai's power to save Teyvat through causality, and Xiao Bai had no reason to stop it.

This world is really poisonous to me!

Xiao Bai cursed secretly in his heart. It seems that in this world Xiao Bai thinks All kinds of accidents always happen when you can't do anything. It's really annoying.

The other people don't know why they can see a satisfied smile on their faces when they see Xiao Bai's gloomy face!

What Xiao Bai mocked before made people angry and reborn, but now it feels so comfortable.

"Aren't you very good at speaking? Why don't you continue?"

Xiao Meiyan sneered and mocked Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai looked at Xiao Meiyan and sneered in the same way:"Do you still want to be slapped!"

Xiao Meiyan's face suddenly turned cold.

Xiao Bai has never beaten these women. The only one who has been beaten is Xiao Meiyan. It can be said that only Xiao Meiyan is an exception.

Now Xiao Meiyan heard Xiao Meiyan After Bai's words, the expression on Bai's face was wonderful. His eyes looking at Xiao Bai were full of resentment and anger.

Xiao Bai ignored Xiao Meiyan's gaze and looked at Shikama Madoka. At this time, Shikama Madoka was in a round shape. The divine state of the Ring Principle.

As Shikama Madara transforms into the divine state and uses the Ring Principle, the originally destroyed Mondstadt is being repaired bit by bit, and even the originally broken False Sky is being restored.

See In this scene, the expression on Xiao Bai's face is so wonderful

"Sure enough, I hate this world!"

Looking at the world that was being repaired, Xiao Bai had an unhappy look on his face. Xiao Bai seemed to have never done anything successful in this world, and it was the same when he wanted to destroy Mondstadt. It’s really frustrating when all kinds of things happen that make you fail! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After seeing this scene, Xiao Bai no longer wanted to continue reading.

Xiao Bai’s His face became darker and darker, and the more he thought about it, the more annoyed he became. Xiao Bai could no longer control himself and wanted to destroy this world.

Feeling or noticing Xiao Bai's increasingly darker complexion, Yukinoshita Yukino He immediately realized that if Xiao Bai broke out, the world would definitely be doomed, so Yukinoshita Yukino already thought of how to prevent this from happening in just a moment..........

Yukinoshita Yukino went straight up!

Xiao Bai was caught off guard and was successfully attacked by Yukinoshita Yukino.

But Xiao Bai soon realized that Yukinoshita Yukino actually wanted to use this tactic to sneak attack him. Can Xiao Bai endure such a sneak attack from Yukinoshita Yukino?

Of course he couldn't bear it, so Xiao Bai immediately stretched out his hand to push Yukinoshita Yukino away, but unexpectedly Yukinoshita Yukino held the back of Xiao Bai's head tightly and looked determined.

Of course Xiao Bai can forcefully push Yukinoshita Yukino away, but the price for forcing Yukinoshita Yukino away is that Yukinoshita Yukino no longer wants his hands.

Xiao Bai didn't push Yukinoshita Yukino away with a dark face, and Yukinoshita Yukino breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Madoka Shikama moved very quickly, and in a short time, Teyvat's false sky was even restored. All the dead witches were resurrected.

At this time, Yukinoshita Yukino let go of Xiao Bai, but Yukinoshita Yukino's eyes were still fixed on Xiao Bai.

"If you dare to mess around, I won't be polite to you!"

Xiao Bai's cheek twitched slightly and then he said to Yukinoshita Yukino:"I would like to see how you can be rude."

However, after 5.6, Xiao Bai suddenly showed a sneer on his face again:"You are lucky this time, but how long can this false world last? I don't believe that Shikama Madoka can save him once. 2 times."

Xiao Bai's words made a group of people who had just let go of their heavy burdens suddenly tremble.

"The shattering of the false sky has attracted the peek of something"[]

Just now, Xiao Bai noticed that some evil gods seemed to be focusing their attention on this place.

"What a good thing you did?"

"Don't blame everything on me. I can only say that the world in Diwat is full of disasters."

After hearing such a sentence, the group of people suddenly felt that their chests were almost filled with anger.

"Good luck to you"

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