Since Xiao Bai became a multiverse level, Xiao Bai also gave these evil gods the same authority. These evil gods were no longer limited to one world, so these evil gods began to appear in any world. Xiao Bai would not be surprised at all..

But Xiao Bai didn't expect that a certain evil god would come to this world. It was really unexpected.

But it was unexpected, but now that what happened has happened.

Although Xiao Bai did not call this evil god, it was impossible to expect Xiao Bai to deal with it. Even in the first place, Xiao Baijiang hid all his aura in the world.

Just to prevent those foreign gods from noticing his aura and getting out of this world in despair.

And more importantly, after Xiao Bai became the multiverse level, these evil gods also successfully became the multiverse level. Although there may be a slight gap in strength, through the special characteristics of Cthulhu, these evil gods are not Inferior to most multiverse levels.

Therefore, no matter how powerful Shikama Madara is, there is nothing he can do against these evil gods. The point of these evil gods is not how strong these evil gods are but their pollution.

Those lives in Cthulhu highlight a pollution. As long as you hear the other person's name, hear the other person's voice, and see the other person's appearance, they can pollute mankind and all kinds of life.

So no matter how strong Shikama Madoka is, it is an unimaginable burden for all life in the world of Teyvat.

But all this is a good thing for Xiao Bai.

Because the appearance of the evil god represents the destruction of this world, even if Shikamu Madoka is strong, he cannot change everything.

If you want to save this world, it is simply impossible to rely solely on Shikame Madoka's strength.

Shikama Madoka knows it too, so now Shikama Madoka is looking straight at Xiao Bai.

"Even if you don't want to help, it shouldn't be a problem if you tell me what these weird things are.."

Shikama Madoka looked at those evil gods with some doubts in their eyes.

Although Shikame Madoka was able to avoid resisting this kind of pollution, other people obviously couldn't.

Therefore, Madoka Shikama wants to find out what these pollutions are. If possible, we must find a way to solve them by then, and then this world will be saved.

"Do you look like I'm going to tell you? Go to bed and don't think about these things."

Glancing at Xiao Bai fiercely, knowing that nothing could be learned from Xiao Bai, Madoka Shikama tried to find a way to understand this creature on his own.

Finally, he asked some relevant information from Yukinoshita Yukino. , although these pieces of information may not be useful.

Xiao Bai did not stay here anymore.

He was too lazy to intervene in Teyvat's affairs, so Xiao Bai was preparing to return to the Harry Potter world and did not know what the current Harry Potter world was. Condition


Then, after Xiao Bai returned to the Harry Potter world, Xiao Bai found that this world became more interesting.

The 7 Voldemorts directly dragged the entire wizarding world and even the Muggle world into the war.


A smile appeared on Xiao Bai's face, and the world of Harry Potter became more interesting.

That is, the hatred between the seven Voldemorts, coupled with the old ones such as Dumbledore and Grindelwald, Senior wizards support the show, otherwise the world would have already fallen under Voldemort's control.

"This world is really interesting."

After knowing what happened in this world, Xiao Bai directly sighed with emotion.

"But this way it becomes more interesting."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xiao Bai quite likes the chaos of this world. The more chaotic this world is, the more interesting it is.

Xiao Bai has no intention of looking for those Voldemorts again. Trouble.

Since those Voldemorts have now done things that satisfy Xiao Bai in their own way, Xiao Bai will naturally not bother him anymore.

As long as the next Voldemort can still bring fun to Xiao Bai, then Xiao Bai will not care about the others. So much, love it.

Xiao Bai has no interest in going to a place like Hogwarts. Xiao Bai plans to travel in this world to see if there is anything he hasn’t discovered yet.

Not to mention, Xiao Bai Bai really discovered that there are some things in this Harry Potter world that were not revealed in the movies.

Xiao Bai discovered some relics of ancient wizards, and some of the relics of these ancient wizards revealed some of what Xiao Bai knew. I know the myths.

The ancient dragons are not like the fire dragons today.

Then there are the goblins and the magician Merlin in the legend of King Arthur, but it is a pity that all these have become the past and even Xiao Pai found them. The place in the middle when King Arthur returned.

The lake has now disappeared and only a basin is left.

However, Xiao Bai still discovered one thing, that is, there is a folding space. As long as he finds the intersection of the folding space, Xiao Bai can enter that one. In the folded space.

Xiao Bai suspects that the folded space is probably the fairy country where the fairies are. Compared with the fairies outside,

The corner of Xiao Bai's mouth twitched slightly when he thought of the fairies he saw in Gringotts.

Are those things worthy of being called goblins?

What about goblins? You can kill goblins, but you told me they were goblins? []

As time went by, Xiao Bai quickly found the intersection of the folding space.

Xiao Bai could naturally force the entrance to the Broken Space and enter, but this would definitely destroy the Folding Space. Instead, he wanted to go in and see if the goblins in the Folding Space were the same as those in Gringotts.

If they were the same as those goblins in Gringotts, then there would be no need to live.

Let me disappoint Xiao Bai. All the goblins in this folded space are as ugly and disgusting as goblins.

Then Xiao Bai directly destroyed all these ugly fairies.

These ugly goblins don't deserve the name of goblins at all.

After killing these goblins by the way, Xiao Bai randomly sent all the wealth and various magic props accumulated by these goblins over the years to a certain place in this world..

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