The collection of goblins in the Goblin Kingdom for thousands of years was suddenly thrown all over the world. This suddenly aroused the greed of countless people, and even caused countless people to fight each other because of the appearance of these treasures.

The originally chaotic world has become even more chaotic because of the appearance of the fairy treasure this time, and people are dying almost all the time.

The sudden appearance of the goblin treasure made Dumbledore and the others immediately realize who was behind the scenes. There was no need to guess at this matter, they just needed to think about it with their brains to figure out who was behind the scenes..

Order of the Phoenix.

Many people in the Order of the Phoenix under Dumbledore also picked up the treasures of the Fairy Kingdom.

"I can swear that this is definitely the treasure of the goblin. These magic props and golden galleons have the emblem of the goblin on them. This is definitely the treasure of the goblin."

Dumbledore didn't say anything about the goblin treasures picked up by the members of the Order of the Phoenix. Whoever picked them up would belong to them, but with the appearance of the goblin treasures, a troublesome thing happened. Not everyone was the same. We welcome the emergence of fairy treasures.

Because the emergence of fairy treasures has caused some individuals to have small thoughts. After all, not everyone is willing to take risks with their lives, especially when the risks are not worth the relative value.

But now, as long as it is casual If you find a goblin's treasure, then you will be rich. When the time comes, wouldn't it be better to be a rich man anywhere than to put your head in your belt?

Not everyone in the Order of the Phoenix is ​​noble. Yes, Dumbledore is able to bring everyone together. This is Dumbledore's ability, but not everyone follows Dumbledore from the heart.

Just because of a goblin treasure, the Order of the Phoenix is ​​already in trouble. During the Schism, of course, Voldemort's Death Eaters were not much better. The only ones who were better were Grindelwald's Wiccan Party.

Compared to the Order of the Phoenix and the Death Eaters, the Wiccan Party It's more because they have faith in Grindelwald, so they don't care about wealth and the like at all. It is precisely because of this reason that the Wiccan Party has not taken any action.

"No matter who created these treasures, most people now want to collect treasures."

A group of people in the Order of the Phoenix are currently quarreling over the goblin treasure.

Some members of the Order of the Phoenix believe that they should focus all their energy on dealing with Voldemort instead of wasting time and energy looking for those so-called treasures.

But it is obvious that Some people are not happy. They think that they should collect as many goblins as possible to ensure that they get more wealth. With more wealth, they can summon more people to deal with Voldemort.

As for whether it is really a summons Whether more people go to deal with Voldemort or run away with their money and become a rich man is a matter of opinion.

"Do you want to gather people to deal with Voldemort? I see you ran away as soon as you found the treasure, you coward!"

In the Order of the Phoenix, some people were constantly arguing and others were defending.

On the second floor of the Order of the Phoenix, Dumbledore was expressionless at this time, as if he had not heard anything about what was going on downstairs. Dumbledore repeatedly declined.

"Because the issue of the goblin treasure is currently on the minds of the Order of the Phoenix, if we don't find a solution, we won't need to fight Voldemort at all and we will disband soon."

Mad-Eye Moody said to Dumbledore and other wizards. Naturally, other people knew what Moody said, but it was precisely because of this that they (bdfedeep numbness

"We can't ask them not to look for fairy treasures. To be honest, if it weren't for my strong will, they would all be tempted to look for those fairy treasures now."

The person who spoke was Arthur Weasley. To be honest, if he hadn't been determined, he would have run to find those goblin treasures.

After all, the treasures are too important to the Weasley family. The Weasley family It can be said that they are too poor to uncover the pot. How could the Weasley family miss the treasure if they don't seize this opportunity?

But in order to eliminate Voldemort, the Weasley family did not go looking for those treasures. Even they themselves are moved, let alone others, but they know very well that if they let things go like this, the consequences will be very bad. I am afraid that the

Order of the Phoenix will be completely ruined before it even takes action.

"I heard that the Death Eaters on Voldemort's side are similar to us. Most of the Death Eaters are now obsessed with finding goblin treasures and are actually obeying Voldemort's orders."

"This is a good thing, otherwise I really don't know what to say. After all, if those Death Eaters are united, it will not be good news for us."

Now there are 7 Voldemorts appearing in this world. If it weren't for the deep hatred and cooperation between the 7 Voldemorts, let alone the Order of the Phoenix, even if Grindelwald's Wiccan Party is added, they will definitely not be Death Eaters. opponent. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After all, the seven Voldemorts are more powerful than Grindelwald and Dumbledore, so the wizard must choose to join the Death Eaters instead of the Order of the Phoenix. Or the Wiccan Party.

But it's a pity that several Voldemorts don't know what sincere cooperation is. Otherwise, where would there be the Order of the Phoenix and the Wookclan Party? Voldemort and his dead apostles would have solved it long ago.

"If we want to deal with the Death Eaters now, there is only one way, and that is to let those Death Eaters kill each other, and we will reap the benefits, otherwise there will be no chance of a comeback."

"Voldemort is not stupid now and is not unaware of this matter. It is impossible for him to give us a chance to sow discord. Thank God that no one has taken action against us."

Dumbledore never spoke, because Dumbledore knew very well that it was useless for him to speak now. No matter how much he said, it would have no effect if he could not come up with a solution.


Moody looked at Dumbledore.

Understanding what he meant, Dumbledore had a helpless look on his face:"I'm sorry, I don't have any good ideas right now."

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