Headquarters of the Umbrella Party, Nurmengard

"After finally being calm for a while, something like this happened again."

Grindelwald has a headache. Originally, Xiao Bai should have lost interest in this world in Grindelwald's prophecy, but he didn't expect that Xiao Bai is back now.

Cassandra looked at Green in front of her Devo said respectfully:"Teacher, I want to go find Xiao Bai and have a good talk with him.~"

Grindelwald glanced at his student Cassandra, thought for a moment and then nodded.

"Then do what you want to do, I believe you will not let me down."

Grindelwald is very satisfied with this student. It is a pity that Xiao Bai has no interest in this student of his. She is beautiful, powerful, and proud.

For a man, conquering such a woman is undoubtedly very fulfilling, Xiao Bai He should not be able to refuse such a woman.

But the result made Grindelwald very disappointed.

Xiao Bai rejected Cassandra, and even did notThe slightest nostalgia

"Well, teacher, I will set out to find Xiao Bai now, hoping for a good result."

After Cassandra finished speaking, she bowed slightly and phantomed away in the next moment.

Not long after Cassandra disappeared, Grindelwald sent a letter and the recipient was undoubtedly Dumbledore.

Hogsmeade In the Pig Head Bar, Xiao Bai was drinking butter beer.

Butter beer is not an alcoholic drink. Although it has the word"wine" in it, it is just a drink.

"By the way, do you hate that brother of yours? Have you ever thought about casting Avada Kedavra on that brother of yours?"

Xiao Bai asked Aberforth behind the bar of the bar.

Xiao Bai was very interested. If this younger brother cast the Avada Kedavra on his older brother Dumbledore, then he would be interested. It will be interesting.

Aberforth, who was asked, glanced at Xiao Bai in front of him and then said with a cold face:"Although I hate that bastard, I haven't wanted to give him the Avada Kedavra yet." idea"

"So if you kill him, your sister can be resurrected, are you willing? The wine glass he was wiping in his hand fell to the ground. Aberforth looked at Xiao Bai in front of him:"Are you lying to me?""

"There is no need for me to deceive you. If you kill your brother, you can resurrect your sister. So what is your choice? Kill your brother who is almost old and is in the coffin and resurrect your sister who is still young, or you are already dead anyway. After so many years as a sister, it doesn’t matter."

Xiao Bai smiled very badly. The face of Aberforth in front of him was full of ferocious and struggling expressions. He was obviously very entangled and struggling with the matter of killing his brother and resurrecting his sister, and the look on the other person's face The entanglement and struggle made Xiao Bai laugh.

"Your personality really makes people don’t know how to describe you."

Cassandra appeared in the Pig Head Bar and looked at Xiao Bai and said softly. Xiao Bai glanced at Cassandra and her smile faded, with a look of disgust on her face.

"What are you doing here?"

After seeing Xiao Bai's look of disgust, Cassandra's mouth twitched slightly. Xiao Bai, a beautiful woman like herself, came to see him with this look of disgust.

"I want to ask you why you threw those goblin treasures everywhere. Do you want to start a fight in the world?"

"I'm not interested, I just did it because I wanted to"

"Do you want to see other people struggling just because you are interested? You are without a doubt a complete villain."

Cassandra's words aroused Xiao Bai's retort.

"Wrong, wrong, wrong, I can only be regarded as a fun person at most. If I were really a villain, then I would force him to kill Albus Dumbledore, then resurrect his sister, and wait for him to be resurrected. The sister then takes away his sister's life, and then laughs at his desperate look. Do you understand that this is a villain?"

Cassandra suddenly felt a chill all over her body.

Obviously, Cassandra did not expect that Xiao Bai would say such a thing.

After two long silences, Cassandra said to Xiao Bai:"So So you're not a bad person?"

"I can't say he's a bad guy, I can only say he's a fun-loving person."

Xiao Bai's answer once again silenced Cassandra. After a while, Cassandra asked Xiao Bai:"Can peace be restored to this world? Although there is a certain amount of peace between wizards and Muggles today, sooner or later those Muggles will do something to destroy the world."

Cassandra has learned about the weapons of the Muggle world. Cassandra even knows that the high-level officials in the Muggle world are now ready to destroy the world at any time.

Those big mushrooms are ready to be planted at any time.

So Kassandra knows Sandra can only relax Xiao Bai now, hoping that Xiao Bai can help solve the problem this time

"What does it have to do with me? Pursing her lips, Cassandra wanted to say something more, but the next moment Xiao Bai had already put an index finger in front of her lips and made a hissing gesture. (Read Baoshuang novel, Just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After seeing Xiao Bai’s actions, Cassandra shut up.

"Okay, stop talking, if you want a drink then I'll buy you a drink, but if you want to say something else, there's no need to speak."

"It's a kindness for me not to make this world more chaotic, so don't ask me to add some fun to this world by myself, then this world can't afford it."

Cassandra suddenly fell into silence.

Xiao Bai snapped his fingers, and a glass of butterbeer appeared in front of Cassandra.

"So please take your time, I'll treat you to this cup."

Cassandra sat down and then said to Xiao Bai:"In that case, can I ask about things in your world?"

"Which thing in our world are you referring to? Is it the first world, or other worlds after that?"

"If possible, can you tell me about it? I'm quite curious about this."

"Yes, yes, but it would probably be quite boring."

"It's okay, I think I have enough time"

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