Xiao Bai and Cassandra had been chatting in the Pig Head Bar for who knows how long. Although Xiao Bai knew that Cassandra was deliberately trying to get closer to him, what does it matter? People are the same. Xiao Bai didn't want to be a social animal and not even have a single person to talk to.

So Xiao Bai followed what Cassandra said. However, although Cassandra deliberately found a topic to chat with Xiao Bai to get closer, she was also very interested in Xiao Bai's world, so Cassandra listened very carefully to what Xiao Bai said.

Later, she learned about the world of Teyvat from Xiao Bai. After knowing that the world of Teyvat was on the verge of destruction, Cassandra's mouth twitched slightly, but she silently prayed in her heart not to let Xiao Bai do this in her own world. kind of thing.

It's a pity that in this world of"seven or eighty-three", I can't withstand Xiao Bai's torment.

Xiao Bai glanced at Cassandra and then asked with a half-smile:"Are you scared?"

Cassandra nodded affirmatively:"Yes, I am scared!"

Xiao Bai didn't respond to this sentence. No matter what she said, she just looked at Cassandra with a hint of smile in her eyes.

Xiao Bai did this on purpose, just to bet on Cassandra.

Obviously, Cassandra did let Xiao Bai get his wish. Now Cassandra is already considering whether to completely draw a clear line with Xiao Bai.

However, Cassandra soon noticed the half-smiling expression hanging on the corner of Xiao Bai's mouth and immediately realized that she had been tricked by Xiao Bai.

If Xiao Bai had ever wanted to do anything to this world, he would have been doomed so early.

Cassandra breathed a sigh of relief and said to Xiao Bai:"Your character is really a headache."

"Fortunately, he didn't turn into a complete scumbag after all."

Xiao Bai feels that his character is okay, at least he has not become that bad.

Cassandra heard that Xiao Bai still described herself in this way, and she didn't know what she should say. Thinking about it, Cassandra felt that this look was not wrong.

Xiao Bai with this look can indeed be said to be a normal person, although his personality is a bit bad.

But at least he doesn't look like Some villains also take advantage of their powerful power to do whatever they want.

Even strictly speaking, Cassandra has seen some guys who are more evil than Xiao Bai.

So Cassandra does not agree with what Xiao Bai said. I think there is something wrong.

Although Xiao Bai is not a good person, he does not seem to be a bad person. This should be said to be a blessing in misfortune.

Cassandra suddenly felt a little lucky in her heart.

Fortunately, Xiao Bai did not rely on Although he is not much better now, he is not like those people who rely on their own power to act recklessly. Cassandra took a deep breath and tried to ask Xiao Bai:"Then please ask Will you do anything to this world in the future?"

Looking at Cassandra who had the courage to ask him, Xiao Bai smiled and then shook his head:"I don't make any guarantees because I'm not sure when I will have new ideas."

Cassandra pursed her lips. Cassandra naturally understood the meaning of Hanyu Genichi's words, but it was precisely because she understood that Cassandra was speechless.

"Please let this world go!"

Xiao Bai put his finger in front of his lips and made a silent gesture.

"I told you we don't talk about these things."

Cassandra was a little reluctant but did not continue to speak after all. Even if she spoke, it would be useless. Not only would Xiao Bai not change his mind, but he would also anger Xiao Bai.

"Okay, so that's it for today, goodbye beautiful lady."

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he disappeared in front of Cassandra, and there was a small bag of gold galleons on the table in front of him. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Cassandra La felt a little unwilling but helpless.

The current result can be regarded as the best result. Although Xiao Bai did not agree to let this world go, Cassandra also knew one thing.......

As long as Xiao Bai is not provoked by Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai will not deliberately target anyone.

As long as he doesn't provoke Xiao Bai in the future, there won't be any big problems on his side.

No matter how chaotic this world is, at least it won't be too bad. If Xiao Bai takes action, then this world will really be completely finished!

After leaving the Pig's Head Bar, Xiao Bai came to the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic.

It is said that there is a door leading to the world of the dead here, which Xiao Bai is very interested in.

Every goblin has a secret realm of goblins, so what exactly is the world after the death of a wizard? This is really very curious.

After Xiao Bai arrived, he directly found the door of that office. I remember that in the original plot, Sirius seemed to have fallen into this door and got pigtailed. It was also the one who was in danger behind this door.

Now I have to enter this door after get off work to see what the so-called world of the dead is.

Xiao Bai stepped directly over the curtain-like thing, and finally Xiao Bai felt a strong suction force, which seemed to suck the soul out of the body.

The corner of Xiao Bai's mouth raised a smile. It was so interesting. This was clearly a trap. Xiao Bai 0.9 wanted to know who would fall into the trap now.

The so-called world of death is just a lie.

After entering this world of death, Xiao Bai's most accurate feeling was that this world was a prison. Later, Xiao Bai discovered some interesting things in this world. After the souls of the wizards died one by one, Like a figure.

Afterwards, Xiao Bai walked around this world but did not find the owner of this world. He shook his head slightly disappointedly and then turned around and left.

But before leaving, Xiao Bai took away several of the other party's collectibles.

After Xiao Bai left, a figure wearing tattered robes appeared..

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