Snape didn't believe Xiao Bai because of Xiao Bai's words, but looked at Xiao Bai in front of him: "How can I trust you?"

"It's very simple, I can even make the Dark Lord resurrect him 7 times, want to resurrect a dead ordinary woman, do you think it will be difficult?"

With Xiao Bai's words, Snape gradually combined Xiao Bai in front of him with another portrait in his memory.

Snape suddenly realized who the person in front of him was, and if it was the other party, then the other party could really help him resurrect the girl he had always wanted to see.

Seeing Snape's appearance, Xiao Bai knew that his plan had succeeded.

"I can bring you the girl you want to see, and what can you bring me?"


In order to be able to see the girl he wanted to see again, Snape did not hesitate to give Xiao Bai everything he could!

"Wise choice, you are much smarter than some people, obviously I gave him the opportunity to turn out but he was unwilling to pay, so I had to regret to take back the soul that was originally prepared for him, and you are smart. "

Xiao Bai casually threw Lily's soul to Snape, and Snape seemed to hold Lily's soul with his hands like a treasure.

"What does it take to bring Lily back to life? "

Snape asked Xiao Bai what he could do to bring Lily back to life.

"It's very simple, he can be resurrected if I have a thought, but you have to do things for me first, right, after all, I even gave you a deposit. "

Looking at the soul in his hand, Snape exhaled, "What do you want me to do!"

"You have to think about it yourself to see what can make me feel interesting, or you will kill Harry Potter, yes, this one, you go and kill Harry Potter, so now make a choice, do you choose Lily or Harry Potter. "

Snape's line was in the same situation as Aberforth.

If the two men agree, they have to kill Harry Potter, and if they don't agree, then Lily will not be able to resurrect, and this choice is unacceptable.

"Time waits for no one, and I don't want to waste too much time, so answer quickly whether you agree or disagree. "

"I agree!"

Snape chose to agree without any hesitation, the only thing that matters to Snape is Lily and not Harry Potter, the reason why he cares about Harry Potter is because Harry Potter is Lily's son, and he has the same eyes as Lily!

But if Lily could be brought back to life, what was Harry Potter, and Snape wanted to dismantle Harry Potter, and when he saw Harry Potter's face, Snape thought of Harry Potter's disgusting father.

"Go ahead, then, and trade Lily's head for Lily's resurrection. "

Hearing Xiao Bai's words, Snape picked up his wand without hesitation, and then went to Harry Potter, and today he didn't kill Harry Potter, and Snape's name was written upside down.

Looking at the departing Snapshaw, he pinched his chin and showed a meaningful expression on his face.

After Snape kills Harry Potter, Xiao Bai will let Snape resurrect the dead Lily as he wishes, but it is unknown how Lily will treat Snape at that time.

Xiao Bai's face showed a smile full of malice, Xiao Bai was disgusted when he looked at Snape's kind of dead licking dog, so Xiao Bai came to Snape, unlike the previous Aberforth was just an inconsequential joke, the one Snape in front of him, Xiao Bai really wanted Snape to die.

Licking a dog can't die well!

Especially the licking dog named Snape!

The thought of Xiao Bai, the licking dog named Snape, is disgusting!

When he was at school, he was bullied by James Potter and robbed the woman he liked, but he still guarded his son like this, and Snape was also the king of licking dogs.

...... (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

On the other side, Snape found Harry Potter, but Snape did not appear in front of Harry Potter, and the current strength of Harry Potter is not bad, and Snape does not plan to reveal his identity.

Snape plans to sneak up and kill Harry Potter!

"When I finish Harry Potter, we'll be able to be together, Lily. "

Holding Lily's figure in his arms, Snape muttered to himself.

Snape didn't know that Lily's figure was actually Lily's soul, but Lily could feel everything that smelled outside but couldn't speak, and Lily heard all the conversations between Snape and Xiao Bai.

But Lily couldn't make a sound anyway, and she couldn't stop Snape.

Seeing that Snape was about to kill his son, Lily was even more anxious, but there was nothing she could do.

Snape quickly waited for Harry Potter to be alone, and looked at the lonely Harry Potter Snape's eyes with murderous intent.

Looking at the face that was similar to the one he hated, the killing intent in Snape's heart rose wildly, and he quietly followed behind Harry Potter, and then Snape raised his wand.

Arvada... "

Suddenly, Snape stopped chanting the spell, not because Snape found out on conscience, but because Snape realized that he couldn't use the Avada Spell, and now the magic of love in Harry Potter has not disappeared, who knows if using the Avada Spell will bounce back to him.

So Snape chose another spell: "Blade without a shadow!"

The invisible blade slashed towards Harry Potter's neck.

In an instant, Harry Potter's neck was cut open, and blood burst out.

Dead, Harry Potter dead!

Seeing this, Snape suddenly felt as if something had broken free in his heart.

Looking at the dead Harry Potter, Snape felt as if he had broken free from the shackles.

At that moment, Snape directly apparitioned and left this place, and then returned home to find Xiao Bai: "I have killed Harry Potter, and now you can resurrect Lily." "

"Did you really kill Harry Potter?"

Xiao Bai snapped his fingers, and suddenly the picture appeared, only to see that the Harry Potter who was originally killed gradually turned into the appearance of the werewolf Lupin, and Snape's face instantly stiffened.

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