Looking at Snapshaw in front of him, he smiled and said, "It's a pity that you killed the wrong person!"

Snape's gaze was fixed on Xiao Bai, "Why?"

Snape couldn't figure out why Lupin had transformed into Harry Potter.

"Who knows, maybe it's because of various reasons that Harry Potter needs to perform a special mission, so that's why I do this, but I don't care so much, since you killed the wrong person, so naturally you didn't fulfill my request, and now you either go and kill Harry Potter again, or give up. "

Snape didn't speak, Harry Potter died today, and it didn't matter who came.

"It seems that you don't plan to give up, so keep trying, as long as you kill Harry Potter then I will resurrect the one you want to resurrect!"

Snape glanced at Xiao Bai and didn't say anything, and the killing intent for Harry Potter in his heart boiled directly.

Kill Harry Potter anyway, as long as you kill Harry Potter then you can bring Lily back to life.

Looking at Snape, who left again, Xiao Bai didn't care whether Snape could succeed or not, Xiao Bai just wanted to know that Lily Potter knew everything, so how Lily Potter would treat Snape like 813 after her resurrection would be very interesting.

On the other hand, the Order of the Phoenix looked at Lupin, whose corpse was already cold.

Sirius Black roared even more, wanting to go out and avenge Lupin, but was stopped by the others.

"What we're trying to do now is it's no longer safe to move this place, Lupin was killed just after he left, which shows that the other party already knows that our Order of the Phoenix headquarters is here, so we have to move.

Hearing this, Sirius Black roared directly: "Transfer your mother, Lupin is dead, I want to avenge Lupin, if you people don't dare to go, then don't stop me." "

The young man's face was a little ugly at Sirius's scolding.

However, the other party did not have any conflict with Sirius, everyone knows that Sirius is a mad dog now, who would be stupid to worry about these things with Sirius, and the other party may even bite you, so the other party simply ignored Sirius.

Sirius looked at the wound on Lupin's neck and said in a hateful tone, "It must be Snape, this wound on Lupin's neck must have been caused by the other party's Blade." "

"The problem is that Lupin was transformed into Harry's appearance before, and it is impossible for Snape to see through and hurt Harry, so it should be someone else!"

Hermione looked at Lupin's corpse with a hint of sadness in her eyes.

Lupin's death also made Hermione realize how dangerous they were now.

Sirius Black didn't say anything more, and now Sirius Black didn't know who the real murderer was.

"I have a way to get the murderer to fall into the trap!"

Moody stepped forward and said.

"What's the solution?"

"This method is very simple, that is, the other party's target is Harry Potter, so let Harry Potter become a bait to attract the other party, and the other party will definitely find out that Harry Potter was not killed by him, so he will definitely continue to act!"

"No way, I don't agree with this kind of thing!"

Sirius Black roared straight out.

"We don't really want Harry to come out as bait, we can use the Polyjuice Potion to make Harry look like and let the other person expose themselves, as long as the other person is exposed, then we can catch the other person. "

After hearing this, Sirius Black said directly: "Let me come!"

Sirius Black looked fierce, and the others didn't compete with Sirius Black for this one.

So Sirius Black disguised himself as Harry and wanted to lure Snape out, that is, Snape was not too familiar with Harry Potter and Sirius, and how could he not see that this Harry Potter was Sirius's disguise.

Having no intention of attacking Sirius, he crept into the safe house, and Snape slashed at Harry Potter's throat with a throat cut, but the next moment the shield appeared in front of Harry Potter. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Hermione looked at Snape with a somewhat complicated expression: "Sure enough, it's you, Professor Snape." "

Snape looked at Hermione in front of him expressionlessly: "Granger, sure enough, you were very clever enough to guess that it was me, and even realized that it was very likely that I would have seen through the disguise of the wild dog outside and stayed here to protect Harry Potter." "

Snape looked at Hermione in front of him, then stopped talking, raised his wand, and attacked Hermione and Harry Potter mercilessly.

But soon others returned.

Looking at Snape, their eyes were full of disbelief, and Sirius looked at Snape's eyes full of murderous intent: "You damn slug, I'm going to kill you!"

Snape didn't speak, just cast a spell and then planned to retreat, Snape was not stupid, even if he wanted to kill Harry Potter, he wouldn't stand up to so many people.

Let's not talk about whether he can kill Harry Potter, even if he kills Harry Potter, he can't leave, so Snape directly turned into a black mist and disappeared.

Watching Snape run away, Sirius was about to chase but was stopped by the others, and before Sirius could speak, the others said, "We're not sure if they're luring us away, do you want to put Harry in danger?"

Sirius hesitated for a moment, and finally did not chase out.

The others were skeptical: "How could Snape want to hurt Harry!"

Everyone couldn't understand how Snape could have hurt Harry, but only Hermione seemed to have guessed something and said with a complicated expression: "Maybe it's because you have to kill Harry if you want to save someone more important than Harry." "

"How could such a thing happen. "

"Professor Snape likes Harry's mother, so if someone threatens Professor Snape to kill Harry by resurrecting Harry's mother, do you think Professor Snape will agree?"

Suddenly, the crowd fell silent.

"Is this possible?"

Hermione looked at the people present and nodded, "Someone used the resurrection of Professor Dumbledore's sister to blackmail Professor Dumbledore's brother to kill Professor Dumbledore. "。

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