Looking at Snape, who fled in embarrassment, Xiao Bai shook his head at Snapeswan: "You're really useless, you can't kill a Harry Potter, just like this, you still want to resurrect Lily Potter?"

In the face of Xiao Bai's ridicule, Snape held his face and didn't say anything.

"Harry Potter I will kill, I will definitely kill Harry Potter, even if it is to exchange my life for Harry Potter's life, is it okay even if I die, but as long as I kill Harry Potter, you will resurrect Lily for me. "

Snape asked Xiao Bai.

"Of course, my promise will not change, as long as you kill Harry Potter, I will resurrect Lily Potter for you, and this will definitely not change. "

After getting Xiao Bai's answer, Snape took out the figure and handed it to Xiao Bai.

"I'll kill Harry Potter, and I'll resurrect Lily Potter myself. "

Snape wanted to say something more, but the next moment, a morphing phantom appeared in Snape's house, it was Dumbledore!

"It's coming pretty fast!"

Seeing Dumbledore, Xiao Bai was not surprised at all, but Snape, who was on the side, was full of vigilance in his eyes, and his eyes were full of vigilance, and his eyes were full of vigilance~ vigilance.

Dumbledore glanced at Shaw and Snape, then at Lily Potter's soul figure, "You shouldn't disturb someone who has already slumbered. "

"How do you know that when you die, you sleep, and do you think I made Lily Potter's soul like this?"

Pointing to Lily Potter's soul, Xiao Bai said with a smile.

Later, Xiao Bai took out another Ariana soul figure!

"This is your sister's soul figure, guess what kind of torture your sister's soul suffered in another world, oh, of course you don't care when I didn't say it. "

Dumbledore's face became ugly, looking at his sister's soul in his hand, Dumbledore looked at Xiao Bai, and said to Xiao Bai in a pleading tone, "Tell me!"

"I don't say what you can do with me!"

Xiao Bai's expression and tone were very unbeatable, but Dumbledore was helpless with Xiao Bai: "Please!"

"Imagine a person who can't move but has a clear consciousness, and then has been locked up in a dark place, and this time is permanent!"

Dumbledore's face changed instantly, and so did Snape.

"So Dumbledore, do you want your sister's soul to be in such a state forever?"

Dumbledore looked at Xiao Bai in disbelief: "This is fake, you are lying to me, the world after death should not be like this." "

"Are you sure it's not an illusion that the Grim Reaper gave you? Are you sure the Grim Reaper isn't deceiving you?"

For a moment, Dumbledore looked at Xiao Bai in despair.

"I think you should know something about the Resurrection Stone, you know that the Resurrection Stone summons false souls, but are they really false souls?

For a moment, Dumbledore's eyes were filled with disbelief.

Xiao Bai said to himself: "Then can you still say that death is another great adventure?

Dumbledore felt as if his throat was being choked by something, and his eyes were filled with despair.

"It's a pity, I would have resurrected your sister from that despair if Aberforth had killed you, but it's a shame he made a foolish choice, your sister Ariana will suffer the eternal darkness and loneliness. "

"Okay, then what needs to be said now has been said, you can do whatever you want, if you want to fight, as long as it doesn't affect me. "

Dumbledore wanted to say something, but he didn't know where to start. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Snape looked at Xiao Bai and said, "So Lily knows about killing Harry Potter, right? Once I kill Lily then you will resurrect Lily, and Lily knows everything I do." "

Xiao Bai didn't have any quibbles but directly admitted: "That's right, I'm looking forward to what Lily Potter will look like after she is resurrected, so it doesn't matter if you regret it now." "

0 begging for flowers

Snape looked at Xiao Bai expressionlessly: "As long as I kill Harry Potter, then you will immediately resurrect Lily, right?"

"Of course, I will never go back on what I said!"

Snape didn't say anything more, as long as Snape could resurrect Lily Potter, it didn't matter anything else, even if Lily Potter wanted to kill him later.

Snape glanced at Xiao Bai and then directly apparitioned away.

Dumbledore's face changed and then immediately changed his line and left, Dumbledore knew very well that Snape was probably going to Harry Potter, the purpose was to kill Harry Potter, and maybe even Snape would choose to die with Harry Potter.

Looking at the departing Dumbledore and Snapshaw White, there was a happy expression on their faces, all of which was too pleasant.

"Dumbledore and Snape, let me see what you're going to do. "

Xiao Bai casually threw Lily Potter's soul figure aside, not caring about Lily Potter's soul figure at all.

"Snape knows that you can feel all this outside, but he still wants to kill Harry Potter at all costs, and even die with Harry Potter, which is really touching and deep. "

Lily Potter is trapped in a soul figure but has nothing to do.

Snape on the other side did not kill Harry Potter directly, because Snape knew that he could not do it even if he wanted to die with Harry Potter, so Snape chose another way. []

Snape needs help!

Voldemort, on the other hand, was Snape's best helper.

Snape soon met Voldemort, and Snape told him what he meant.

Voldemort looked at Snape and said with a playful smile, "Severus, if I'm not mistaken, you used to protect Harry Potter even if you sacrificed your life, but now you want to kill Harry Potter?"

"In order to resurrect Lily Potter, Xiao Bai found me and used the resurrection Lily to ask me to kill Harry Potter. "

Voldemort's expression instantly became ugly.

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