If the last thing Voldemort wants to hear is whose name, then there is no doubt that it must be Xiao Bai, if it is possible that Voldemort is killed, he will not want to hear the name Xiao Bai again.

But Voldemort, who heard this name from Snape's mouth, could only look at Snape with a blank face.

"I need your help the Dark Lord, I'll kill Harry Potter, and if you help me keep Dumbledore and his members of the Order of the Phoenix in check, I'll kill Harry Potter. "

Hearing this, Voldemort's face was not very good-looking, Voldemort didn't believe what Snape said too much, after all, Snape had some truth...

To be honest, Voldemort felt that Snape's brain was a little bad, and for a woman who didn't love him at all to spend his life trying to protect a "zero-zero-zero" inconsequential Harry Potter, Snape's brain was properly sick.

Voldemort has no choice, although Snape said that he has a serious brain disease, but he has to say that Snape is a genius, so Voldemort did not do anything even if he hated Snape, a traitor.

After all, Snape is Xiao Bai's toy now, in case he kills Snape, wouldn't he want Xiao Bai to target him, and even he might replace Snape as Xiao Bai's toy.

So even if Voldemort was unhappy with Snape, he didn't kill Snape.

However, Voldemort also considered what Snape said, whether he wanted to help or not, and if he didn't help, would he be targeted by Xiao Bai, but if he helped, what good would it do him?

Fighting to the death with Dumbledore just to get Snape's attention, is that pure idiot?

How could Voldemort possibly do something that didn't benefit him, so Voldemort didn't even think about helping Snape.

Snape obviously knew that it would not be easy to get Voldemort to help him, so Snape gave a reason that Voldemort couldn't refuse: "I've developed a new potion, and if I drink it in one breath, I'll be able to get back to normal." "

Hearing this, Voldemort's eyes lit up, but his eyes were still full of doubt when he looked at Snape.

"Snape, how can I be sure that what you say is true?"

Snape didn't talk nonsense, just picked up a bottle of potion and handed it to Voldemort, looking at this bottle of potion Voldemort's eyes flashed a strange light.

A Death Eater was immediately called, and before the Death Eater could ask, his throat was slit by a spell from Voldemort.

Taking advantage of the fact that this one of his subordinates was not dead, Voldemort directly gave him the potion to drink.

The throat that had been cut open at a speed visible to the naked eye gradually recovered.

Seeing this, Voldemort looked at Snape with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

"Well done Snape, I was right, I was amazed by your potions talent.

Snape didn't pay attention to Voldemort's words, but looked at Voldemort: "Now our deal is okay." "

"Of course, give me the recipe for the potion and all the finished potions, and I'll stop Dumbledore for you. "

Snape directly handed over to Voldemort a pocket with the Space Stretching Charm cast, which contained all the potions Snape had boiled and the potion recipe.

Seeing Snape so acquainted, Voldemort nodded in satisfaction, there was no doubt that Voldemort was very satisfied with this kind of performance now.

"Then now you can go to Harry Potter, I'll leave Dumbledore without time to stop you. "

"I need an unbreakable spell. "

Voldemort's face instantly darkened, but in the end, Voldemort agreed for some reason!

After completing the unbreakable spell, Snape departed.

Harry Potter is dead, and it doesn't matter who Snape said.

However, Voldemort did not immediately stop Dumbledore.

For Voldemort now, stopping Dumbledore was a matter of the future, and now there was only one thing to do for himself. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Find yourself a substitute for the dead, although Voldemort said that he wanted to drag Dumbledore, but he didn't say that he wanted to drag Dumbledore himself, right, as long as he can drag Dumbledore, as for the rest of his own, the benefits have already been taken anyway, and it is impossible to spit out the benefits again....

And Voldemort wouldn't go to fight Dumbledore for such a thing, and now to fight with Dumbledore is not cheaper than other Voldemorts?

No one is stupid, so naturally they wouldn't do this kind of thing.

So although Voldemort said that he would not regret it, he would not be stupid enough to really fight Dumbledore, and would only use some other means to drag Dumbledore down.

The way to hold Dumbledore down is actually very simple, and it just so happens that Voldemort knows some ways.

Soon Dumbledore was overwhelmed.

Voldemort still had a hand at Dumbledore, and he had to rush to put out the fire just by letting the Death Eaters go to the Muggle side to cause some chaos.

At the same time, Voldemort also directly found the Muggle Queen, and the main one was to let Dumbledore know that he was dealing with him but was helpless.

However, Dumbledore also arranged for Harry Potter before leaving, and Dumbledore knew very well that Voldemort led him away and estimated what Snapda 1.9 would become, so Dumbledore directly brought Harry Potter to his side, which was completely fine.

Snape probably couldn't have imagined that Dumbledore would choose to take Harry Potter with him, which was really unexpected.

However, Snape, although a little helpless, still managed to deal with a member of the Order of the Phoenix, and then used the Polyjuice Potion to become a member of the Order of the Phoenix.

Snape planned to trade his life for Harry Potter's life, as long as he killed Harry Potter, he would earn blood.

Not only can you take revenge, but you can also resurrect the person you like, isn't this blood gain?

Just as Snape was interested in finding Harry Potter, Dumbledore did spot Snape.

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