When Dumbledore saw Snape, he looked directly at Snape and said, "Even if you resurrected Lily, but you killed Harry, what are you planning to make Lily think of you?"

Snape simply ignored Dumbledore's words, all Snape wanted was to resurrect his dead lover even if it was his own life, and even Snape had no desire to live.

exchanged his life for Harry Potter's life, this way, as long as he killed Harry Potter, Xiao Bai would resurrect the dead Lily as promised, and then he was already dead and gave Lily an explanation.

Dumbledore had obviously seen Snape's thoughts, and just shook his head at Snape: "You forgot one thing, the dead are lucky, and the living are only miserable." "

Snape's eyes wavered slightly, but soon Snape was generally firm, and Snape didn't care so much.

What is the situation in the world after death, Xiao Bai has clearly told Snape, and now Snape wants to do only one thing, that is, to resurrect the person he loves deeply, as for the other Snape 23 Snape don't want to care so much.

Dumbledore saw that he couldn't convince Snape, and his face showed a bitter expression, so he could only helplessly say to Snape: "If Harry died, do you think Lily would still live alone?

Dumbledore's art of language shook Snape directly.

There was a hint of confusion in Snape's eyes, and he didn't know if he should or shouldn't.

But Snape's eyes turned cold again, and he stopped talking to Dumbledore.

Snape had realized how terrible Dumbledore's eloquence really was, so Snape made the easiest choice, that is, not to listen to Dumbledore, as long as he didn't listen to Dumbledore, he wouldn't be fooled by Dumbledore.

Dumbledore wanted to say something, but he was greeted by a spell from Snape.

Snape didn't give Dumbledore a chance to speak, and one spell after another shot at Dumbledore frantically.

Dumbledore didn't want to let himself kill Harry Potter, so he had to do this thing, he had to kill Harry Potter no matter what, and only by killing Harry Potter himself could he resurrect Lily, as for what happened after that, Snape didn't want to care so much.

In a word, love what's wrong.

Voldemort on the other side also found out about the battle between Dumbledore and Snape, and Voldemort was already ready to run away, but he didn't expect Snape's sudden kill to make Voldemort not want to leave.

Voldemort wants to take advantage of this opportunity to teach Dumbledore a good lesson, so you can call him Dumbledore!

Today's Either Harry Potter is dead, or Snape is dead.

Killing Snape with Dumbledore's hand or Dumbledore with Snape's hand would be a good thing for him.

Dumbledore naturally thought of Voldemort, and Dumbledore realized that the current Snape was Xiao Bai's toy, so there was a high probability that if he killed Snape, then he would inevitably be targeted by Xiao Bai.

Dumbledore didn't want to become Xiao Bai's toy, to put it mildly, he didn't know how to die after becoming Xiao Bai's toy, and it was difficult to even want to die.

Therefore, Dumbledore will not kill Snape, because killing Snape will only make Dumbledore targeted by Xiao Bai.

However, Voldemort also understood that he had to intervene at this time, and if he didn't intervene, he was afraid that it wouldn't be long before Snape would be easily taken down by Dumbledore, and his purpose of wanting to make trouble would obviously be frustrated.

With Voldemort's help, Snape didn't plan to entangle Dumbledore too much, and Snape had only one purpose, which was to kill Harry Potter.

Dumbledore was entangled by Voldemort, and Snape's side was unchecked, and Harry Potter suddenly became dangerous.

But fortunately, at this time, Sirius Black appeared and saved Harry Potter in time.

Sirius Black then looked at Snape and said, "You damn slug, I'm going to kill you to avenge Lupin!"

Seeing Sirius Blacksnape's eyes, there was also a hint of hatred, for the Sirius Blacks in front of him, Snape's bones were false if he wanted to say that he didn't hate, the original Snape was almost killed by Sirius Black, and now Snape's enemies are naturally very red-eyed when they meet.

Seeing that the two of them were directly angry, Dumbledore reminded Sirius: "Don't kill Snape." "

However, where can Sirius listen at this moment, if he doesn't kill Snape, then how can he avenge Lupin?

When Voldemort next to him saw this scene, his eyes flashed slightly, and 520 flickered for a moment, but he didn't say anything, but instead let go of Dumbledore's restraint.

Dumbledore knew Voldemort's intentions, but he was helpless, unless Dumbledore was willing to watch Sirius become Xiao Bai's doll after that, otherwise he would not be able to let the other party kill Snape.

His heart was full of helplessness, Dumbledore smiled bitterly, I'm afraid all this is in Xiao Bai's calculations.

Dumbledore said silently in his heart.

I'm afraid all this in front of me is in Xiao Bai's expectation, the world seems to have become Xiao Bai's chessboard, and they have become chess pieces that are held by Xiao Bai in his hands.

However, just when they were inextricably linked, Hermione and Kassandra also appeared, and at the same time, Grindelwald naturally came.

Seeing Grindelwald and them coming, Voldemort hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to leave.

As soon as Voldemort left Snape, he was immediately defeated by Dumbledore.

Snape, who was under control, looked at Dumbledore expressionlessly, and gradually the corners of Snape's mouth showed a sneer: "Dumbledore, do you guess what he will do next if I don't finish his script?"

Looking at Snape, Dumbledore had a complicated expression.

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