Dumbledore stopped Snape, which is equivalent to ruining Xiao Bai's script, so will Xiao Bai let Dumbledore go?

This answer was obviously predestined from the beginning, Xiao Baike was still provoking Dumbledore's younger brother to kill Dumbledore, and now how could he let Dumbledore go, so from the beginning, Dumbledore had no choice.

Xiao Bai would not let him go, and Dumbledore himself knew this.

But even then, Dumbledore couldn't have watched Temple Tip kill Harry Potter.

Snape looked at Dumbledore with a vengeful gaze, and Snape was a puppet of Dumbledore almost all his life.

Now Snape is only full of resentment towards Dumbledore, and Snape resents Dumbledore even more, if it wasn't for Dumbledore to stop him, he would have killed Harry Potter and resurrected Lily.

It was Dumbledore who prevented him from resurrecting Lily, so under the old and new hatreds, the current Snape only wanted to kill Dumbledore.

Dumbledore fell silent in the face of Snape's hateful gaze.

Dumbledore naturally understood how much hatred Snape had in his heart, but none of this mattered to Dumbledore, Dumbledore knew that what he was doing was not wrong, and that was enough, even if even Lily would hope that he could stop Snape from doing such a stupid thing.

But to say that you don't have any thoughts about this matter in your heart is obviously false.

Dumbledore thought of his sister when he talked about Lily, Dumbledore could be reasonable, but when he thought of his sister, Dumbledore's heart couldn't calm down!

His sister has been in eternal darkness and loneliness like that, and what a torture this is for his sister.

Dumbledore couldn't have imagined what that would have been.

But Dumbledore understood that all this was torture given to him by Xiao Bai, what could he do, he couldn't save his sister?

Even Dumbledore couldn't rise up in his heart to save his sister.

Dumbledore knew that if he had such thoughts, he would not be able to endure it any longer, and that the time would come ...

Dumbledore was willing to trade his life for his sister's life.

Throwing the thoughts out of his mind, Dumbledore let out a deep breath.

At this moment, Dumbledore knew exactly what he had to do.

Pressing down on the thoughts that shouldn't have appeared in his mind, Dumbledore immediately cast a spell that made Snape unconscious.

Sirius Black looked at Snape, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Blake, don't do impulsive things. "

Seeing Sirius, that murderous look Dumbledore Ric stopped Sirius, and couldn't let Sirius really do anything crazy, otherwise Xiao Bai probably wouldn't have taken this matter over so easily, Dumbledore was almost sure that if Snape died, then Sirius Black would be next.

Dumbledore told Sirius in detail about Xiao Bai, and Sirius suddenly showed a look of struggle in his eyes after hearing this.

"If they're targeting me, will they resurrect Jaime?"

Dumbledore looked at Sirius and was silent for a moment, then replied calmly, "If the other party wants you to kill Harry for the same thing, then what will you do?"

Sirius's face suddenly twisted.

"Snape can kill Harry to resurrect Lily, and can you kill Harry to resurrect James?"

Sirius was unable to answer the question.

"Don't think about these things, Xiao Bai is a demon, even if you kill Harry, but what do you make Jaime think if he is resurrected?"

Sirius fell silent. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

On the other side, Grindelwald came to Dumbledore and looked at Dumbledore: "It looks like you guys have a lot of trouble on your side!"

Dumbledore ignored Grindelwald, but Grindelwald said to Dumbledore, "Since you don't dare, why don't you let me try." "

After saying that, Grindelwald raised his wand and sent Snape away with a direct Avada Death Curse, and Dumbledore didn't even realize that Snape's body was already cold.

Dumbledore looked at Grindelwald in shock and rage, a look of disbelief on his face.


Dumbledore looked at Grindelwald angrily!

Grindelwald didn't care: "I really want to know who Xiao Bai will let me kill, you?"

Dumbledore looked at each other angrily.

"Do you want to know that?"

Xiao Bai's voice appeared in Grindelwald's ears, and Grindelwald looked calm.

Xiao Bai continued: "Since that's the case, then I'll give you a chance." "

"I will wipe out all the power of wizards in this world, let wizards become ordinary people, and only you are a wizard, and then let those Muggles capture those wizards who have lost their power, and then you are enough to change this situation, then I will fulfill one of your wishes?"

Grindelwald's expression gradually darkened.

The other people's expressions also became horrified, they did not expect that this could be the reason for this. (of No's)

"It's not much for you, but I haven't thought of anything more interesting for the time being, so now Grindelwald should work hard and let me see what you can do. "[]

Xiao Bai just slapped his palm, and in an instant, except for Grindelwald, all the other wizards lost their magic power.

"How can this be, how can we become Muggles with our magic. "

These wizards apparently could not accept the fact that they were Muggles.

The next moment the Muggle helicopters and the army began to appear to capture these wizards, countless tranquilizer bombs shot directly at these wizards, and the next moment these wizards fell to the ground and fell unconscious.

"Then I'm looking forward to your performance Grindelwald. "

Xiao Bai disappeared suddenly after leaving this sentence.

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