Grindelwald fled with Kassandra and Hermione, and as for the others, Grindelwald had no choice, and Grindelwald was the only one who dared to guarantee that if he dared to stay here, those Muggle missiles would fall from the sky in the next moment.

Taking Hermione and Kassandra back to Newmengard Castle, Grindelwald took a deep breath and said to Kassandra and Hermione, "Now I need you two to find a way to gather other wizards, at least these wizards can't fall into the hands of Muggles and let all wizards be hidden." "

"Teacher, are you going to save Professor Dumbledore?"

"Those wizards are the best of the best, we can't let them die on a Muggle dissecting table like this!"

Grindelwald looked at Kassandra and Hermione, and Grindelwald obviously understood that this time it was his fault, if it wasn't for himself, he wouldn't be like this now.

Grindelwald wants to atone for his sins, but Grindelwald also knows that the words of a person now can't change the current world, and Green030 Devo needs more wizards to join in and work together with himself.

Although the wizard said that he had lost his magic powers, he still had potions and various alchemy items, and Grindelwald believed that he would be able to change the current situation.

Kassandra and Hermione didn't say much.

They also need to find a way to change all this now, the current Muggle government doesn't know the wizarding list, and once the Muggle government finds out these wizarding lists, they will really be finished.

Pure-bloods, at least Muggle-born wizards are registered with the Muggle government.

When the time comes, those Muggle government people will arrest Muggle wizards' relatives without catching Muggle-born wizards, so what can they do then?

Hermione immediately informed her parents and told them to hide through the Cauldron Bar using Floo Powder.

Later, Kassandra also contacted her family through the owl and told them to leave the house quickly and find a place to take refuge.

After all this, Kassandra's mood was a little complicated.

On the other hand, other innocent wizards were affected, and they were eager to bite Grindelwald to death who caused all this.

All the wizards that Grindelwald had damn had lost their powers, and they couldn't use a single spell right now.


In one of the Muggle research bases, wizards were dismantled and soaked in formalin, and the Muggles found that the internal organs of the wizards' bodies were no different from themselves.

These Muggles simply couldn't find the real reason why wizards were able to use magic.

"Damn, why the hell these wizards are able to use magic, and where does their magic come from!"

"Could it be the power of idealism, but it's simply impossible?"

"Damn wizards!"

Apparently these Muggle researchers were very envious of wizards, they hated that they had no magical powers, they hated that they couldn't use magic, so they dissected them mercilessly.

"Keep catching a wizard for me, I don't believe that all wizards are the same as normal people!"

Dumbledore, the other captured wizards, watched one wizard after another, without even taking anesthetic, being sent to the dissecting table and dismantled into various parts, with a look of pain in their eyes.

"Dumbledore, can your love save and change all this?" (CFAE)

A wizard said to Dumbledore, but it was clear from the other party's words that the other party was not Dumbledore's man, and it was even likely that he was a Death Eater or something.

Dumbledore didn't speak, just looked at the Muggle researchers in front of him, his eyes were full of complexity, and his eyes were even more sad when he saw the dissected wizard on the dissecting table.

However, at this moment, the blue flames appeared in the void, and then the Muggle researchers in the next moment were instantly burned to ashes, and then Grindelwald stepped on the flames and walked out, looking at the wizard on the dissecting table, and a trace of hatred flashed in his eyes.

Because that wizard was Grindelwald's subordinate.

Grindelwald walked to the dissection table and closed the eyes of the wizard with his hand, and then Grindelwald looked at Dumbledore: "Wizards and Muggles can never live in peace, either Muggles destroy wizards or wizards destroy Muggles." (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After hearing this, Dumbledore just looked at Grindelwald in front of him and said, "Grindelwald, not all Muggles are like this?"

"Does it matter? the hatred between Muggles and wizards can't be erased, and what can you do now!"

Grindelwald's bland words rotten Dumbledore closed his eyes.

Now only Grindelwald has the magic of wizards left in the world, and all the other wizards have lost their magic powers.

Even if Dumbledore wanted to stop Grindelwald, what could Dumbledore do.

Dumbledore couldn't do anything now.

However, at this moment, an alarm sounded in the base, and then a narcotic gas began to spew from the roof, and Grindelwald snorted coldly and waved his wand, and in an instant, a wind blew the gas away.

But then Grindelwald didn't waste any more time, and directly waved his wand to untie Dumbledore's body, and said to Dumbledore, "Hold my hand." "

Everyone who needed the next moment disappeared instantly, but the blue fire was burning, and then without Grindelwald's control, the blue fire instantly lost control, and the entire base was burned in an instant.

At the same time, the flames are still burning along the base towards the outside, and if not controlled, then the flames will burn the entire city to the ground.

Grindelwald was warning the Muggles that he could destroy the world.

But Grindelwald apparently forgot one thing: Muggle technology can create a vacuum, without vacuum, without oxygen, even if even the fire is finally extinguished.

His own fire did not cause the desired results, which was beyond Grindelwald's expectations.

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