After all the Watts searched together, they finally found the cat goddess, but this goddess was not too friendly. It seemed that the goddess disappeared because they were disturbed by those who were looking for her. Gone

"This goddess seems to hate us."

Looking at the cat goddess disappearing again, Lisa had a helpless smile on her face.

"Anyway, I can't give up on you like this, right?"

"It is said in this way, but the problem is that if we find the other party and run once, then this way of saying it is a pure waste of time."

"But what can we do otherwise? This goddess is not willing to talk to us at all?"

A group of people had sad faces on their faces. It was obvious that they were also very worried about this kind of thing.

Ying was also a little helpless. They were not like this before, but they didn't expect to be like this now. Got it

"So what should we do now? Depending on the situation, it is obvious that the other party is unwilling to conclude a contract with us."

"Let me ask the goddess of dreams first!"

Ying asked the goddess of dreams, hoping to get some news she wanted from the goddess of dreams. However, what Ying didn't expect was that she heard bad news from the goddess of dreams.

"These evil gods will not make a contract with the people of Mondstadt."

Ying looked at Lisa with a strange look on her face and answered. After hearing this news, Lisa felt completely bad.

"Do these evil gods still engage in regional discrimination?"

"It’s not that these evil gods engage in regional discrimination. The main reason is that Xiao Bai hates Mondstadt, so these evil gods also instinctively hate Mondstadt. Virtuous people have no chance."

In an instant, the corners of the mouths of a group of people twitched. They felt that they were about to burst out uncontrollably, and they could no longer be unreasonable!

"Because Xiao Bai is the leader of all the evil gods, those evil gods will also hate Mondstadt because of Xiao Bai. In other words, it is completely impossible for the people of Mondstadt to make a contract with those evil gods!"

I'm so angry!

All the Mondstadt people present are trembling with anger. Is there any more justice from heaven or king's law?

I'm so angry, so angry.

"Otherwise, shall we split up?"

A group of people looked at me and I looked at you. In the end, Ayaka Kamisato said, if this continues, I am afraid that no one will be able to play in the end, so it is better for the blind people to go first.

A group of Mondstadt people Although there was no rebuttal, the expressions on their faces were really not good-looking.

However, in the end, these Mondlanders left without saying anything more. If they continued to stay, they would only embarrass themselves, so they simply looked like this. It's better to leave. At least she can leave a little dignity for herself.

After a group of Mondstadt people returned to Mondstadt City, they couldn't bear it anymore.

"Why does Xiao Bai keep targeting us like that? Have we done anything wrong? So much so that Xiao Bai looked at him like this!"

Amber complained angrily. Although the other people did not speak, they obviously had similar thoughts to Amber.

Xiao Bai has been targeting Mond, and even now, Xiao Bai has not let Mond go.

What evil did Mond have done that made Xiao Bai keep targeting Mond like this?

Captain Qin was very unconvinced.

"It's useless not to be convinced. You should know what kind of situation you are in. To be honest, even if Xiao Bai goes too far, at least Xiao Bai has not done it himself until now. For this, we should thank Xiao Bai."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I was speechless immediately.

If Xiao Bai took action personally, then they would be completely finished.

"But I am not willing to be treated differently and targeted like this."

Amber was aggrieved, but Yukinoshita Yukino actually sighed and then waved her hand casually.

"But I do have a way to directly disband Mondstadt and merge it into Liyue. I can't continue to target us like this."

The group of people suddenly fell silent. Disband Mondstadt and merge into Liyue?

Captain Qin subconsciously wanted to refuse, but Yukinoshita Yukino's next words really made Captain Qin silent.

"If things really get to the point of no return, this method is the last chance to save Mond."

There was silence for a moment. Captain Qin knew very well that what Yukinoshita Yukino said was right. If things really come to that point, the only thing that can really happen is to disband Mondstadt and then everyone joins Li.

"Okay, let's leave this matter as it is. There's no point in continuing to discuss it."

Yukinoshita Yukino ended the conversation directly, and there was no need to continue the discussion.


On the other side, Kamisato Ayaka and Nilu are trying their best to find the cat goddess. People in Mondstadt cannot sign contracts with these evil gods, so obviously they can. 153 As long as they find the Cat Goddess, they will have the opportunity to sign a contract with the Cat Goddess

"But the problem now is that it is not easy for us to find this goddess. This goddess seems to be avoiding us consciously now."

"Leave this matter to me. I have a way to find that goddess."

Ying patted his chest to express that he could handle this matter easily by leaving it to himself.

Paimon complained on the side:"Who gave you this confidence that you dare to say such a thing? Aren't you worried about being slapped in the face when the time comes? You forgot that you had vowed before that you would be able to make a contract with the Cat Goddess, but in the next second she became the Cat Goddess."

Before Paimon could finish speaking, he directly grabbed Paimon and twisted Paimon's neck. With a click, Paimon suddenly fell softly to the ground. Seeing this scene, Navia was She was startled and then asked:"Ying, you won't really kill Paimon."

Ying said with a calm expression:"Don't worry, it will be fine after a while. Paimon will not be so easy now." He was killed."

Everyone who heard Ying's words looked at Paimon with sympathy for some unknown reason..

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