Soon the group found the Cat Goddess again. This time, the Cat Goddess did not leave.

"If you find me, then according to the agreement, I will give you a chance to challenge me. As long as your challenge is successful, I will make a contract with you, but if you fail, you are not allowed to look for me again."

Directly tell these people that if they can't do it, then there is no need to look for themselves anymore.

To be precise, the Cat Goddess is already fed up with these individuals, so she gives them a chance.

If they fail, then Just let them change their target, as long as they don't bother them, it'll be fine.

After listening to it, they discussed it and nodded decisively.

"Then the rules are still the same. As long as you can catch me, I will sign a contract with you. If you can't, then you lose!"

There was just a slight hesitation, and then everyone agreed to this condition. There was nothing else but that they understood that if they refused, then heI'm afraid I won't be able to find the Cat Goddess next time, so I might as well agree directly.

"But we also have a condition, that is, in addition to those people you hate, we also have other people to participate!"

"Okay, the number of people cannot exceed 100, so now you can go and call people over. I will announce the rules of the game after everyone arrives."

Then she passed the news to others as quickly as possible. After everyone arrived, the cat goddess announced the rules of the game.

"I will hide in this country and become anything I want, and you will find me within a month. As long as you can find me, it will be your victory."

"Wait, is this a bit too broad?"

It's really a country, but it's impossible no matter how you think about it, the cat goddess can take on any shape.

100 of them have to find the disguise of this goddess within a month. It’s impossible even to think about!

"I don't care. Anyway, if you can't find me, then you lose and you won't be allowed to find me again."

After hearing this sentence, everyone fell silent for an instant.

This goddess seemed not to be easy to get along with at all. A group of people subconsciously looked at Ying next to them. After all, it was Ying who brought them here. I was looking for this goddess, so I didn't know if there were any other means.

Ying was numb by the other party's gaze, then looked at the cat goddess and said:"Last time, didn't I win as long as I caught you? And now?" What's happening here?"

"The rules of the game are naturally different from the last time. You can choose not to play, but the rules of the game must follow mine!"

Now it is completely a seller's market. If the other party is not satisfied, they can choose not to play.

But is it possible?

It is obviously impossible. If it were not for the contract with the Cat Goddess, why would they bother so much? So even if it is the Cat Goddess No matter how harsh the conditions were, they had to continue.

After seeing that these people were meaningless, the Cat Goddess showed an elegant smile:"Very well, it seems that you have no objection, then you will take care of the rest." Bar."

The next moment the cat goddess disappeared again

"fluorescent? Where should we go to find the cat goddess?"

A group of people looked at Ying and asked. However, Ying didn't know where to look at this time. The confused Ying stared at the people in front of him with his mouth agape, and finally stammered:"Otherwise, we should separate. Go find it."

Seeing Ying's appearance, they knew that Ying probably had no good solution. Everyone nodded and acquiesced to this sentence without saying anything more!


Not only those contestants are looking for it, but everyone on Xumi's side has also been informed that if they find anything extra or something strange, they must be notified immediately. This is for the entire world. Let’s find strength together. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although there are only 100 contestants, there are countless people who provide support.

However, no one actually has any expectations about whether the cat goddess can be found. Who can find the cat goddess if she is hiding, especially when the cat goddess does not want to be found?

"I said Idhela, help me, find the cat goddess quickly!"

Ying made a request to the goddess of dreams with whom she had made a contract, but Idhela ignored Ying. Although she signed a contract with Ying, this does not mean that Idhela accepts Ying as her master.

The two Individuals have an equal contract, so Idhela can completely ignore Ying's request.

".Help me find the cat goddess and I will tell you some of Xiao Bai's secrets."

In the end, I had to propose a deal. As expected, Idhela, who had not responded since I proposed the deal, spoke this time.

"You'd better tell the truth and if you lie to me then I'll make you pay!"

"Of course, this is a transaction, so help me find the Cat Goddess and I will tell you a secret about Xiao Bai!"

"make a deal!"

Without any hesitation, Idhela agreed to the deal with Ying. Idhela was very curious about Xiao Bai's secret!

"So let’s talk about how to find the cat goddess!"

"Cat, find a black cat and I'll tell you what to do next!"

Hearing this, Ying without any hesitation (Qian De) went directly to find a black cat to drag him.

After that, Ying followed Idhela's instructions and started to drag the black cat in Xumi. Wandering around[]

The black cat's field of vision is different from that of humans. The cat goddess can avoid human vision, but cannot hide from the black cat's field of vision. So as long as the cat sees the cat goddess, it will definitely take the initiative to get close to the cat goddess. You can find the Cat Goddess.

But this is not a simple project!

After all, Xumi is not a place that Xiaoying wants to find the Cat Goddess with a black cat within a month. It is really not easy, but the good thing is that there are still 100 people working hard with him.

Ying also told this method to other people. Whether they can find a method in the future depends purely on God's will!

After all, it's a bit difficult for Xumi to find someone he knows well at such an old age..

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